Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life After an Affair - How to Recover From the Pain of Being Cheated By Your Spouse

For several women with cheating spouses, life after an affair is probably the most difficult to deal with. After all the pain and misery that you have gone through, here you are, looking at the man you married in a totally different light, and faced with a question on whether you can still go on with your married life in a normal way. Read the following advices to guide you with how to deal with your marriage life now that your husband has ruined your trust in him.

Reconciliation Should Be a Mutual Effort

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Your husband may have ruined your trust in him for having cheated on you, but there are reasons behind his infidelity. If you feel that you are at fault why your husband has decided to look for someone else, then you must be able to ask forgiveness from him, in the same way that you also forgive him for what he has done. Reconciliation should be the first step in moving on with your married life, and soon enough, you will be able to bring back the trust that you once have for him.

Set Clear Guidelines with Your Husband

If you find it hard to move on with your marriage life because of your husband's affair in the past, I suggest that you set clear guidelines with him in order to straighten things out. Be open about your feelings - let him know what makes you feel upset and ask him to assure you that he will not do the same mistakes ever again. Learning how to compromise with your husband is very important in order for you to regain back the trust and respect that you once had for him.

Make Some Efforts to Forget Everything

It is hard to forgive, but it is much harder to forget. But if you really want to save your marriage even after your husband has cheated on you, then you have to make some efforts to heal your heart in order to forgive your spouse and eventually forget what he has done. There is nothing wrong with giving second chances, especially if it is for the benefit of your marriage.

Consider Marriage Counseling

If after all the efforts you still feel that you are struggling to move on with your marriage life because of what your husband has done, it's time that you seek help from the professionals. Talk to your husband about the possibility of going for a marriage counseling. Sometimes, it is hard to solve your marital problems on your own - you need guidance from people who are experts on dealing with these things.

Hopefully, all the tips mentioned above could help solve your marital bliss and regain the trust that you once had. Forgiveness is actually the most important thing to do in order to move on right after your troubled marriage life. And more importantly, make sure that you and your spouse must work hand in hand in facing this marriage crisis of yours.

Life After an Affair - How to Recover From the Pain of Being Cheated By Your Spouse

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get Credit Cards For Bad Credit With No Deposit Required

Are you in need of a new credit card but don't wish to make a deposit as is often required? Finding credit cards for bad credit with no deposit required can often be difficult, but if you know where to look there are offers that can help you avoid putting money down as collateral. Let's explore some of the basics on how to find these credit cards and how to avoid a deposit.

When it comes to credit cards for people with bad credit there are a couple options that are traditionally offered, and it is important to know the difference to avoid any up front deposits for approval. Generally, when your credit rating is extremely bad, you are reduced in options to either prepaid credit card offers and bad credit cards. Let us explore the difference between the two and find out where to find the best offer for your situation.

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When searching online, prepaid credit cards for bad credit are a very common program that are easy to get approved for and do not require much in the way of a good credit history. These prepaid credit cards can provide easy approvals because they require you to fund, or deposit, cash into the account as collateral into the account before you are able to use them. These card offers are also sometimes called secured cards because of the requirement of up front deposits to offset the risks.

Some consumers stop their search for credit cards for bad credit with no deposit required right there, thinking there are no other alternative programs offered.

With a more in depth search one can also find that there are bad credit cards that offer programs that will fund that deposit directly from the credit line you get approved for, thereby making them no deposit credit offers for bad credit. Let us look at how these offers work.

These no deposit credit card offers will approve you for a credit line and instead of requiring a deposit will begin your credit line with this amount deducted from your total credit limit. In this way they can offset the higher risk of approval but still provide you with a credit card for bad credit with no deposit required. When faced with few other available options, this program can often provide the second chance required for you to reestablish a good credit history.

In summary, to find the credit cards with no deposit, you need to confine you search to programs that offer unsecured credit lines for people with bad credit. Secured cards and prepaid cards inherently require the deposit you are looking to avoid. Remember to maintain on time payments with your new credit card as there is no substitute for improving your credit score and the benefits that come from your rebuilt good credit history

Get Credit Cards For Bad Credit With No Deposit Required

Sunday, December 25, 2011

History Of Olive Trees

Olive trees, 'Olea europaea,' are the oldest fruit trees and in fact are one of the most important fruit trees in history. Olive tree culture has been closely connected to the rise and fall of Mediterranean empires and other industrialized civilizations throughout the ages. Because olive trees offered wealth and future food supplies to established civilizations, the agricultural nations became garage societies, resulting from a derive expectation from past palpate of an uninterrupted food and olive oil supply. This factor was a significant requirement for population increase and increase. Trustworthy fruit output and olive oil output means that olive trees must exist in a garage community and a peaceful environment. That stability must enlarge for many years, since most ancient seedling olive trees required eight or more years before ever producing the first crop of fruit.

Productive orchards of olive trees meant that a foundation of the great empires of Greece and Rome had arisen and industrialized into complicated economic and political forces. It is moving to note that the historical decline of these empires corresponded to the destruction of their olive tree orchards that reduced the ready supplies of olives, olive oil, olive wood, and olive soap. In association with the destruction of olive orchards, it is moving to note that in the Israeli wars with Palestine, 50,000 olive trees were destroyed by Israeli bulldozers. That act of agricultural destruction resulted in significant anger and unrest along the Gaza strip and the West Bank, because the economic livelihood of many Palestinian farmers depended on their products from the uprooted olive trees. Additionally, the olive tree was historically a 'peace and goodwill' symbol, and when the olive trees were leveled near the city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus and the "Cradle of Biblical History," that elimination of olive trees seemed like a deliberate provocation to end the 'peace' with the Palestinian settlers and farmers.

Bank Orchard

Medical properties of olive oil were reported by many ancient Greek writers and philosophers, their point in creating nutritional benefits and wealth for Greek citizens continues abundantly today--some Greek olive tree orchards containing a million or more trees. Aristotle wrote extensively about the thorough methods of successfully growing olive trees.

Greek mythology records that Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and peace, struck her magic spear into the Earth, and it turned into an olive tree, thus, the location where the olive tree appeared and grew was named Athens, Greece, in honor of the Goddess, Athena. Local legend tells us that the primary olive tree still stands growing after many centuries at the ancient sacred site. Citizens still claim that all Greek olive trees originated from rooted cuttings that were grown from that primary olive tree. Homer claimed in his writings that the ancient olive tree growing in Athens was already 10,000 years old. Homer stated that Greek courts sentenced population to death if they destroyed an olive tree. In 775 Bc Olympia, Greece, at the site of the ancient Olympic stadium, athletes competed and trained, and winners were triumphantly acclaimed and crowned with a wreath made of olive twigs. ancient gold coins that were minted in Athens depicted the face of the Goddess, Athena, wearing an olive leaf wreath on her helmet retention a clay vessel of olive oil. The Greeks began olive cultivation in 700 Bc.

The sacred lamp that was used in ancient Greek culture for lighting dark rooms at night was fueled by olive oil. Aged olive oil was also used in sacred anointing rituals of the church at weddings and at baptisms. Herodotus wrote in 500 Bc, that the growing and exporting of olives and olive oil were so sacred that only virgins and eunuchs were allowed to cultivate orchards of olive trees. The first documented plantings of olive trees may have occurred while the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and are believed to have been growing colse to 3500 Bc. That civilization predates the discovered Mycenae olive fossils from 1600 Bc and later in the Greek empire. Sturt Manning, an archeologist from Cornell University, reported in Live Science Magazine (Apr 28, 2005) that the most devastating volcano in 10,000 years occurred on the Greek Island of Thera, after which the city of Akrotiri was totally buried by the falling ash. The looking of olive wood and olive seed fossils buried near the site has shown straight through carbon dating that the volcanic eruption occurred in the middle of 1660 and 1600 Bc and may have contributed to the total destruction of the industrialized Minoan civilization (Atlantis) on the isle of Crete and may have led to the formation of the Sahara desert in North Africa after vaporizing the native forests there.

The fragrant flowers of olive trees are small and creamy white, underground within the thick leaves. Some cultivars will self pollinate, but others will not. The blossoms usually begin appearing in April and can continue for many months. A wild, seedling olive tree usually begins to flower and produce fruit at the age of 8 years. The fruit of the olive tree is a purplish-black when wholly ripe, but a few cultivars are green when ripe and some olives turn a color of copper-brown. The size of the olive fruit is variable, even on the same tree, and the shape ranges from round to oval with pointed ends. Some olives can be eaten fresh after sun-drying and the taste is sweet, but most olive cultivars are bitter and must be treated by assorted chemical solutions before developing into edible olives. If the olives are thinned on the limbs of the trees to 2 or 3 per twig, the extreme size of the olives will be much larger. The fruit is gathered in mid October and should be processed as soon as potential to preclude fermentation and a decline in quality.

The leaves of olive trees are gray-green and are substituted at 2-3 year intervals while the spring after new increase appears. Pruning yearly and severely is very important to insure prolonged production. The trees have the unproductive limbs removed, "so that it will be more fruitful" John 15:2. An olive tree can grow to 50 feet with a limb spread of 30 feet, but most growers will keep the tree pruned to 20 feet to assure maximum production. New sprouts and trees will emerge from the olive tree stump roots, even if the trees are cut down. Some olive trees are believed to be over a thousand years old, and most will live to the ripe old age of 500 years.

Olives commonly are beaten off trees with poles, harvested mechanically or by shaking the fruit from the trees onto canvas. Most ripening olives are removed from the trees after the majority of the fruit begins to convert in color. It is important to squeeze out the olive oil within a day after harvesting or else fermentation or decline in flavor and capability will occur. The olive oil can be consumed or used in cooking immediately after its range from the press. Olive oils are unique and distinct, each brand of olive oil having its own character, as thought about by many factors, like those unique flavor differences found in fine wines. Prepared market olive oils can vary greatly in aroma, fruit flavor; whether the taste is, flowery, nutty, delicate, or mild, and the coloring of olive oil is quite variable.

Olive oil produces many condition benefits when used in cooking or when poured over salads. The use of olive oil can enhance digestion and can advantage heart metabolism straight through its low article of cholesterol. Experts claim that olive oil consumption will cause a someone to grow shiny hair, preclude dandruff, preclude wrinkles, preclude dry skin and acne, develop nails, stop muscle aching, lower blood pressure and cancel out the effects of alcohol.

Olive trees can survive droughts and strong winds, and they grow well on well drained soils up to a pH of 8.5 and the trees can tolerate salt water conditions. In Europe, olive trees are usually fertilized every other year with an organic fertilizer. Alternate bearing can be avoided by heavy pruning and commonly the trees riposte to this very swiftly and favorably.

Olive trees should be purchased that have been vegetatively propagated or grafted, because the seed grown trees will revert to a wild type that yields small olives with an insipid taste. Olive trees are more unyielding to diseases and insects than any other fruit tree and, therefore, are sprayed less than any other crop.

Even though market output of olives in the United States is only 2% of the world market, great interest in growing olives throughout the South has been stimulated by the up-to-date introduction of promising cold hardy olive trees from European hybridizers. Many European immigrants to the United States grow their own olive trees in large pots, that can be moved in and out of the house while seasonal changes.

History Of Olive Trees

Friday, December 23, 2011

Clearing Debt

If you are on a journey towards creating Wealth and Financial Freedom there are two things you can do to get there faster. You can increase your income, which is by far the easier and bigger option, and you can cut your costs.

And if you have existing debts, then often these add unnecessary costs to your budget. This means if you can reduce or eliminate your debts, or at least your bad debts anyway, then you have more money for investment and creating Wealth.

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So what is the best way to go about this?

Well firstly it helps to know exactly what you are dealing with, so write down a list of all your debts. Make a note of the creditor, the amount, the interest rate and your monthly payment.

Next look at how much you can allocate to paying down your debts. Include your existing monthly payments plus any more you can comfortably add.

From this total pay the minimum to all except the smallest debt, pay all the rest towards the smallest debt.

This way you will pay off your smallest debt fairly quickly.

Once you have paid it off use all the money you were using for that to pay the next smallest debt. Keep doing this until all your debts are paid off.

Of course you may if you are disciplined choose to start paying off the most expensive debt first. This is also OK as long as you can stick to it, and will reduce your costs the most whilst you are repaying.

Psychologically for most people it is best to pay the smallest first so that you can see the results quickly!

A useful website you can go to for free help and resources on reducing debts and saving on costs is Martin Lewis' Money Saving Expert.

Clearing Debt

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Non Profit Payroll

Non Profit Organizations have some unique situations when addressing payroll and payroll taxes for their employees. Here we are addressing here many of the common payroll situations for Non Profit Payrolls.

Non Profit Payroll: Employee Records

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There are many state and federal laws and regulations concerning employee records that can be confusing and some times contradictory. What employee records should you keep to be safe? The following items if you actually have them (and you should) need to be kept in employee's personnel files. We recommend for audit and IRS purposes that you keep them for at least seven full years.

Employee job application Reference and background checks Offer of employment Job description IRS Form W4 State W4 equivalent HLS Form I9 Employee benefit enrollment or declining forms Annual performance evaluations Interim evaluations or disciplinary forms Exit Interview

Additional possible forms to keep

Non Profit Payroll: Payroll Pay Records

Non Profit Payroll: Employees

Officers and Directors

The Internal Revenue Code defines the officers of a corporation--president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer--as employees, and your 501(c)(3) must classify them as such for tax purposes. This applies if your organization pays these officers to perform their duties as officers.

A 501(c)(3) should not classify a corporate officer as an employee if he or she performs no services, or performs only minor services and neither receives nor is entitled to compensation.

By contrast, the Code defines the directors of a corporation--that is, members of the governing board--as nonemployees, and your 501(c)(3) must classify them as such for tax purposes. This applies if your organization pays its board members to attend board meetings or otherwise compensates them for performing their duties as directors.


From time to time, some 501(c)(3)s may provide volunteers with awards, or gifts. In general, if these are non-cash items of nominal value, such as a ham around the holidays, your organization should not count these items as taxable wages.

If your 501(c)(3) gives volunteers cash items, such as gift certificates or any other taxable fringe benefit, it must include these items in the volunteers taxable wages.


If a person is not an officer, director or volunteer and you compensate them for work done and they are not an independent contractor, they are an employee. Like other employers, 501(c)(3)s that pay wages to employees must pay Federal Employment taxes on those wages. These taxes include:

Federal income tax FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare)

Non Profit Payroll: Federal Income Tax Withholding

Your 501(c)(3) generally (except Statutory Employees) must withhold and pay Federal income tax from its employees' wages.

To figure out how much Federal income tax to withhold, employers should ask employees to complete IRS Form W-4, Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate. Ask each new employee to complete and sign a W-4 by his or her first day of work. Keep the form on file, and send a copy to the IRS if the IRS directs you to do so in a written notice.

If a new employee fails to provide a completed Form W-4, your 501(c)(3) should assume single status with no withholding allowances.

Non Profit Payroll: FICA Taxes

FICA taxes go toward Social Security and Medicare. Your 501(c)(3) must withhold and pay these taxes from employees' wages, with one exception: If your organization pays an employee less than 0 in any calendar year, it need not withhold FICA taxes for that employee. A 501(c)(3) must pay both the amount of FICA tax withheld from employees' wages and the organization's match of that amount.

Non Profit Payroll: Federal Unemployment Taxes

The following is a direct quote from the IRS 940 instructions available at the following link:

"Religious, educational, scientific, charitable, and other organizations described in section 501(c)(3) and exempt from tax under section 501(a) are not subject to FUTA tax and do not have to file Form 940. "

What it comes down to is that if you are a 501(c) (3) and you have received your favorable determination letter from the IRS you don't have to pay Federal Unemployment taxes.

Non Profit Payroll: State Unemployment Taxes

States vary on unemployment taxes on non profits and you should check with your State Unemployment Insurance Department for the rules in the States you have employees.

Non Profit Payroll: Paying Federal Income and FICA Taxes

Your 501(c)(3) must pay withheld income taxes, together with both the employer and employee portions of FICA taxes (minus any advance earned income credit [EIC] payments). These payments must be paid electronically using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or by mailing or delivering a check, money order, or cash to an authorized depositary. Note that some taxpayers are required to exclusivly deposit using EFTPS. Check with a qualified non profit payroll tax professional for additional information.

Non Profit Payroll: Reporting Payroll Taxes

Once your 501(c)(3) deposits the Federal income and FICA taxes, it must submit returns reporting that it has withheld and paid them. Just as the 501(c)(3) pays Federal income and FICA taxes together, it must report them together on IRS Form 941Employers Quarterly Federal Tax Return. They must also be reported annually on IRS Form W2 a copy of which is also distributed to your employees

Non Profit Payroll: Conclusion

There are many similarities between Non Profit Payroll and For Profit Payrolls but several differences not all of which have been discussed here. We always recommend that you use a qualified payroll outsourcing company with CPA's on staff. That way your questions can be answered professionally and any problems solved by a CPA who is eminently qualified by training and experience to work with the IRS on payroll tax problems.

Non Profit Payroll

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can You Get a Free Apple iPad Just For Testing It?

Isn't it frustrating when some new technology comes on the market that you really want, but you just don't have the money to spare? This is the case for many people with the new Apple iPad. If you don't have the 0 to spend on this nifty new piece of technology right now, you still might be able to get a free Apple iPad if you follow my advice.

Although it might seem like some kind of a scam, believe it or not some research companies actually need testers for their products. Sometimes this means that you can assist them by giving an honest review of how it works. After all, this is called market research and companies desperately need honest folks who will give their opinion.

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Some companies will actually pay you to test their products along with giving you the actual product itself. However, be careful as some of these websites are not legit. You should not have to give them a credit card to receive a product for testing. If they ask for one, run away as fast as possible.

Companies typically give away a certain number of free items to be tested by private members of the public. Their are some lucky people that do get to test these at no charge to them. You just need to find a legitimate website that allows you to sign up for testing products. You also should be sure to read the fine print before signing up for anything.

Yes, you can get a free Apple iPad and many other products, but the key is to verify that website offering the product is a reputable website and you could be one of the lucky one's to receive one.

Can You Get a Free Apple iPad Just For Testing It?

Monday, December 19, 2011

50 Ideas For Increasing Profits and Cost Reduction

Do you want to know 50 great profit building ideas that you can put to immediate use in your business to increase profits and reduce costs?

If yes, read all these ideas that have been implemented by clients and have benefited them giving their businesses dramatic boost in profitability. Most ideas can be put to action immediately. Each idea has the potential to give you many %points increase in net profits.

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Research shows profits increase by 4%-56% and costs reduce by 18%-37% within 2 years using the simple 5 step process called the Profit Maps Model. Usually a 5% reduction in cost is adequate to turnaround most loss making businesses.

Businesses can calculate the value of the savings by these 2 simple formulas

If the business made a loss

Total Costs and Expenses = sales + absolute value of net loss +/- income tax = say X

Minimum Savings you will make in 2 years = 5% of X (which was calculated above)

If the business made a profit

Total Costs and Expenses = sales + net profit +/- income tax = say Y

Minimum Savings you will make in 2 years = 5% of Y (which was calculated above)

So how much can you save? Improve your profits by?


This category typically contains inflows of resources into the business generated through operations.

Needless to say the profit building process can be used to generate marketing and sales ideas. The following ideas were generated with the objective of increasing revenue with little or no impact on the cost structure.

Revenue Increasing Ideas

1. If your company has facilities located over a multi-geographical area you may be able to rent antenna space to cellular phone companies. Typically these companies will pay for the use of rooftops as a place to erect their antennas. Another option is for billboards as advertising if you occupy a central location with a high visibility building. This enhances your revenue without any additional cost you. The point here is to explore alternative uses for your facilities. Remember they are assets that can be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are numerous opportunities available for increased revenue if you look for them. Training room and function room facilities can be rented out in the evening or weekends. How about spare land or excess slots you own for public car parking?

2. Determine whether your business can market commission and non-commissioned products as add-on sales. Look for opportunities to sell products to your existing customer base at no additional cost. Examples are catalogue sales to airline passengers and the sale of miscellaneous products to credit card customers. You may have the opportunity to do something similar. Your customers have more value than you realise.

3. Is there any additional value in your customer database? Perhaps your business could generate additional revenue by selling the data. Alternatively consider starting a telemarketing department to market another line of products or services. Depending on your business and the nature of your customer base you may have something great here.

4. Explore the advantages of an effective e-strategy including e-commerce, e-business, e- people and e-technology. There is no question that the new opportunities available through the Internet offer new and innovative ways to increase profits and reduce costs. Consult with an expert in this area including a cross-section of your employees and magic will happen.

5. Segment your customers into heavy user and light user categories and determine the difference between these two groups. What needs to be done to generate another sale from both categories? All customers are critical. What can you learn about the different types of customers to determine whether more selling occasions possible? Make the most of these customers; you already have them.

6. Develop retention strategies as well as growth strategies. In today's markets, it is as important to hold on to your existing customer base as it to grow your business. It took you a certain amount of resources to attract your customers: you may want to explore ways to retain a high percentage. What is your cost to acquire a customer? What is your cost to retain a customer? Do your employees know?

7. Continue to look for augmented products and/or services that would add value without adding expense.

8. Explore opportunities to licence or franchise your business products or services for additional market share or penetration

9. Explore merger and acquisition scenarios where efficiencies would be gained for all businesses concerned.

10. Develop a relationship with a long-distance carrier whereby your company will distribute phone cards to your customer base in return for a fee or residual commission.


This category typically contains charges associated with

· Management Pay
· Non-management Pay
· Hourly Wages
· Training Labour
· Overtime Pay
· All Other Pay, Wages and Salary items

Cost Saving Ideas

11. Establish a 45 to 60 hour per week work environment among the managers. Cost structures among your competitors are basically similar to your cost structure so you will obtain an advantage because your managers are working more hours. This assumes that your managers are productive. Managers who have responsibility for a workforce of hourly employees are usually at the facility, a retail outlet, restaurant or office at least this amount of time. Sometimes business volume is extremely low at early or closing hours. During the slow hours managers can save substantially by scheduling fewer employees and filling it themselves. In addition to the Labour savings, managers will become more knowledgeable about operations and will find ways to improve customer service, training and operations. I have put this procedure in place in several places. At the beginning there will always be resistance, but once managers get beyond the initial hump things will run smoothly. I also find that certain incentive programmes work well here. Get the manager's incentives based on Labour dollar saved and they come to understand the process.

12. Effectively manage your salary administration programs. Many companies pay lip service to this principle but failed to obtain true levels of success in salary administration and management. To start, make sure you have a salary range for every position in the company. Salaries should be structured so that the midpoint is 100, the minimum is 80% and the maximum is 120%. The basic philosophy is that the candidate should be hired into a position between the minimum and the midpoint on the basis of his or her level of experience. The employees are then moved higher in the range on the basis of performance. This philosophy is based on the premise that mid-point is the amount the position is worth to the company. Employees can obtain an additional 20% through stellar performance. Few employees should be paid over the 120% range. Each job is worth a specific amount to the organisation. If a new hire needs training to become efficient in a particular job, that employee is working at a level below the worth of the position and therefore should be paid at the minimum salary range. When the employee's performance rises at successful completion of training and can perform 100% of the job duties move the employee quickly toward the midpoint of the salary range.

13. Insist that a salary survey be done every year to ensure that you have achieved the desired community position relative to your competition. In this case the competition is those companies that would recruit your employees. You need to make sure that if you survey 10 competitors; you have a salary range higher than 75% of these companies for your key positions and higher than 50% of these companies for lower-level positions. Implementing this strategy will help you reduce turnover and will also ensure that you are not overpaying for positions.

14. Make sure your salary administration program allows for regular salary review. Typically, this is done once a year for salaried employees and every six months for hourly employees. The review should include a performance appraisal form and the employee's performance levels should correspond with established pay increases. In other words, establish the pay for your performance review system.

15. Establish a bell curve of salary increases. Let's say that approximately 8% of your employees are superior performers, 12% are above average, 60% are average, 12% are fair, and 8% are poor. Create a salary increase guideline that mirrors this curve, with the better performing employees receiving higher increases. For example superior employees are given 6% to 7%, above average employees 4% to 5%, average employees 3%, fair employees 2%, and poor employees 0%. This allows the organisation to check and reward performance whilst still meeting its salary increase budget. Obviously, your goal is to continue to train and develop your workforce. Occasionally, low performing employees have to be replaced with those most suited to the position. The Bell curve is just a process to ensure that star performers are recognised and rewarded for their work.

16. Establish the salary increase guideline budget and stick to it. Plan salary increases for the coming year by using the Bell curve mentioned in the above idea. Department managers should budget salary increases for employees assuming that the next year's performance will be at the same level as this year's. Please be aware that some performance ratings will change. There will always be exceptions. This process will help ensure that your organisation will remain within the new salary increase budget.

17. The salary increase guideline budget should be preapproved. When a different rating is submitted during the year, treat it as an exception and make sure to justify it because performances can change- it may go up or down. A strict salary administration program will ensure that budgets are achieved.

18. Establish a training rate for all appropriate positions. This is crucial when your organisation experiences higher levels of turnover during the first and second months of employment. The training rate is lower than the standard pay rate and is applicable only during the training period. Employees are given a raise once the training has been completed satisfactorily. Determine whether the training rate could be established for other positions in the organisation.

19. Where the training rate is not appropriate, establish a probationary rate for the standard 90 day period. This rate is lower than the standard pay rate and is applicable only during the first 90 days of employment. If performance is satisfactory, the employee will receive a raise to the standard pay rate. Determine whether a probationary rate could be established for all positions in the organisation.

20. Develop a labour-management system whereby a computer predicts daily or hourly volume and the amount of labour needs on the basis of seasonality. Most businesses have a trend cycle that can be measured with 15 minute increments. First, you must find a way to get past the notion that your business cannot be tracked this way. There is a pattern to your business. Discovering your business pattern is the first step toward determining how to manage your Labour cost. Management will give you many reasons why the business cannot be tracked. Once you work through all their concerns, you and your team can identify those trend items, aspects of your customer behaviour that, in fact, can be tracked and schedule Labour accordingly.

21. Determine whether your new hires would qualify for the targeted job tax credit program whereby a percentage of training dollars is refunded by the government.

22. Determine whether your organisation would qualify for tax benefits for providing employee childcare services.

23. If your employees handle cash transactions, install software driven cash reconciliation process to save time at shift changes and at closing. This will also reduce cash shortages. This type of procedure also saves time in the cash out process.

24. Constantly look for software modifications that can reduce labour. Seconds saved could also mean dollars earned. Using technology is a natural approach to the whole effort of productivity improvement. If your business has not recently explored this area, effective tools that currently exist may surprise you.

25. Have an industrial engineer evaluate your business in terms of time and motion studies to determine whether additional efficiencies can be achieved in areas where high throughput is important. This approach can still work today. Some managers run their businesses the same way they did 10 or 20 years ago. Time and motion studies can have an impact on cost savings, productivity, customer service, and employee morale.

26. Establish a self-regulating team with the specific responsibility of improving productivity and reducing costs in a particular department or area of the organisation.

27. Develop an incentive to reduce absenteeism. This incentive should be linked to productivity improvement goals and to the availability of the workforce. It should be based on reducing absenteeism from previous period. The incentives could be a vacation bonus based on a 1% reduction in absenteeism

28. Develop a variable pay program whereby management salaries are reduced 5% to 10% across the board and these dollars are set aside into a bonus pool. When there is goal achievement, managers have the potential to earn even higher levels of compensation. However, these dollars will be at risk if managers do not achieve profit objectives. The potential to earn even higher levels of compensation will help sell this item.

29. Controlling your staff turnover is another way to reduce operating costs. Implementing strategies throughout the entire human resources cycle to ensure that all systems, procedures, policies, and practices are tight preventing employees from falling through the cracks. I refer to this as the human resources closed loop. If you think about it you will see that there is a cycle to the human resources process. It starts with recruitment, interviewing, selection and placement and continues to orientation, training, salary administration, performance appraisal, development, promotion, and finally termination. Then the cycle begins again. Make sure that all of the areas mentioned are employee friendly and are designed to retain employees. Identify any areas where improvements would reduce the number of employees leaving.

30. In order to determine where are to place additional controls, measure your labour costs in terms of cost per unit, cost per test, cost per guest check, etc. Breaking your labour costs down to the lowest unit will help you better identify cost saving ideas. It will also make it easier to affect and control.

Other Personnel Costs

This category would typically contains charges associated with

· Applied Payroll Burden
· Superannuation Employers Portion
· Vacation
· Paid Holidays
· Sick Leave
· Bonuses
· Short/Long term disability
· Group medical

Cost Saving Ideas

31. Make sure your company has a program that offers all full-time employees the opportunity to receive a higher salary in lieu of accepting certain benefits (such as medical, dental and life-insurance). Today many employees are being carried on a spouse's plan. Why not let these employees choose a higher salary instead of benefits? As long as salary increases less than the cost of benefits, the company will save money and employees will increase their income.

32. Evaluate the cost of your superannuation administration. There are competitive programs that can reduce administrative costs. A simple evaluation of three different companies will determine whether you have an opportunity to realise savings. Even if you do not want to change the current superannuation administration you may still be able to negotiate better terms by showing your evaluation.

33. Reduce workers compensation insurance by aggressively reducing accidents. Evaluate your workers compensation actual to determine your claims history. Most companies set an actual rate and never re-evaluate them even though their experiences change. Depending on your business you may be surprised at the potential savings here.

34. Using the Internet conduct benefit surveys to comply your cost with those of similar organisations.

35. Challenge third-party providers to reduce administration costs by using the Profit Maps Model and passing those savings along to you.

36. Continue to monitor workers compensation costs and develop action plans to reduce them.

37. Develop a back to work programme that puts injured employees in alternative positions. There are times when injured employees want to remain active in the organisation and appropriate positions are available.

38. Negotiate settlements when long-term workers compensation situations dictate.

39. Eliminate alcohol at all company sponsored activities. This approach can prevent accidents, cut beverage costs at functions and reduce risks.


This category typically contains charges associated with

· Long-Distance Telephone
· Cellular Phone
· Pagers
· Data lines
· Fax lines

Cost Saving Ideas

40. Authorise a telecommunications consultant to analyse all your communication costs in terms of rates charged, equipment used, and programmes offered, promotions available, usage, cellular phone options, long-distance carrier performance and pricing, fax and security line combinations, past bills, and so on. Structure the contract so that the consultant bills on the basis of percentage of cost saved or refunds received. In this way, there will be no cost to you if the consultant is not successful in improving your bottom line. Review all areas of communication to ferret out these pockets of expense that often go unnoticed. Pagers and cell phones are usually ordered and distributed without the benefit of an organised plan. There are real and meaningful discounts if you shop around.

41. Continue to renegotiate rates and terms with the vendors who provide services. Set up an ongoing procedure for constantly renegotiating rates and terms.

42. Monitor and control your communications cost on the basis of the cost per unit test (guests check, or that like) in order to determine locations for exerting any additional control.


In this category typically charges associated are

· Gas and Electricity Usage
· Water

Cost Saving Ideas

43. Authorise a utility consultant to analyse your utility costs. Such consultants would know how to deal effectively with the local public service companies in order to discover advantages or missed opportunities associated with gas and electric services. They should be fully authorised to check existing equipment and records. They should be experienced in developing an index and analyses and creating demand graphs to spot situations where you may have been overcharged. They would also represent your issues to the public utility commission.

44. Pay your consultant on the basis of a percentage of the savings associated with his or her action steps. The typical rate is 25% to 30% of the demonstrated savings and refunds over a specific period of time. There should be no charge if savings are not demonstrated.

45. Take energy conservation action steps including setting thermostats at 72°F. Automatic controls should be put in place to control temperature during off hours.

46. Turn off lights in conference rooms, restrooms and officers when they are not in use.

47. Turn off all lights not related to security at the close of business.

Professional fees

This category typically includes charges associated with professional services such as

· Legal and Human Resources Related Fees
· Proposals (domestic and international)
· Fees for Technical Services
· Other professional fees

Cost saving ideas

48. Talk about fees. If your lawyer does not bring up the subject of fees, you should. Do not be shy. In business, lawyers are free to set their own fees. The best time to discuss is at the beginning of a new legal matter.

49. Try to settle cases rather than litigate.

50. Have lawyers design standard forms you can use in routine transactions.


50 Ideas For Increasing Profits and Cost Reduction

Saturday, December 17, 2011

finding For Banks Who Offer Secured credit Cards?

Not all banks who offer secured credit cards advertise the fact. Because of this, you may find yourself applying for numerous unsecured credit cards before you come across a secured credit card application.

This can consequent in numerous inquiries on your credit description and a decrease in your credit rating (which is part of what got you here in the first place)!

Orchard Card Bank

If you want to find the banks who offer secured credit cards without going straight through all of the hassle commonly associated with doing so, consequent these seven tips:

1. Be Realistic

The first thing you need to do when seeing for banks who offer secured credit cards is be realistic about what you're going to qualify for.

Don't apply for an American Express or a Diner's Club card mental they'll offer you a secured credit card if you don't qualify. As a rule, upper-crust credit card companies do not offer secured credit cards.

2. Apply the Web

When it comes to searching for banks who offer secured credit cards, the Web is your very best friend. There are informational websites that offer a wealth of knowledge on secured credit cards and they can even direct you to sites that allow you to apply for secured credit cards online.

3. Target Your Search

Rather than haphazardly filling out credit card applications hoping to run into a secured credit card opportunity, look specifically for secured credit card applications to fill out.

The banks who offer secured credit cards do want your company and they aren't de facto hiding from you. Hunt for secured credit card applications and you're likely to find just that.

4. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True...

As with any credit card offer, if you run into a secured credit card offer that sounds too good to be true, saunter with caution.

Some of the banks who offer secured credit cards de facto don't have your best interests in mind. That is why it is important to deal only with reputable credit card companies.

5. Understand the Differences

When seeing for banks who offer secured credit cards, make sure you understand that not all of them are created equal. Some will fee higher fees, while others will fee higher interest rates.

Before applying for any particular secured credit card, rate the costs of that card and make sure it's the card that will best meet your personal needs.

6. Don't Pay anyone Up Front

Never, ever deal with the credit card companies that ask you to send them cash up front. Nine and a half times out of ten they are a scam.

A legitimate secured credit card company will fee any applicable fees to your new credit card account, allowing you to pay them off after the card is in your hands -- not before.

7. Easy Does It

Keep in mind the golden rule -- less is assuredly more. Too many credit card applications equals too many credit inquires. Just because you find ten banks who offer secured credit cards, it doesn't mean you have to apply for all ten of them.

By following these seven steps, not only will you be able to find the banks who offer secured credit cards, but you'll be able to tell the good from the bad in seconds flat.

finding For Banks Who Offer Secured credit Cards?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Music Contract - Band Members Agreement

Many bands that form start out as just good friends. This is probably the best time to draw up a Band Members Agreement, when every one is on good speaking terms. Few members of a band start their music careers considering the nitty gritty of which member is entitled to what proceeds from any sale pertaining to the bands musical works. However, any band trying to make a living in the music industry by definition is a business matter. There is a music contract, which can be drawn up to protect each member of the bands contribution to its commercial success. It is known as a "Band Members Agreement".

Unfortunately, such music contracts can be viewed as being akin to a prenuptial agreement prior to a marriage. This may be uncomfortable to certain band members, but bear in mind couples, I hope, marry for love. Moreover, a marriage agreement is a legally binding contract in its self. I would assume that most band members at least are not in love with each other!!! Thus, just like in a work environment you have work colleagues who are friends but all have their own employee contract with their respective company, institution, organisation etc. You might even employ them. Thus a Band Members Agreement outlines the responsibility and expectations of all band members towards each other. It can also be viewed in a similar way to a will in that it plans in advance who gets what in the event of something dreadful happening. Sounds a bit heavy for most musicians I have met and played with. Well you know, sex, drugs and rock n roll my friends.

Orchard Card Sign In

A little voice in your mind might be saying "Why bother with all that stuff until we have a record deal or something like that? Well I might have had sympathy with that view in my younger days. Now I am older and the Internet is here. What If you don't get a record contract and decide to go it alone using MySpace, itunes, Amazon.owned If you start selling units of your tracks as mp3 downloads how do you decide who has the rights to receive profits from the sales. Also, in what percentage terms should that be worked out between the band members? Recently, whilst uploading one of my tracks for sale on via I was very interested to find a form that asked for information regarding which parties should receive royalties from any sales? Now have I got your attention? If I haven't and you are in a band there may be trouble ahead.

One of the central reasons for such an agreement is related to the issue of copyright. One of the biggest slices of the financial cake comes from those members of the band who write the music and lyrics. Think here Lennon & McCartney as an iconic example. Also, less iconic no doubt is the court case regarding British 80's band Spandau Ballet and who wrote their songs. An example of this was the classic "True." So it makes good commercial sense and hopefully will secure the bands friendship together if such a music contract is negotiated before, rather than after the bands musical and in some cases personal roller coaster begins. It could save a lot of arguments and disputes not to mention very expensive legal fees in the future. Money allegedly is at the route of all evil and many band break-ups and disputes are of a financial nature.

So what is this music contract known as the "Band Members Agreement?"

Well it can outline in advance what roles the band members play in its future. These are some examples but they can vary a great deal. Can a band member work with another artist? What happens if one band member dies? How should the profits from, for example, royalties be split? Who pays any band debts? Who looks after the bands finances? Who owns any assets, equipment, transport etc? Who has ownership of the copyrights of the songs? Who takes care of any master recordings? Who decides when to employ or fire a manager? Who owns and has the legal right to use the bands name? Often all members of the band own the name. Are the decisions of the band made by committee, by a votes system? Alternatively, is this responsibility left to one or two band members?

Please note that in the absence of any written agreement the law of the land in your country may ultimately decide things on your behalf, as is the case in state partnership law in America. Based on this, as with any legal matter, it would be better if a music attorney were employed to draw up the contract. In an ideal world every member of the band would have a music attorney to represent their interest and help to make the music contract more equitable and fair between band members. "Well that sounds like a whole load of money?" I hear you say. You can hold off the cost by agreeing on paper the basic things that should be included in the Band Members Agreement until a later date when things get on to a more serious financial footing. The band can then look at employing professional advice. Remember that, music contracts are drawn up to limit the likelihood of a serious financial or artistic dispute. If such events do occur, then a music contract as with any contract is there also to resolve any issues that might arise. Without them, everything is based on nothing more than a handshake or hearsay. Although music contracts are a psychologically uncomfortable issue to deal with for bands they are a necessary evil in the long run. Bear in mind that proposing a Band Members Agreement could be an excellent way of testing the amicability of the band members, if they argue before they have an agreement imagine what it would be like without one later on when things are really serious. This article is not intended to be legal advice. As always take professional advice before you ever sign a music contract.

Music Contract - Band Members Agreement

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How Does a Debt Settlement Law Firm Work?

I have been working in the debt settlement industry for almost ten years now and have very extensive knowledge as to how it works. Before we begin I want to say this will be a rather long article and if you are not serious about finding a solution to your debt problem then stop reading now. The purpose of this article is to explain to you first how debt settlement works and what the process entails; both the good and the bad. Next I will explain the differences between how a debt settlement law firm works and how it compares to a standard debt settlement company. There are many differences between how this process is handled by the two. Because of this debtors should learn these differences before enrolling into any program. Many people may already know how a debt settlement company works but have no clue as to how a law firm works and this article will explain just that.

First of all, I would like to state that debt settlement as a means of credit card debt relief is not for everyone; some people simply do not have the right state of mind, while others may benefit more from bankruptcy.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

To begin with I would like to go over the purpose of credit card debt settlement and how the process works. The purpose of debt settlement is for the debtor to get out of debt quickly without having to file bankruptcy and save a lot of money in the process. The goal of the debt negotiator is to negotiate a one time lump sum payment on the debtors' behalf at a far reduced amount than what the debtor currently owes.

These benefits are tremendous. The debtor could save themselves close to half of what they currently owe and be out of debt in a few years. However as with most things in life there are drawbacks to this process and there is no way to avoid them.

In order for any creditor to be willing to negotiate a debt settlement on a debt the account must fall into default first. There are no creditors in the world willing to negotiate when you are current and up to date on your monthly minimum payments. If they feel you can maintain your monthly minimums than this is precisely where the creditors want to keep you. This is where their profit is made, by just paying the minimum each month you will be in debt for over thirty years, even if the interest rate is not all that high. If your rate is above 20%, you will be stuck in debt for well beyond thirty years and payback the creditors well over ten times the original balance alone in interest. That is exactly where they want you!

So understandably they will not negotiate with you when you are current and they feel they can still bank on your minimum payments for years to come. So the only way to ever negotiate is to fall behind on the monthly payments. Naturally once you do this you will be negatively affecting your credit score and will also be receiving calls from collectors; this is what may put some people off from doing debt settlement, thus why I stated above this process may not be for everyone.

For those people already behind this will not make a difference and their credit will not be damaged any more than it already is, however for those who are current this will adversely affect their credit. It is quite a shame that this point alone may stop some people from using debt settlement; thus dooming them to being financial servants to the creditors for decades to come.

You must also be made aware that this process in the end will begin to help rebuild your credit. Thirty percent of your MyFICO credit score is made up of your debt to credit ratio, which will look a lot better after you get out of debt. Additionally the negative remarks from falling behind will not hold much bearing on your credit score after two years. Your credit score is only a snapshot in time and only uses the last two years of payment history to determine the score.

Now during the process of falling behind your goal is to save up as much money as possible in the quickest possible time. This money is then used later on to pay off the settlement that is negotiated by the debt negotiator. The faster someone looks to save money and complete this process the better for many reasons. For one the faster you are out of debt the more money you stand to save and the less risk you take from the negative aspects of settlement such as lawsuit and further damage to the credit report.

This brings us to the title of the article "How Does a Debt Settlement Law Firm Work?" As I explained above there are great benefits to debt settlement such as saving lots of money and time; and there are also some downsides such as collection calls and the possibility of a lawsuit.

The main differences between how debt settlement is handled by a debt settlement law firm and standard debt settlement company is how they deal with the negative drawbacks. A law firm has much more legal power and is set up correctly to comply with their states' laws.

Collection Calls

One of the first major differences in how debt settlement is handled has to deal with collections calls. When you first fall behind and your debt is still in the hands of the original creditor there is nothing legally that can be done to stop them from calling. However once the creditor passes the account off to a third party collection agency which will happen anywhere between 3-6 months after falling behind things change. Legally once in the hands of the collectors a law firm will have the power to have all calls to their client stopped, and if the collector continues to call and harass the client legal action can be taken against that creditor seeing as they will be in violation of the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act).

So the client's first advantage by using a law firm will be a much decreased activity in collection calls, and this is very important for some people. Any regular debt settlement companies that claim they can stop the calls are simply not telling you the truth and you should be very weary of them because of this.


The next major advantage a law firm has concerning debt settlement is how a lawsuit can be handled. In case you are not aware once you fall behind on your credit card debts the creditors/collectors do hold the legal right to pursue you through the courts to collect the debt. However I will mention, that suing is not the mainstay of the collectors and is not exercised very often; reason being it simply costs too much money and time on the creditor's behalf with no guarantee of getting any money even if they were able to obtain a judgment anyway.

The advantage the law firm has is they can still legally contact and negotiate a settlement with your collector after they have issued a summons to court. A debt settlement company does not have this legal power. The collectors are very willing to negotiate a settlement even after the summons has been issued; they realize they may get very little if anything regardless, so being contacted by a reputable law firm who is willing to offer them money and settle the debt without wasting any time or money with going to court is very beneficial to the collector.

If you get sued and you only have a standard company representing you, you can expect to go to court and try to figure it out yourself. This often results in a judgment for the debtor!

Correct Legal Set Up

Perhaps the biggest advantage the law firm has over a company is how they are set up. The vast majority of debt settlement companies are not legally allowed to work in all the states; many are not even set up correctly to operate in their own state.

The states' attorneys and the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) are cracking down severely on these companies and shutting them down as fast as possible. When this happens often times the company does not have the money to payback its clients for the fees they paid to a company that will no longer be in business and can no longer help to settle their debts. Now the debtor will be left holding the bag having paid thousands in fees but still be stuck in debt, and this nightmare scenario happens more than you may think. Thus making law firms a much, much safer option!

Another issue that many people have with debt settlement companies is they will not disclose how this process works and will simply sugar coats things and preach about the great benefits but never mention one downside. A law firm legally must disclose everything about how this works before being able to enroll anyone into any structured payment plan. A lot of companies do not have your interest at heart and will say whatever it takes to get you signed up even if they are fully aware that they are setting you up to fail.

Which brings me to my last point; a lot of unscrupulous companies will allow their clients to sign into a program and pay whatever they want and put them into programs that are set up for much longer than they should be. By stretching a debt settlement program out the savings will decrease and the potential for a lawsuit will increase. These companies cannot legally give the client advice or assistance if they get sued; it is considered unlicensed practice of law and this is what I mean by them knowing they will be setting you up to fail. If you can't get this process done within three years, four max in special situations, then you should seriously consider bankruptcy. A law firm will be strait up and tell this to you, where many shady companies will keep trying to sign you up.

I really hope after reading this article you feel enlightened and now have a much better understanding of how debt settlement works and how a law firm can advantage you the most. I know for the most part I have been focusing on the negative aspects of debt settlement, but I feel it is important for people to understand both the good and the bad, allowing them to make an educated wise financial decision on how to get out of debt. But you must realize just how powerful the benefits of this process are! Saving close to half of what is currently owed and becoming debt free in a few years will be so beneficial to your current and future financial well being. Credit card debt has a way of destroying people's finances and their lives and debt settlement is the perfect alternative for those who want to escape debt quickly and avoid the embarrassment of filing for bankruptcy.

If you are curious as to whether using a debt settlement law firm can benefit your financial situation then I invite you to follow the link below in the signature box and fill out an application. I welcome the opportunity to review your personal and unique situation to see if debt settlement will be the right fit for you.

How Does a Debt Settlement Law Firm Work?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

reputation Card Interest Rates - A brief Explanation

When you apply for a prestige card, all the different type of interest rates mentioned on the application form probably confuses you.

The most coarse interest rate is the Apr, which prestige card clubs like to quote as the "interest rate" for using their card. This is known as the annual division Rate, which is calculated on a annual basis.

Bank Orchard

However, prestige card clubs do not do their interest rate calculation once a year. They do it on a monthly basis. The interest is applied to your unpaid superior balance is calculated by dividing the Apr by 12. This is called the monthly periodic rate.

Every month, this monthly periodic rate is applied to anything superior balance that is not paid. This is the compounding succeed of interest rate and is refer to as compounding interest. By factoring into the compounding effect, what have is called the efficient annual Rate (Ear). This rate is much higher than the quoted Apr rate.

Most of the prestige card clubs will offer two type of Apr for their cards. The first one is the preliminary rate, which is a very low rate and last for six months to a year. In many cases, the preliminary rate is zero percent. Once the preliminary duration is over, second type of Apr will comes in. This is often called the ongoing Apr, which can be a huge jump from the preliminary interest rate. Thus it is imperative to check the ongoing rate before applying for the prestige card.

In addition, the ongoing Apr can be fixed or variable.

A variable Apr means that the rate will fluctuate according to changes to economic indicators such as the Prime Rate or the Libor Rate.

On the other hand, a fixed rate is not dependent on such economic indicators but it does not mean it stay unchanged over time. The prestige card enterprise can, and will, change it if necessary. However, it will do so after giving you some form of proclamation first. Unless the economy is facing some serious problem, the fixed Apr can stay unchanged for many months.

The all the interest rate stuffs is production your head swim, you just need to do one thing. And that is to pay your prestige card balance in full and on time. If you do this every month, there is assuredly no need to worry about the interest rate.

reputation Card Interest Rates - A brief Explanation

Monday, December 12, 2011

To North Carolina's Nantahala Gorge With the Great Smoky Mountains hasten


Misty clouds, rising from the dark green faces of the Great Smoky Mountains while the morning, appeared like smoke tendrils. The twelve-car train, wearing the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad's tuscan red and Rio Grande gold livery and pulled by an Emd Gp-9 diesel locomotive, vibrated and clanged its bell atop the gravel-imbedded rails next to the gray, wooden Bryson City depot, as it prepared for its imminent, 44-mile, round-trip departure to Nantahala Gorge. Passengers, many of whom had dislodged from buses, inundated the tiny portico waiting area, lulled into a North Carolina mood by a guitar-strumming trio. I would make the journey in the MacNeill Club Car, estimate 536, today, attached to generator car 6118 and trailed by Silver Meteor dining car 8015. That journey, inextricably tired to these western North Carolina mountains, could trace its origins to the mid-1800s.

Bank Orchard

Although the ruggedly gorgeous area had been rich in natural resources, such as timber, fertile soil, and minerals, the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, peeking at 6,000 feet, had rendered it isolated and inaccessible, with a rough, wagon-plied route its only association with the rest of the state. After essential efforts to persuade the state legislature of North Carolina to rectify this deficiency, it had agreed to subsidize the construction of track between Salisbury and Asheville in 1855, to be used by the Western North Carolina Railroad.

A flat development period, spanning six years, had been thwarted in 1861 by the Civil War, at which time some 70 miles of rail had yet to be laid, but momentum had ultimately been regained 16 years later, when convict labor had been employed for the first time. Five hundred tracklayers had been subdivided into 150-men camps, each of which had been led by a captain, a foreman, and some guards.

An erroneous route survey, revealing that existing topography had been unsuitable for track, had required other decade to properly determine, and had been exacerbated by crude, hand tool usage and primitive rock dismissal methods, the rocks themselves expanded by fire-created heat and cracked after drenchings with cold water.

The rails, following Indian trails and cow paths, entailed an 891.5-foot elevation gain with an average two-percent grade, and passed through five tunnels, and the precarious route had hardly been forged with safety. Indeed, on March 11, 1879, the Swannanoa Tunnel, which had been being bored from both ends, had collapsed and instantly crushed 21 workers.

Murphy, already the eastern terminus of the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad, served the same purpose in 1891 when the tracks for the Western North Carolina's Murphy field had been laid, albeit six years later than planned, and traffic interchange between the two had been facilitated when the previous had changed its gauge from narrow to standard. The 111 miles from Asheville had, for the first time, been associated by rail.

Despite the delays incurred by its construction, its crude method, topographical obstacles, rough roadbed, and lack of ballast had often caused derailments, a condition partially alleviated with the expanding of culverts and abutments.

Rapidly becoming the lifeline to the communities lining it, it carried supplies, agricultural products, and timber, and associated with other, existing shortline railroads, such as the Alarka Valley, the Appalachian, the Carolina and Tennessee Southern, the B&B, the Smoky Mountain, the Ritter Lumber Company, the Sunburst, and the Tuckasegee Southeastern, but it had all the time been plagued by steep grades, sharp curves, low-capacity locomotives, and inferior maintenance.

Three years after its completion, the Southern Railway took control of it, and, in 1907, it had been reorganized as the "Murphy Division," with Bryson City serving as its headquarters. Its local businesses and industries, manufacturing pulpwood and pallets and selling propane, had heavily relied on rail converyance to hold their activities, routinely requiring feed, cross ties, lumber, and sand.

Improved road access, however, gently replaced the need for the rails. In 1937, for instance, two daily trains had departed Murphy-a freight aid at 0600 and a passenger run at 0800-but by 1944, only a particular passenger train had plied the line, leaving Murphy at 0715 for Asheville and returning at 1415. Aside from offering increased western North Carolina access, road development had been necessitated by the opportunity of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Diminishing timber resources, coupled with the completion of the nearby Fontana Dam, had ultimately resulted in the permanent discontinuation of passenger services on July 16, 1948. Thirty-two years later, in 1980, 2,239 freight car loads had plied the rails, yet by 1987, the estimate had dwindled to 817. while the last three years, by which time the hasten had been acquired by Norfolk Southern, commonly scheduled service, of no more than five cars, had only been maintained between Waynesville and Andrews, with stops in Murphy only sporadically made.

Maintenance costs, already high because of the 34 bridges connecting Dillsboro with Murphy and the excessive track curvature, had escalated without a commensurate growth in revenue, and in 1984, the Champion Paper Mill, long dependent on the line for its business, had converted its traditional pulpwood stock to woodchips, packaged in a cube whose size had precluded its rail converyance through the Dillsboro and Rhodo tunnels. Costs to either lower their roadbeds or growth their ceiling heights had been prohibitive, particularly for use by only a particular company. As a result, the papermill had been forced to truck its products to Canton and Norfolk Southern, unable to stem its losses, had been forced to abandon the 67 miles of track between Dillsboro and Murphy in 1988.

Although some prospective operators had explored both passenger and freight uses for it, none had been financially self-sustainable, and on July 18 of that year, the North Carolina division of communication had forcibly purchased the track for 0,000 for the intended introduction of a passenger excursion train operated by the newly-established Great Smoky Mountains Railroad.

Its first equipment, two Gp-9 locomotives from Burlington Northern and Union Pacific, along with some converted, open coaches, had been joined by a 1942 Baldwin steam machine originally built for the Us Army and two more Gp-7 diesels from Chicago and North Western by 1995.

Its gift fleet, comprised of open cars, coaches, "Crown" coaches, club cars, dining cars, and cabooses, had been acquired from some railroads and extensively refurbished. Track modifications, whose 80- and 85-pound ratings stipulated 25-mph maximum speeds, have entailed heavier rail and track side lubricator installations on sharp curves, the reinforcement of many trestles, and the redecking of the bridge crossing the Tuckasegee River at Dillsboro.

In 1996, the Great Smoky Mountains hasten purchased the Dillsboro-Andrews section of track from the state of North Carolina, while the state itself prolonged to own the remainder of it, from Andrews to Murphy.

Acquired three years later, on December 23, 1999, by American legacy Railways, the Great Smoky Mountains hasten became one of three excursion trains owned by the new company, which operates similar ventures in Colorado and Texas.


Bryson City, origin of my own Nantahala Gorge excursion, is a mountainside society of 1,400 placed on the Tuckasegee River and named after Colonel Thadeus Dillard Bryson. Incorporated in 1887, it had been laid out in accordance with the ancient trails and roads of the Cherokee, who had originally referred to it as "Big Bear Springs," and today serves as a gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains and is the hub for the railroad. Because of its proximity to the Fontana Dam, it had temporarily burgeoned while its construction period.

The current hasten depot, built while the 1890s, is the only one remaining from the Southern Railway's performance of the line, although its freight storehouse portion had since been removed and replaced by an open portico. A one-and-a-half mile long rail yard, of four tracks, had facilitated the town's many industries, together with the Carolina Wood Turning Company, the Carolina construction Supply, the Southern Concrete Company, and a petroleum dealer, while a turntable, a water tank, and a coal chute had been instrumental in the then-present use of steam locomotives. Bryson City is placed at mile marker 63 on the track running from Asheville to Murphy.

My train's complement had included the 1955-manufactured diesel engine, a generator car, the MacNeill club car, the Silver Meteor dining car, the Dixie Flyer dining car, the Conductor's Café, the Bryson City coach, the Wildwater open car, the Cherokee coach, the Fontana open car, the Crescent minuscule coach, and a caboose.

A car coupling-created lurch preceded the train's first movement at 1030, as it gently glided over Everet street-imbedded track, soon mirrored by the stationary, red and gold Great Smoky Mountains Railroad's chain of coaches cradled by the freight yard, before it plunged through dense, approximately tunnel-like foliage at increasing, although still-gentle speeds.

Re-emerging from the dense forest, whose tall, thin trees stood like sentinels guarding the particular track, the chain of cars inched away from Bryson City, paralleling the north bank of the Tuckasegee River. The traditional roadbed, curing to the right at mile 64.5, had been replaced by the gift route in 1944 because of dam construction-created flooding.

Traversing a steel truss bridge, which had been constructed in 1898 and spanned 426 feet, the Great Smoky Mountains hasten crossed the Nantahala River, and thence arced into a 12.1-degree curve, commencing an almost-imperceptible climb up a 1.3-percent grade, before reaching its summit by means of a horseshoe curve to the left. The Alarka Creek, a blue sheen amidst the blur of deep forest green, flashed through the left windows.

The train's diplomatic rock, lulling me into relaxed serenity, prompted closer internal inspection of the MacNeill club car in which I rode. The line's newest addition, it had been built in the 1940s and had previously been designated the "Powhatan Arrow," operating Norfolk and Western's aid of the same name on its Premier line until 1982, at which time it had been transferred to the merged Norfolk-Southern's Steam Program. Although it had been refurbished in 1993, it had been subsequently damaged the following year in a collision in Lynchburg, Virginia.

No longer needed after the Steam schedule had been discontinued in February of 1995, it had been auctioned and acquired by the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad, renamed in honor of Malcolm and Jean MacNeill for their years of aid and dedication, and for their vision of an economically viable western North Carolina scenic railway. It had been inaugurated into this aid in mid-1999 on the very Nantahala Gorge run I had currently made after just restoration.

Opulently decorated, it had featured a serving area; single, swivelable, tan-upholstered, opposed easy chairs separated by round tables on one side, and pairs separated by rectangular ones on the other; wood-grained wall paneling; brass lamps above the tables; and thick, red carpeting. Fruit salad, blueberry muffins, and coffee had been served shortly after departure.

The sun, ultimately managing to tear the billowing white, gray, and silver cloud deck open, revealed patches of blue. The pine green, glass-reflective outside of Fontana Lake, once a fertile valley, flicked through the dense foliage before opportunity up to a full water body, at mile 72.2. Its very creation had dictated the current railroad's route.

The Murphy field track, having been 8.5 miles longer, but with gentler grades, had followed the north bank of the Tuckasegee River to Bushnell, the small society placed at the converging point of the minuscule Tennessee River and the junction of the Carolina and Tennessee Southern Railway Company's track. But World War Ii-necessitated inquire for increased electrical power to facilitate output of vital war materials had sparked the Tennessee Valley Authority's Fontana Dam scheme and the Murphy Branch's track rerouting.

Fontana, a town 1.5 miles from the construction site, had been nucleic to its successful completion and the Carolina and Tennessee Southern's track, extended 2.84 miles along the minuscule Tennessee River, had formed the temporary lifeline to it, facilitating material and machinery transport. A timber trestle had been built over Eagle Creek. A four-track rail yard, long adequate to hold 100 cars on each of its spurs, along with a machine shop, a carpenter shop, a warehouse, and storehouse areas, had formed the base of the project, and cement-filled boxcars had run from Bryson City to the dam, conveying 8,000 cubic yards of concrete and 15,000 tons of sand and gravel per day.

The war had carried two stipulations: the dam had to be completed within a two-year period and steel could not be allocated for it, requiring relocated or reconstructed bridges and colossal amounts of fill to substitute for otherwise needed trestles.

Three dissimilar rivers had formed the lowest of the newly-created Fontana Lake when the resultant stockroom had flooded 24 miles of previous Murphy field track from Bryson City to Weser, and the dam, at 480 feet, had been the top in the eastern United States and the fourth-largest in the world when it had been completed in 1944.

The old line, discontinued by the Southern Railway between mileposts 64.5 and 88.2 on September 25 of the previous year, had been replaced by the new one on July 30, 1944.

Eating away the steel girder, concrete stanchion-supported Fontana Lake Bridge, the gift Great Smoky Mountains hasten crossed the evergreen-reflected water.

At milepost 76, orchard remnants, location of the previous Southern Railway president's summerhouse, moved by. Following the azure of Fontana Lake, the diesel locomotive negotiated the 14.2-degree curve to the right at mile 77.8, the relocated line's sharpest, which could only be safely traversed at five mph.

The Nantahala River, a fluid life force exploding into small fumes of white anger with every rock and boulder obstacle thrown in its path, paralleled the 12-car link.

Lunch, served in the Silver Meteor dining car attached to the MacNeill club car, had included grilled vegetables, portobello mushrooms, and creamy goat cheese on a hero, served with seasoned potato wedges and a side of lettuce and tomato. The two-axle, lightweight car, built in 1940 for shoreline Airline Railway and restored by the Great Smoky Mountains hasten in 1994, had featured a transmit galley; twelve, four-place, black lacquer tables with upholstered, floral motif-sporting chairs; small, brass lamps; and gray, geometric textured carpeting which had adorned the lowest half of its sidewalls.

The Conductor's Café, a snack car constructed in 1949 and an alternative eating venue, had been operated as a dormitory on the Atlantic Coast Line Railway and had also seen brief aid with Amtrak before being converted to its gift configuration in 1997.

Plying the last mile of relocated track, the Great Smoky Mountains hasten passed Weser Creek Falls and the Nantahala Outdoor town before crossing the Appalachian Trail at milepost 80, now cradled by steep mountains which formed Nantahala Gorge and impeded all but the high, afternoon sun's rays from penetrating it. The track, paralleling the river, had been laid close to the mountain's side with the aid of nothing more than picks and shovels and seemed to bore through cool air and nature's dense, perennially-green, vegetation-created tunnel.

The caves beyond the coaches' right windows had once been used by hunters and settlers and had been instrumental while the Cherokee's exile to Oklahoma in its Trail of Tears period.

Maneuvering through the line's sharpest curve, of 17 degrees, at milepost 83.2, the train approached Talc Mountain, approaching Nantahala, once the last location of a water tank, a coal chute, and a sand tower for replenishing steam engines, thus necessitating adequate provision for the 56-mile round-trip to Murphy and back. Today, it had served as my own journey's terminus.

Diesel locomotive 1751, disconnecting from its 11-car chain, passed it on the Stanley track to its right before reconnecting in front of the caboose and reinitiating motion, now in the opposite direction, after a barely perceptible lurch, destined for the Nantahala Outdoor town and a one-hour interlude.

Gently lurching and rattling, the Great Smoky Mountains hasten retraced its path, boring through the forest green walls which reeked not of soot or coal, but instead of dense vegetation.

Amid the rushing of the river, where the tracks briefly doubled, it inched into the Nantahala Outdoor Center. Immediately above the green canopy, tiny specks of blue had rendered the otherwise white and silver cloud blanket an afternoon mosaic. The town itself, starting point for rafting excursions and permanently suffused with the heavy scent of pine, had been comprised of some wooden, rustic cabins housing gift ships and restaurants.

After having been pelted by a fierce, but quick rain shower while its one-hour rest, the diesel locomotive, once again signaling imminent departure with its whistle, released its brakes at 1400 and reinitiated momentum, each car induced into coupling-snagged motion like a chain in mimicked reaction.

The Nantahala River, now paralleling the train on the right side and a reflection of the mountain-covered vegetation, appeared a crystal green mirror. The diplomatic blue of the sky crested the towering trees.

Traveling in a northwesterly direction, the long chain of cars thread its way through the dense forest toward the almost-blue peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains ahead, their wheels screeching in protest as they adhered to the track's curvatures.

The cork on the champagne bottle had been popped and cheese and crackers had, in the meantime, been served in the MacNeill club car.

Fontana Lake, draped by green-carpeted hills and dotted with houseboats, once again glided by, now illustrated through the long, rectangular windows on the left side, as if they had served as large television screens depicting a world from which one had been temporarily disconnected in the self-contained coach.

Following the dense, green mountain valley-cradled tracks, the train once again traversed the steel truss bridge and inched past the hasten yard, crossing Evert street in Bryson City and snagging its brakes for a final time abreast of the gray depot.

Climbing down from the MacNeill club car, I stepped back on to the gravel and caught view of the last car. Behind it lay a track comprised of light rails laid by convicts through mountainous, river-abundant terrain, having requiring restricted bridges, small tunnels, tight curves, and varying grades. Behind it lay a story of the Murphy Branch, which had provided the lifeline to the Great Smoky Mountains' isolated communities, facilitating their growth and development, and connecting town to town. And behind it lay the ultimate connection-the one from soul to soul.

Opening the door, I stepped into the Bryson City depot.

To North Carolina's Nantahala Gorge With the Great Smoky Mountains hasten

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Discover How to Cut Student Loan Debt

There were a lot of people who like to do a situation that is impossible to get out of. Pay off your student loan debts all along? Too many people think that the only way it can be done is by doing it alone. This technique takes a lot of persistence that just not everyone is capable of. You need to make a detailed assessment of who you owe your money to, how much money, how much your monthly payment is and what the interest rate is. You'll make the payments on each account except for the bill with the lowest balance. On this particular account, pay whatever you can.. Rinse and repeat. The gold sector money and added to the account to your trying to pay off. This works best when you cut back on any unnecessary expenses thereby increasing your income. This method keeps your credit intact and teaches you hadn't manage finances better.

There's something I want to note about the cutting up your credit card advice. Too many assume that avoiding the use of their credit cards from now on will instantly lower the student loan debt, and they may cut the cards and put diminish paper shredder just to ensure that they don't go back to it or put it back in their wallet. They think that just by getting rid of the credit card bills save themselves from any temptation to use credit and therefore get deeper into debt. But actually don't be the hardest thing to do to reduce your student loan debt. If you have a bad habit of spending money that you don't actually have, you simply need to reshape your spending habits.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

Discover How to Cut Student Loan Debt

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How I Setup My Business Bank Accounts

Breaking down the process into small individual tasks

The small tasks involved in starting a new business can often times add up to become a seemingly overwhelming process when looked at in their entirety. It is important to remember that most of these tasks really are small, and looking at them as such makes things seem a lot easier. In this article I will focus on what I looked at in my situation in order to setup my business banking accounts.

Orchard Card Sign In

Prior to setting up my banking accounts

To get to this point I had to complete a series of other small tasks in order to have everything ready for setting up my business banking accounts. This included setting up my business address, completing my limited liability company paperwork and receiving my LLC paperwork back from my state's secretary of state office, and applying for and receiving my Federal Employer Identification Number from the IRS.

Since at this point in my business creation I do not have any real income being generated, I needed to keep all my initial expenses as low as possible. In this case it means finding a business banking structure that will not have excessive fees and preferably have no fees at all. The last thing I want right now is to spend money setting up my business on things like recurring unnecessary banking fees.

What I needed in a business banking account

I started out with a little research using the internet on what was required to setup business banking accounts. There is quite a lot of information available which can be easily found, so I will just document my steps in the decisions I made for my particular setup. There were a few things besides low monthly fees that I wanted from by business banking account.

1. A local convenient branch location

2. A national chain with many locations

3. A good on-line banking service

4. The ability to add on a multitude of business services down the road

5. Low or no recurring monthly business banking service charges

A convenient branch location

The good news is that I was able to find all of these things in my community. I needed a local convenient branch location because I do not want to have to travel all over the place to perform my banking tasks. This is a matter of time-management for me, and in the past I have chosen poorly with personal bank accounts because I thought I would do most everything on-line and not really need something close or more convenient. While I do perform most of my personal banking on-line, I still find myself wishing I had chosen a closer bank when there are times I needed to physically go to the bank. Depending on the types of deposits I will need to make, I envision myself needing to physically go to my business bank in the future much more than I need to for my personal banking needs.

A national chain with many locations

I wanted to choose a national bank with many branch offices because if I decide to personally relocate or setup a business in another location, the chances of having a local branch of the same bank is much more likely with a larger national financial institution. This would mean I would be able to keep the existing accounts with the same bank and not have the hassle of starting over with new accounts at a different bank in order to maintain the same convenience of having a close branch location.

A good on-line banking service

Having a very good on-line banking service is definitely one of the major considerations I had in choosing my bank. In today's day and age, I want and expect very good on-line banking services including on-line bill pay, statements, account funding transfers, consolidation of all accounts into a centralized site for easy viewing, and most importantly built in functionality to download my accounts easily into financial software such as Quicken or Quickbooks.

The ability to add on a multitude of business services down the road

The ability to add additional business banking services or having a business bank which is easily scalable was also a consideration I had concerning the bank I would choose. This is an area which was not the highest priority at this time because I figured that if the bank I chose met the other qualifications then they would also have the ability to easily scale my business accounts to meet the needs of my business down the road. Merchant services and other business financial services would be some of the things I envision needing in the future.

Low or no recurring monthly business banking service charges

Last on my list would be one of the most important considerations I was having at this point early in my business setup. Low or no recurring monthly business banking service charges with the need to only maintain a low balance in my business banking accounts is a must at this time. I would not be opening my accounts with a lot of money, and I did not want what money I was depositing into my accounts to be eaten away at by service fees. I needed an account that would allow me to have a low minimum balance at the same time avoiding as many fees as I could. Many banks have accounts with no minimum balance requirements and no monthly fees for personal banking accounts, but this is usually not the case with many business banking accounts.

So how did I do?

I ended up opening a business banking account with Chase Bank. They had a convenient branch location close to my home and right across the street from my business UPS Store mailbox, which incidentally is my official business address at this point (See my article on Getting My Business Address.) They met my listed criteria for convenience, and also are a well recognized national financial institution with many branch offices throughout the nation. This means the likelihood of finding another branch close to me if I chose to relocate is much greater. They have a very rich on-line banking service that met all of my requirements for on-line banking abilities, and easily integrated with my Quicken software. They offered many business financial services which were available to me, but at this time I do not require them. It is nice to know I can get these services in the future with them. Most importantly, they were able to structure my accounts so that I do not have any monthly service fees or minimum balance requirements, NONE!

How did I avoid fees?

They had a program where I could open a business classic checking account which would normally have fees unless I maintained an account balance that was more than I would have been maintaining. I could avoid the fees by applying for a business credit card account and linking it to my business checking account. As long as I made at least one transaction a month on the business credit card account then I would not have any business checking account fees. I know the question many will be asking. What about the business credit card fees? Well I made sure the business credit card did not have any annual fees or other hidden fees also. It did not. Believe me I asked many times. There were also other benefits to having a business credit card which initially I did not place as much value on. These benefits included establishing a credit rating for my business which was independent of my personal credit history. This is important because in the future, the business may one day be able to obtain loans without personal liability of the loans by me for the business. Another benefit of having a business credit card is better protection for on-line purchases and fraud when using a credit card versus using a debit card on-line.

Making sure I have at least one transaction a month on my business credit card was easy enough. I simply set-up my internet hosting provider to use my business credit card for the monthly hosting fee of the business. This ensures that even if I choose to use my checking account checks or debit card, which was also free of fees, I will always have at least one charge on the credit card to meet the bank's requirements for waving all of my business accounts' service charges. Not a bad deal in my opinion.

What paperwork did I need to setup my accounts?

First I have to say the customer service for setting up my business banking accounts was top notch! I just walked in to the branch office without any appointment and a representative from the business banking department met with me immediately. I made it clear from the beginning that I was small-time when it came to my business at this point. They still treated me like I was a larger business. They took the time to explain everything and answered my many questions. I was approved on the spot for a business credit card with a very nice limit. I plan to never even carry a balance on the card, but it was nice to see I qualified for a respectable line of business credit.

All I needed to set-up my accounts were my personal identification, the employer identification number I received from the IRS, the certificate of filing from the Office of the Secretary of State from my state, and my LLC operating agreement. All of these documents, except for the personal identification of course, were part of the LLC package I received when I filed for my LLC using Everything was in order and I had everything with me to complete the task without having to make any additional trips to the bank for further documentation.


By breaking down the tasks involved in setting up a business, you can decrease the seemingly complicated event by making it merely a series of small uncomplicated steps. In this step of setting up my business banking accounts, I knew what I wanted to accomplish and what I needed before I ever walked into a bank. By having my paperwork in order and by doing a little homework before hand, I was able to complete this task without it being a headache or a frustrating event.

How I Setup My Business Bank Accounts