Monday, September 26, 2011

The inexpressive to Buying a Home After Foreclosure

Buying a home after foreclosure is not impossible, despite what some population say. You do not have to wait years and years. Your life is not over and yes you will recover. I promise.

The up-to-date mortgage meltdown has caused many tales of woe. Friends of mine offer just such a tale.

Bank Orchard

Rex and Angie were married just 6 months when they decided to buy a home 5 years ago. He had a great job with the railroad and she was a legal secretary.

Because housing in their area was appreciating so swiftly they decided to get an Armor adjustable rate mortgage. They intended to refinance their home within 2 years with a fixed rate mortgage.

Fourteen months in to the loan Rex had an crisis at work and was forced to take a distinct position with the railroad due to his injuries. This resulted in a discount of pay.

Angie was laid off when the firm she worked for merged with another law firm. It took her two months to find another job and by then they were getting behind on their bills. Negative items were starting to show up on their prestige article and then they missed a house payment.

Eventually they were able to recover but the damage was done. When they applied for a refinance they were denied and then their current mortgage took its first adjustment. The house cost went up 5.00 and the downward spiral began all over again.

With in the year the home was in foreclosure. All was not lost.

I am happy to article that they have recovered, repaired their credit, and are now enjoying the benefits of home proprietary again.

How did they do that you ask?

Sacrifice and Discipline

Typically lenders like to see 2 years pass before granting a new mortgage to man who has been in foreclosure. Ordinarily it takes that long for population to recover from the circumstances that caused the foreclosure to begin with.

If you have hope of buying a home after foreclosure there are several steps to ensue to insure success.

Get a copy of your prestige article so you can see what lies ahead. Check the article for accuracy and write dispute letters for each incorrect item. Make sure you are paying all of your bills on time so you do not have any more negative reports added to your prestige report. If you do not have any active prestige cards you should apply for at least two lines of prestige with secured prestige card companies like Orchard Bank or First Premier who give small lines of prestige for a deposit so you can reestablish distinct entries in your prestige file. Pay down any debt you have so your debt to revenue ratio is at its top when you apply for the new mortgage. Begin a savings plan so you have cash reserves when you apply for the new mortgage. If you had bad spending habits in the past you must learn to convert them and live well below your means so you can pay your debt down and build those cash reserves. Do what ever it takes to right your financial ship. Secure a second job, sell that fishing boat or put off that vacation until those debts are paid.

Buying a home after foreclosure is done all the time if you are willing to make the sacrifices it takes to turn things around.

The inexpressive to Buying a Home After Foreclosure

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