Sunday, September 25, 2011

Debt Collector Swears Under Oath He Can't Collect Credit Card Debt If Secret Federal Law is Used

Now you have a credit card debt collector that can't collect debt money legally if some secret Federal law is used to stop him and you don't believe a word of it. Good, just keep sending him money because he has a rather lavish lifestyle and needs your money to support it.

Lots of people believe the economy is getting better, there is no depression, school teachers will not be losing their jobs due to cutbacks, bankers are honest, oil spills don't damage the ocean and they will have a new job before their unemployment benefits run out. Kinda makes you wonder doesn't it?

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

So where is this secret federal law and why doesn't every citizen with card debt use it to eliminate their problem? The secret federal law can be found in a cartoon by searching the term "FTC debt video" which will explain exactly how to beat a collector on the phone or in written communications in addition to explaining how to even make money from collectors for phone abuse.

If you watched the video several times and see it is real, you may be wondering why this federal law is a secret. Apparently search engines don't use credit cards. If they did they would've already wiped out their debt and put the information at the top of every page about credit cards but information that hot could trigger a server crash and after all that's where search engines live. It would be suicidal! Maybe artificial intelligence is smarter than we think, who knows?

The federal law has been around much longer than the oldest search engine. If you wanted to find the secret back in the mid-60s it would have required a trip to the library and you would have needed to know exactly what you're looking for to find it. In the mid-60s there were no credit card problems so nobody was even looking in the first place.

So now the curtain has been pulled back, you know the secret to beating card debt because you've seen it on the Federal Trade Commission cartoon website but you're still afraid to use it for some reason. Could it be that you've been conditioned to pay no matter what? Do you feel like a thief if you don't pay or you are some kind of cheater?

Since this is "secrets revealed" day less just jerk the cover back to see what schemes your friendly credit card company slept with to keep you in debt for 20 years on a 0 purchase. Search the term "frontline: the credit card game" to watch this PBS special and you may begin to feel like a fish that fell for the debt bait hook, line and sinker.

There's just one more "gotta see" secret that most people really know about but just don't think about. Search the term "where does money come from" and you'll finally realize the banker really never loaned you money and didn't lose a penny when you stopped paying your card account.

Perhaps you've discovered enough secret stuff to make an informed decision on what to do about credit card debt, debt collectors or perhaps their lawyers, depending on where you are in the debt system at this time. There is one sure non-secret thing; if you don't do something the boogeyman is going to get you! Live life and have fun!

Debt Collector Swears Under Oath He Can't Collect Credit Card Debt If Secret Federal Law is Used

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