Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Signs Of Infidelity - Warning! Don't Read This If There's Any Chance You Can't Handle The Truth

Here are 35 signs of infidelity you must be aware of if you think you partner might be up to no good. Statistics tell us that 50% of men and 85% of women who think their partner is cheating are right. Unless you're absolutely sure you want to know the truth stop reading this now.

Ok, you've chosen to read on so here's what to look out for...

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1. Paying more attention than before to their appearance, buying new clothes, losing weight, going to the gym and other sudden fitness endeavors.

2. Showing more energy and passion for life, taking up things they've never done before like a new hobby or sport.

3. Smell or signs of perfume, lipstick or makeup on clothing (men) or aftershave (women)

4. Not always wearing their wedding ring (and making implausible excuses for this)

5. Unaccounted for time (and making implausible excuses for this)

6. Becoming inappropriately defensive when asked questions

7. Often distracted and day dreaming

8. You notice something different in your sex life (better, worse or just different)

9. Lack of attention, affection and intimacy towards you

10. Becomes emotionally distant, withdrawn or depressed

11. Increase in working hours, after work meetings and business trips away from home

12. Often unavailable at work

13. Attends more work functions alone

14. Questions your schedule more often than usual

15. Caller disconnects when you pick up the phone

16. Cell phone calls are not returned as promptly as normal

17. Leaves house or goes to another room to talk on the telephone privately

18. Hides phone bills

19. Purchases a phone calling card

20. Cell phone and home phone bills contain long duration calls

21. Business phone bills contain unusual calls

22. Suspicious voicemail messages, cell phone numbers stored and dialed.

23. The computer becomes more important than your relationship or family

24. "Quick Click" frantic mouse clicking when you enter the room

25. Stays up late at night to work on the computer.

26. Strong desire for privacy when on the internet

27. Signs up to different web-based email addresses

28. Suddenly wants a digital camera or scanner

29. Hides credit card statements

30. Credit card bills contain unusual items, travel, restaurant and unspecified charges

31. Credit cards contain unusual locations of petrol/gas stations

32. Unexplained payments on bank statements

33. More cash on hand than normal

34. Unexplained receipts or personal effects in wallet

35. Mileage on car is higher than normal

Signs Of Infidelity - Warning! Don't Read This If There's Any Chance You Can't Handle The Truth

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