Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Tell if Your Partner is Cheating on You

If you have suspicions about your partner cheating on you then don't just drive these thoughts away. It might be a good time to do a little investigation to be sure. Don't tell your partner straight ahead that you're doubtful about their actions and manners. Start your investigation by clearly following their tracks and then slowly and gradually making your way up to the final stage.

One way to tell if your partner is cheating on you is to catch them lying about a matter. You can follow eye movements to tell if they are lying. Ask more questions if you are not sure of their discomfort or uneasiness. If their answers are brief and clear, then they are telling the truth. If, however, they try to create stories out of nothing and don't try to look at you while speaking then it's time you started worrying about your relationship.

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Partners who are cheating are often guilty of their actions. They try to apologize over small mistakes and go out of their way to make you happy or feel pampered. Keep an eye on this change of attitude or abnormal behavior. Some people also start showing that they have little interest in you or your activities and that they want to spend sometime alone. This kind of behavior is also alarming. Tell them you want to go with them even it's a short trip to the mall.

When your partner is away frequently call them on their phone to see if it's busy. You can track down credit card and phone bills to take into notice something unusual going on behind your back. Also check your partner's closets and shirt pockets to look for scribbled-down phone numbers or meeting places. If you find an unknown number, call that number and see who picks up. If it's not a familiar voice then ask questions to learn where they live and who they are. If your partner has got a cell phone then get your hands on it when they're not looking and check the phonebook. Call a suspicious number and notice the tone of the other person when he/she picks up the phone.

Another way to catch a cheating partner is to follow them in a car. See where they go, what they buy and who they meet. If you can, try to show up suddenly somewhere and be surprised to see your partner there. Notice their reaction. If they are happy to see you then there's nothing to worry about. If, however, they are perplexed, worried and wide-eyed, then they are surely hiding something. Ask them questions to clarify things up a bit. If nothing seems to work, go back and carry on with your investigation till you come up with something solid. Confront your partner only when you have enough evidence against them and then decide what should be done next.

How to Tell if Your Partner is Cheating on You

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