Sunday, July 31, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prepaid Cell Phones

We are constantly seeing advertisements on TV promoting cell phones and cell phones carriers with what they call great introductory offers if you sign up with them on their network.

Is it worthwhile signing a one-year contract with a cell phone carrier?

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

Well that is a question that you need to answer for yourself, while the pricing may look attractive you need to consider if you will be using the phone on a regular daily basis. Ask your self the following:

·Do I need my cell phone for work?

·Will I be calling mainly friends and family?

·Will I be making out of state calls or international calls?

If the answer to the above number of questions is no, well prepaid cell phones could be your best choice. Prepaid cell phones are ideal for people who do not intend signing contracts and do not intend to use the cell excessively. There many advantages and disadvantages with using this type of cell phone:

Advantages of using a prepaid cell phone:

·No credit check required

·No deposit required

·No monthly rental fee

·No termination fee if you decide not to use your phone again

·No service fee

·A large selection of phones available including camera cell phones

·Always in control of call costs

Disadvantages of using a prepaid cell phone:

·Calls and SMS Text will be more expensive per minute than using a bill phone

·You could run out of credit at a crucial time that you need to make a call

·Some carriers will put a time limit on your credit (you will need to use it up within a certain time or else it will be classed as invalid)

Children with prepaid cell phones:

Always purchase a cell phone with low emissions for health and safety purposes. Children under the age of 7 are not recommended to using any type of cell phone.

If you like to keep tabs on your children and you feel a cell phone is a good safe idea, do not make the mistake that many parents do in giving a cell phone that has line rental. If you do this be very prepared for a large monthly bill every month from the mailman. It's like giving your child a large bag of candy and asking them not to eat them unless it's really necessary. Prepaid cell phones are ideal for children, if their credit runs out, so be it, but you can always call or text them and it's then up to you what extra credit to allow.

It's very difficult for young children to budget wisely and kids will be kids so you need to careful when it comes to financing them a cell phone.

What are the highest costs involved with prepaid cell phones?

Be careful your credit can be eaten up very quickly. Camera cell phones are great fun and handy to have at times but if you are using a prepaid cell camera phone and want to text photos the cost can be very high per text. Also watch for roaming charges are these too can be very expensive. Always look for promotions and giveaways with no hidden charges.

Is getting credit easy?

Buying credit could not be easier. Most stores will sell credit for the different cell phone carriers and some stores have vending type machines where you can simply follow the instructions and top up your credit. You can also call your cell phone carrier (usually a toll free number) and purchase with your credit card. Credit issued as a long number. Simply type this into the correct section of your cell and that's all there is to it.

Prepaid cell phones in brief:

·A great idea for those of us who need to stay inline with our phone expenses.

·Very handy to have for emergencies with no rental charge.

·Ideal for children if you wish for them to carry a cell phone

·A good back up if you experience a problem with your house phone

Once again always look into the different cell phone carriers and their prepaid cell packages, not all are the same with some giving excellent starter packages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prepaid Cell Phones

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Prologue - When to Use One, How to Write One

What is a prologue? When should you use one? Should you forget about a prologue and simply start at Chapter 1?

All too often we pick up a published book and read the prologue, then wonder why it was there at all. It doesn't seem to do anything that Chapter One couldn't have done - or that couldn't have been worked in during the story itself. Or the prologue is a scene taken directly from the book - a few paragraphs inserted only to make us keep reading. I feel cheated if I get to a point halfway through the book - or near the end - and find that the prologue is nothing more than a word-for-word excerpt from the book. (Seems like 'entrapment' or something!)

Orchard Card Sign In

Some writing tutors maintain that a prologue should never be there just to provide atmosphere and to 'hook' the reader. I don't agree; it depends on how it is handled. I think there is a place for a prologue to act as a drawcard for the rest of the story - but please, don't be obvious about it. Don't 'cheat' by just copying a short scene from a 'cliffhanger moment' near the end, pasting it in before Chapter 1 and calling it a prologue.

A prologue should reveal significant facts that contribute to our understanding of the plot. It should be vivid and entertaining in its own right (who wants to read a boring prologue, no matter how much of the background it explains?) It should make us want to read on.

What Is A Prologue?

A prologue is used mainly for two reasons.
To outline the backstory quickly and economically, saving the author from having to resort to flashbacks or ruses such as conversations or memories to explain the background to the reader. This is commonly done in science fiction and fantasy to show why a certain quest is being undertaken or what will happen in the future. The prologue is a better option than a first chapter bogged down in detail. To hook the reader and provide the story question right up front, giving them a reason to keep turning the pages to find out the answer. Quite often the prologue relates to a scene near the end of the story, and the story itself then shows what has led up to this moment. When is this justified? Perhaps when you want to introduce your characters in a more leisurely fashion, and your reader's experience with 'meeting' them will be enhanced by some sort of foreshadowing of what is to come.

Apart from these two reasons, a prologue can be used to introduce a certain character's viewpoint on one occasion only. The rest of the book may be told from just one other viewpoint, or from several different viewpoint characters that are in some way removed from the one you've used in the prologue. The prologue can bypass the danger of viewpoint violation.

Do You Need a Prologue?

The points raised above will probably give you a good idea already of whether you really need a prologue. If you're still not sure, then simply ask:
What if I just call the prologue Chapter 1? Will the story flow smoothly from that point anyway? (If the answer is "yes", ditch the prologue.) Do I need to give the readers a fair bit of background information for the story to make sense? (If "yes", the consider doing it in a prologue before the 'real' story starts.) Am I thinking of using a prologue just to hook the reader? (If "yes", then ask yourself why you can't do this just as effectively in Chapter 1 anyway. Do you need to brush up on your technique for creating suspense and conflict? Does your plot need revising? Are you starting your story too early?)

Perhaps the best way to illustrate the use of a prologue is to actually show one. I've chosen not a prologue to a fantasy - the need for a prologue tends to be more obvious in speculative fiction - but a contemporary novel, Mary Stanley's Revenge (Hodder Headline 2003)


Millicent McHarg sat on an iron chair on the patio in the back garden where the Buddha with its green lights resided. She was wearing her winter coat, her grandmother's furs and her felt hat with an ostrich feather. As she said herself, she only wore that particular feather when she was feeling triumphant. Nonetheless she was in a thoughtful mood. Her height, her elegance, her fine-boned features were elegant even in repose.

The funeral was over and she was planning on how to proceed. She looked up at the house with her apartment attached at the side. The lights were already on and the warmth from inside almost drew her in. Then she turned and looked down at the orchard. For a moment she thought there was movement among the trees, but not being given to fanciful thinking she quickly dismissed the possibility of a ghost. She had other things on her mind. She thought of her granddaughters in the main part of the house and she considered the options.

She would write the synopsis of a new book, she thought. She would call it Divine Justice, or maybe Retribution. No, she thought. I will call it Revenge. I will never have it published, but I will use it. My God, but I will give it to him, and watch him read it, and then he'll know. I will people it with real characters, and she ran through the list in her mind:

Millicent McHarg grandmother and author, known as Grammer to the children

Maria McHarg her daughter-in-law, known as Mum

Prunella McHarg eldest granddaughter aged seventeen at the start of the story, known as Plumpet

Daphne McHarg middle granddaughter aged fourteen and known as Daffers

Maya McHarg youngest granddaughter, adopted, aged between four and five, known as the Dumpling

I'll let them tell the story, Millicent decided. And I'll include Theresa Carmody. She can tell her story too.

It was very cold on the patio and the plan was forming nicely. The door from her apartment into the garden opened, and Waldorf appeared on the step.

"Millie," he called, "are you really sitting out there in this weather? Is that really you?"

"The one and only," she said, which observation pretty much summed her up.

"I thought I saw a ghost," he commented lightly, "down among the trees."

"I think not," said Millicent McHarg. "I doubt that a ghost would dare to hover here."

"Too right," Waldorf replied. A tall thin humorous man, slightly older than Millicent, he talked with a plum in his mouth and was given to wearing a buttonhole, swinging an umbrella and talking in riddles.

"I'm going in to the girls," he told her.

"I'll follow in a moment," she replied. "I'm just putting the finishing touches to a new book."

"I should think you've done enough for one day," he said dryly.

We'll see about that, she thought.

The door closed behind Waldorf and she lifted her head. For a moment she thought she could hear the laughter of her granddaughters coming from the house. She sighed, knowing that she had not heard them laugh like that all Christmas, and that it would be a long time before she could hope to hear them laugh like that again.


I probably don't need to explain to you why this prologue works so well - but let's examine it in a little more detail anyway.
The first paragraph introduces the protagonist - the girls' grandmother and the strongest character in the book. In five sentences we get an excellent sense of the type of woman Millicent McHarg is. The second paragraph makes it clear that this is a significant moment for Millicent. It's after 'the funeral' (whose funeral?) and she is 'considering her options'. She decides to write a book, and the title tells us instantly that she is set on revenge. We don't know yet why, or what she intends to do - but we sure want to find out. She introduces the other main characters and decides she will 'let them tell the story'. We understand instantly that there is a significant story to be told. Waldorf's comment and Millicent's reply arouse our curiosity even more. Why does he say she's 'done enough for one day'? And what does Millicent mean when she thinks, We'll see about that? What has happened to this family to make Millicent think of revenge? Why haven't the girls laughed for so long - and why does she expect it will be some time before they laugh again?

After the prologue, the story begins: Chapter 1 - the story of Prunella McHarg. We are happy to settle in and get to know all these characters - because this short prologue has promised us that they will be worth getting to know.

A Final Test

Before you make a final decision about whether to write a prologue for your book, do this.

Spend some time at the library (or at your bookshelves at home, if they are extensive). Pluck books from the shelves, looking for prologues. Read through at least a dozen. More if you can. The time will be well spent.

Which prologues worked well? Which pulled you into the story? Which cleverly outlined the backstory, getting it out of the way before the story started?

Which dragged? Which didn't need to be there at all? Which were weighed down by the load of the information they had to carry, and bored you? How could they be fixed?

Analysis of published work is an excellent way of deciding what works and what doesn't. You are a reader as well as a writer; you know a lot about what readers like. Make sure you're a writer that gives your readers what they need, as well as what you want.

(c) copyright Marg McAlister

The Prologue - When to Use One, How to Write One

Friday, July 29, 2011

Rebuilding your Credit Report

You cannot erase the past credit report issues for usually 7-10 years. With a little work you can rebuild your credit report before all negative information is set to expire. Here is five easy steps to rebuild your credit report.

Step 1: Examine the Damage

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The first step in fixing past mistakes is to get a current coy of your free credit score report. Don't be scared, got ahead and take the plunge order all three credit reports with all 3 credit scores. Ordering your credit report is actually easy and secure on-line. Contrary to popular belief ordering your own credit report does not affect your credit score.
Once you have pulled your report print it out and highlight all information that is incorrect. Make sure you understand everything on it.

Step 2: Check the expiration dates

The current law states that negative information will stay on your credit report for 7-10 years from collection date. The expiration date will vary depending on the type of collection. When you pay off a collection that does not mean it will be removed from your report.
Examine your report and determine when each collection is set to expire. Once these collections are set to expire you will see major improvement to your score.

Step 3: Dispute errors

If you find inaccurate information such as, fraudulent information, collections that expired still reporting, you have the right to dispute. You will have to dispute each of the 3 credit bureaus separately, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.Once you the bureaus have received your dispute they have 30 days to determine whether they will update information requested.

Don't dispute good credit on your report, accurate information cannot be removed from your credit report and is a waste of time. Disputing accurate information could harm your credit.

Step 4: Add positive credit

Now that you have disputed information that is not correct and have hopefully got it removed or update you can begin to add positive credit to your report. The quickest way to do this is to get a Orchard bank secured credit card. This credit card is designed to rebuild credit even for people that just got out of a bankruptcy. Make sure you use this card responsibly. Also avoid going applying for to lots of credit, you really need a couple of secured credit cards to start establishing good credit.

Step 5: Monitor your progress

It is very simple to monitor your progress of increasing your creditworthiness these days with credit report monitoring services. You can sign up for credit reporting monitoring services that will allow you to monitor your credit score, get key changes e-mailed to you, along with access to your credit report. Your credit score will improve over time as you add positive information to your report.

Rebuilding your Credit Report

Thursday, July 28, 2011

communal Savings Bank excellent Visa communicate

Secured reputation cards are plentiful on the Internet and it seems like many clubs are contribution them, but which enterprise can you for real trust when it comes down to signing up for a reputation card?  You will that a few names generally pop up such as group Savings, Orchard Bank, and more.

Today, let's take a look at why the group Savings card is one of the biggest hits on the market when it comes to secured cards.  Before you even read into this review, make sure that you note the fact that the information given below is correct as of August of 2010.

Bank Orchard

The group Savings card has some great reviews online.  For starters, they deal with more than reputation cards.  They have online Internet banking, personal banking, as well as enterprise banking too.  This card, in my conception ranks at the top and let me tell you why.

It reports to all 3 bureaus:  For starters, this is a great thing for those with bad credit.  You will find that if your card doesn't report, you more than likely won't want to carry it, because all of your spending will kind of be pointless.  You might as well carry cash in hand.

No checking required:  group Savings knows that many out there don't have the capability to furnish them with a checking account.  Since you will have to fund your card with some sort of money, you're going to find that it is primary to carry some sort of bank account.  This isn't the case here.

No reputation check:  Like many secured cards, a good bank is going to let the reputation check slide.  As long as you can furnish them with the cash for the deposit, you're going to get approved 99% of the time, as long as you meet all the other components of the application.

Higher reputation limits:  With many cards on the market, some only limit your reputation to 0.  While this sounds like a lot, you may find that there are times when you're going to have to make bigger purchases.  With this card, you will be able to get limits of up to ,000.

0% intro rate:  With bad credit, you're going to find that you can't get the best rewards or intro rate.   This isn't the case here where you can get 0% for the first 6 months.

While many banks can give you the following, do a Google quest for group Savings and you will see why they are one of the best secured cards on the market.  They are suitable anywhere the Visa logo is, as well as you don't have to worry about any every year fees or maintenance fees!

communal Savings Bank excellent Visa communicate

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Destination Singapore: A Fine City For All The Right Reasons

You may have heard the saying "Singapore is a fine city." You get fined for this, fined for that... You could even get fined for chewing gum (it caused a major door drama that stopped the Mrt subway running). While there's no doubt that Singapore takes a tough stand on fines for anti-social issues and basic collective behaviour, Singapore is also fine city for a tourists on a stopover or vacation break.

In fact, Singapore is one of the world's most favorite destinations. A tiny island with considerable appeal, lying between Malaysia and Indonesia. Just 14 miles from north to south and 26 miles wide from east to west, it's slightly more than 3.5 times the size of Washington, Dc. Singapore lies in the heart of attractive Southeast Asia, a bridge between east and west and a place that buzzes 24/7.

Orchard Card Bank

It offers visitors a world of marvelous possibilities. Its ultra-modern skyscrapers and towers of glass dissimilarity with the colonial charm of historic buildings, inexpressive laneways and Chinese shop houses.

It's a blurring of culture with slick style and firm energy. A melting pot of Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian races. Safe, fun and friendly, the excellent place for a break. Singaporeans are super helpful to visitors and just about every person speaks English as this is the main language of firm and daily life.

Singapore is also just a few degrees from the equator, so it's all the time a hot and happening place literally. Tip: dress for the tropics with light comfortable clothing.

Seven great things to do and see.

Singapore Shopping. A buyer's paradise.

The whole one attraction is nothing else but shopping. Gad down the main boulevard of Orchard Road and you'll find plentifulness to tempt you and your prestige card, but window shopping costs nothing. Each side of the road is lined with slippery designer boutiques, big shop and marvelous malls, not to mention shops displaying the most recent digital wizardy.

Don't miss exploring the other side of Singapore either. It's fun to spend a day wandering the distinct locales and historic backstreets of Chinatown, limited India and Arab Street.

Enjoy a Singapore Sling at Raffles.

"When in Singapore, feed at Raffles", that was the advice of the celebrated English author, Rudyard Kipling, and it still holds true today. The legendary Raffles Hotel is consistently voted as one of the top hotels in the world. It attracted a bevy of literary talent to its doors, from Joseph Conrad to Somerset Maugham to Noel Coward who were inspired by its unique atmosphere. First opened in 1887, Raffles has undergone unabridged recovery over the years but today it's still as stylish as ever.

Now film celebrities, royalty, sports stars and anyone who's anyone, chooses to stay Raffles. Even if your allocation doesn't allow an overnight booking, you could probably stretch to a refreshing Gin Sling in the Long Bar - it was invented here. Bartender Ngiam Tong Boon created this deliciously distinct cocktail close to a century ago.

Food glorious food.

Making money is not the only things on people's minds in Singapore. The subject of food is a national obsession. After morning meal has finished, where to have lunch and dinner are the big topics of the day. As a visitor, your taste buds are spoiled for option with plentifulness of food halls, stalls, cafes and upmarket restaurants.

Nonya or Peranakan food is the closest Singapore has to a "national" cuisine. It combines Chinese, Malay and other influences into its own unique blend. The resulting dishes are imaginative, tasty and often very subtle.

Travel tip: If you're heading this way in the month of July, the yearly Singapore Food Festival is in full swing. A gastronomic feast of workshops, places to eat, marvelous recipes and things to try are all on the menu.

Singapore Zoo Night Safari.

Forget a typical zoo experience, this is an "open" green environment where animals are allowed to roam in acres of lush jungle and parklands. Oppressive cages are absent.
The animals are nothing else but kept in spacious, landscaped enclosures, separated from visitors by dry or wet moats. The moats are concealed with vegetation or dropped below the line of vision.

At night, Singapore zoo takes on a totally distinct feel with the celebrated Night Safari. A unique palpate of exploring wildlife in a tropical jungle at night. Through subtle lighting, you can view over 1,000 nocturnal animals from 100 species in their habitat. It's well worth spending an evening out here. Show time starts at 7.30 as the sunset in this part of world is very reliable, thanks to the position, close to the equator.

Sentosa. Singapore's premier island resort getaway.

Just 15 minutes from uptown Singapore, you'll find the resort getaway that is Sentosa Island. A striking blend of free time and recreational facilities, sea sports, golf and peaceful retreats. Get there by cable car (fantastic views) or bus, taxi and car.

A canopy of secondary rainforest covers 70 per cent of the 500-hectare island and it's home to monitor lizards, monkeys, peacocks, parrots as well as other native fauna and flora. With is long stretch of white sandy beach, this is the only place in Singapore with real beachfront accommodation, such as Shangri-La's Rasa Sentosa Resort. You'll find this property (and many more choices all over Singapore) at sites like

Clarke Quay. Night moves and grooves.

When the sun goes down, Clarke Quay, on the Singapore River, comes to life. While the 19th century, this was a commercial waterfront area, bustling with merchant vessels. The rich inheritance is alive and kicking. The Quay been restored to create a colorful and stylish meeting place, filled with cosy cafes, bars, music and restaurants. Trendy night spots attract a big crowd, especially at the weekend.

Reflexology. Customary Foot Massage.

Transport-wise, Singapore is easy to get around, by subway, bus or taxi, but you'll probably pound the sidewalks taking in the sights and sounds of this great Asian destination. Make time for some pampering.

Reflexology or foot massage has long been part of Chinese tradition and culture - a superb way to relax after a tough day trade hunting. You'll find plentifulness of places to enjoy a massage, at exclusive Hotel spas, or the more reasonably priced specialty outlets all nearby Orchard Road, in shopping centres and Tanglin Road.

Singapore hotels to match every budget.

Singapore is one of the world's top voyage destinations, especially for stop overs. (U.S. Citizens can stay up to 90 days without a visa.) Accommodation-wise, you'll find a wide range of hotels to suit your allocation - from major 5 star international names to smaller hotels contribution great value rates. Book online and see the deals you can find.

During holiday time, Chinese New Year and While special festivals, it pays to book ahead because Singapore is all the time a fine experience. Web sites such as have dozens of choices, in the shopping, firm and nightlife districts.

Destination Singapore: A Fine City For All The Right Reasons

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mt Pleasant - High Life in the Low Country

Just East of Charleston is a beautiful stretch of land bounded by Charleston Harbor, Shem Creek and Cove Inlet. English settlers in 1680 named the area Mt. Pleasant. Today it is still a treasure to behold, but is easy to miss among the modern sprawl of Hwy 17.

As visitors walk the docks of Shem Creek and the streets of Old Town, they connect with the natural beauty of the area that drew settlers here. The marsh spreads out from Shem Creek, opening glistening green and gold arms out to Charleston harbor. In Old Town along Pitt Street, massive live oaks spread moss-laden limbs over narrow streets.

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The historic charm hides the underlying battle between the descendants of the early settlers and modern day developers. Locals wish to remember and conserve the area, while developers dream up ways to profit on the ambiance. The fight against progress is ancient, its roots running deep along the shorelines. Low Country residents have a history of fighting for their beliefs, keeping time honored traditions intact. Balanced compromise is called for to accommodate industry and preserve the way of life.

"The Creek" as locals affectionately call it, runs out of the marsh and into Charleston Harbor, beckoning travelers to explore the natural beauty and architectural nooks and crannies. While dolphins cavort in the creek, pelicans and gulls perch on shrimp boats, inviting visitors to pause and enjoy the view. As the sun sets, rays of golden light reach through thunder heads above, bounce off the surface of the water and flash silvery radiance that lights up the marsh grass.

Boats of all sizes and shapes line the docks on each side of the creek. This community has provided much of the shrimp supplied to the Charleston area for 30+ years. Shrimp season opens in late April with the Blessing of the Fleet festival, held at historic Alahambra Hall. Deep sea fishing charter vessels also dock here, as do kayak outfitters. Sail and power vessels tie up to the dock, their passengers encouraged to dine along the quay. The 'no wake' zone makes it easy to pause here for an experience of freshly caught local seafood at restaurants lining "the Creek".

For longer term stays, dock your vessel at Patriot's Point Marina. Located just outside the mouth of Shem Creek toward Charleston Harbor, Patriot's Point is the largest marina in the area, with 459 slips. A majestic view of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Yorktown offers an opportunity to explore and connect with naval history. An entire day could be devoted to exploring the Yorktown, the Coast Guard Cutter and the Medal of Honor Museum. Tour boats to Ft. Sumpter leave from the Yorktown daily.

Patriot's Point Resort and Hotel is also located here. Nautical themed guest rooms decorated in bright yellows and blues, comfy bedding and spectacular views of the harbor keep guests close to the water with all the comforts of home. The resort also offers an 18-hole championship golf course overlooking Charleston Harbor, Fort Sumter and Shem Creek. Known for its challenging waterfront finishing holes, the course is within minutes of the beaches at the Isle of Palms and Sullivan's Island.

Patriots Point Resort is well acquainted with water lovers. Charleston Race Week is held here in the Spring, and sport fishing tournaments are throughout the season. Black and White photographs of previous tournament winners line the walls in the Reel Bar. A quick bike ride or shuttle from East Cooper Shuttle will transport you over to Shem Creek. For guests preferring to go into Charleston the Water Taxi leaves from Dock A hourly, dropping passengers at the Charleston Maritime Center, within walking distance of the Aquarium. Bikes and pets are welcome on the water taxi. Bring the camera for unique close ups of the hull of the U.S.S. Yorktown and the Arthur Ravenel Bridge.

For accommodations overlooking Shem Creek, check into The Shem Creek Inn. The Inn offers a 10% discount for fishing charters booked with Captain Rick Hiott's Inshore Fishing Charters. Guests booking a fishing charter with Captain Rick Hiott's Inshore Fishing Charters receive a 10% discount on room rates. Captain Hiott's fishing expertise for Red Drum is widely known, both with locals and worldwide. Featured on the Discovery Channel - Europe and in Saltwater Sportsman Magazine, Captain Hiott is highly recommended for finding the best inshore fishing hot spots, and also for his genuine interest in teaching others about the inshore waters around Charleston.

The abundance and experience of local fishermen here provides for the ultimate in fresh seafood. Mt. Pleasant Seafood operates a retail store here at the Creek and has a booth at the Mt. Pleasant Farmer's Market. For fining out, patrons at the Water's Edge Cabana Bar delight at the antics of the playful goodwill ambassadors of the Creek. Arriving daily at 4 pm, the male dolphin makes his appearance, followed by the rest of the pod. Look closely and you will see the baby swimming along with his mother. It's as if these creatures have come to just to welcome guests to the area. It would be difficult not to be infused with wonder as one watches these beautiful beings fish for their supper. Working in conjunction with brown pelicans and seagulls, they dive for fish remains from the charter boats.

Sunsets are an event here. Several restaurants offer outdoor and creekside dining, allowing guests to experience the wonder of a brilliant Charleston sunset with the ubiquitous charm of a small fishing village. Enjoy the view from the outdoor bar and dining area at Vickery's. Watch as the suns rays cast over the marsh as it spreads toward the mouth of the creek. Feel the gentle breezes from Charleston Harbor waft through the palmettos. Even during a storm, the view from the indoor bar is a magnificent way to watch the drama without dampening the spirit. From the indoor bar, one can see the shrimp boats, wings spread out and up as if they were water angels ready to fly.

Looking across the creek offers an opportunity to check out the architectural nooks and crannies lining the docks. Magwoods Seafood still provides shrimp and fish to much of Charleston after 30 years in business. "Live long, Love long, Eat Seafood" is their motto, painted on the walls in red and blue. At The Wreck, Low Country culinary favorites are dished up informally on huge paper plates. The price is well worth the spectacular sunset view from the screened in porch dining room. This is one place the no-see-ums can't reach during dinner.

Looking toward the bridge, R.B.'s and Red's Ice House offer more choices for outdoor dining. RB's is more upscale, and quite serious about proper patron parking, sometimes towing their own customers by mistake. Bright yellow signs warn fines for booting and towing. RB's owns the Shem Creek Towing Company, and keeps a tow truck is parked in view on the lot.

Red's is the casual local hangout with something going on at Happy Hour daily. Offering free parking in a huge gravel lot adjacent to the restaurant, they are more concerned with customers having a great time. Red's is also the local "Yappy Hour" hotspot, so bring your canine buddies to meet and greet the locals. Ice cold buckets of water and doggie biscuits are favorites with the four-legged furry crowd. Upstairs, the view of the sunset is unparalleled. Cushions line the upstairs bar, which can be reserved for private parties. On holidays, this is a prime spot to view fireworks shot from the U.S.S. Yorktown.

Happy hours are special at Red's Ice House. On Sundays, listen to local acoustic/rock/folk singers playing downstairs. On Thursdays, taste the freshly steamed shrimp served up at the bar for free. Best of all, Wednesday evenings feature a sunset cruise on the Palmetto Breeze, a 50' sailing catamaran. This is a great way to watch the CORA (Charleston Ocean Racing Assoc.) races in the harbor, with plenty of photo ops on the trip. Ticket prices include adult beverages and a spread of hors du vours. Captain Ping is always cheerful, ready to take guests out on the water. He will even let you steer the boat, if you ask nicely.

A few blocks away from Red's is the Old Town of Mount Pleasant. Listed on the National Register of Historic places, Old Town is home to quaint churches, colonial and antebellum homes and also the majestic Alhambra Hall, the original site of the Mount Pleasant Ferry Company. Built in 1847 by Charles Jugnot and Oliver Hilliard as a summer retreat and dance hall, Alhambra Hall sits nestled in a grove of massive live oaks. Rebuilt in 1937, it is a popular spot for community events. Located on a waterfront park lined with live oaks, and equipped with a fabulous community playground, this is a quiet peaceful place for an afternoon picnic. Wander over to the Confederate Cemetery, and don't miss the tiny Post Office building on the way back over Pitt Street. Many streets end with a view of Charleston harbor, making it easy to see why the town founders named it Mt. Pleasant. Although there is no mountain per say, it is certainly a pleasant place to be.

A short distance away is the Old Town, where visitors can tap into nostalgia with an old fashioned ice cream soda from the Pitt Street Pharmacy. Down the block, the Old Post House Restaurant and Tavern operates in the building that served as a grocery store. Originally built by German immigrants in 1888, the Post House serves light lunch and dinner, with dining downstairs and a meeting room upstairs for private parties. She Crab soup, tuna, lamb shank, steaks, sauteed sea bass, and shrimp & grits await hungry diners here. The streets of Old Town point toward Charleston

If you're in Mount Pleasant on a Tuesday afternoon, stop by the Farmer's Market, held at the Old Moultrie Middle School on West Coleman Blvd. An abundance of fresh flowers, herbs, local produce, and seafood is found in this tiny market. Local Bluegrass or acoustic musicians perform while you shop. Snow Cones and face painting are available for kids of all ages and a barbeque stand ensures that you won't go hungry before you get back to your floating home. The Market runs through the end of October, with a special Holiday Market and Craft Show scheduled on December 8 from 10 - 3 pm.

Shopping in this area offers a variety of delightful wares both in Old Town and on the Creek, and in some cases, a generous helping of local history. In the village, Utonga Gallery offers a unique collection of Shona (Zimbabwe) sculpture. Next door, Out of Hand Gallery is a feast for the eyes of cards, gifts and treasures to remember your visit. At the Charleston Candle Cottage on West Coleman Blvd., customers can chat with Rachel, the proprietress. A post office is located in the back for mailing art cards to folks back home. The candle selection here is vast as well. Behind the Candle Cottage, watch local artist Steven Jordan as he paints watercolors and oils of favorite Low Country scenery.

Across the way on Mill Street, a variety of shops are located in the Commons. For the right stationery and post cards, check out The Scratch Pad. Sue Tanis offers an appealing selection of quirky, fun locally oriented gifts, stationery and invitations for the right occasion. At the end of Mill Street, proprietress and local history expert Lou Edens offers a collection of select gifts, home furnishings and a generous helping of local history about the area at The Fifth Season. Lou owned and operated the Maritime Museum next door for years, and also owns Rice Hope Plantation Bed & Breakfast on the Cooper River.

Shem Creek Marina is across from The Fifth Season on Mill Street. Sailing vessels can't navigate under the bridge, the marina specializes in long term dry dock storage for smaller power boats. The old Maritime Museum building is next door, now the recent home of Coastal Expeditions kayak tours. Coastal Expeditions offers kayak tours of Shem Creek, and passenger ferry tours to Bull Island year round.

Two more restaurants are on this side of Shem Creek. Shem Creek Bar & Grill has a spectacular view of the marsh from the outdoor dock bar and the indoor back porch. Inside the main restaurant, the bow shaped bar is unique, reminding all who enter that boating is a first love here. With a great selection of seafood and Low Country favorites, this family oriented restaurant has it all. Next door the new Creekside Bar & Grill offers lower priced favorites and outdoor roof seating overlooking the creek.

One could easily spend a week discovering the historic places in this area. Watching a sunset through the shrimp boat wings, strolling along the docks of the creek after dinner, and taking time to explore local shops will endear visitors to this charming spot so close to Charleston. A kayak tour will shed light on conservation efforts on the Creek, and a conversation with locals at Red's will further enhance your visit here. Check out the many wonders of Shem Creek and Old Town Mt. Pleasant soon, before it's too late to remember the way things were.



Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina

20 Patriots Point Road

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29464


Toll Free: 888-856- 8333


Toll free - (888) 856-0028

Shem Creek Inn

1401 Shrimp Boat Ln,

Mt Pleasant, SC

(843) 881-1000


Charleston Harbor Marina

24 Patriot's Point Rd.

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464

Office: (843) 284-7062

Mobile: (843) 297-2949 or (843) 297-2948

Fax: (843)856-8540

Patriots Point Links on Charleston Harbor

One Patriots Point Road

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Phone: 843.881.0042

Fax: 843.881.0044

Toll Free: 877.709.5053


Water's Edge

1407 Shrimp Boat Lane

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464

Reservations 843.884.4074

Vickery's Bar & Grill

1313 Shrimp Boat Ln

Mt Pleasant, SC 29464


Reds Icehouse

98 Church Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


Shem Creek Bar & Grill

508 Mill St

Mt Pleasant, SC 29464


Creekside Grill

508 B Mill Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


Old Village Post House

101 Pitt Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


Tours and Sightseeing

Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum

40 Patriots Point Road

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29464

866-831-1720 toll free


Angie Bennett, Group Business/ Visitor Services

866-831-1720 toll free

Aqua Safaris, Inc. (Palmetto Breeze)

24 Patriot's Point Rd.

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

800-524-3444, 843-886-8133

Coastal Expeditions

514 B Mill Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


Fishing Charters

Aqua Adventures

Capain Chuck Griffin



Captain Rick Hiott's Inshore Fishing Charters

(843) 412-6776 cell

or (843) 554-9386 home


East Cooper Shuttle

Elaine: 843-343-0484

John: 843-327-4700

Water Taxi

Charleston Water Taxi

843) 330-CWTX (2989),

One way

Round Trip:

All day Pass: .


Steven Jordan Gallery

409 W. Coleman Blvd and

423 W. Coleman Blvd in the Peach Orchard Plaza


Utonga Gallery

113 Pitt Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

800 732 4306

(843) 216 7686


Out of Hand

113C Pitt Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


The Fifth Season

510 Mill Street

Mt. Pleasant SC 29464


The Scratch Pad

409 Mill Street

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464


Mt Pleasant - High Life in the Low Country

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Lowdown on the Orchard Bank MasterCard

Having a bad credit history may greatly work on a user's future credit card applications, at least for the next seven years down the road. With tainted, poor or bad credit history, there are only two options left for the down-on-its-luck credit card user: go with cash or get the Orchard Bank Silver MasterCard.

One of the few credit cards that will not shun card users with bad credit histories, the Orchard Bank MasterCard offers a multitude of privileges all over the world within 22 million locations. In addition, the card aids in the rebuilding of good credit reports as it is also responsible for reporting to all three credit bureaus on a monthly basis, thereby strengthening its users' credit scores.

Bank Orchard

Apart from that, the user is also not held accountable for unauthorized charges, thus production it a great tool for shopping on the Internet. In fact, the Orchard Bank MasterCard users are also able to entrance their online catalogue 24 hours a day, as well as make bill payments with the card without a usage fee incurred.

However, getting stylish for a credit card does not mean that users should go on a spending spree, not especially with this card. For starters, a high annual fee of and an application fee of someone else are imposed, resulting in total fees payable of within the first year of using the card.

Additionally, interest rates of the Orchard Bank MasterCard are expensed based on a variable annual percentage rate (referencing to the Prime Rate), which ranges from in the middle of 15% to 17%. Also, the Apr for cash advances stands at 24%, with an supplementary 5% of cash advance fee (or a minimum of ) applicable for each cash advance transaction.

Finally, the Orchard Bank MasterCard has an interest-free grace duration of 25 days for payments to be made. Once the grace duration is over, there will be a late cost fee dutible for every 00 excellent balance and a fee for balances over 00. Surpassing credit limits are also a big no-no as users will be expensed an extra for this. Evidently, for every good bargain, there are always strings attached.

The Lowdown on the Orchard Bank MasterCard

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Details Of The Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard Application

The Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard is designed for the average someone who has an average or diminutive reputation history. Card holders like this card because it does not wish a deposit to derive the reputation card account. A deposit is required when chance many other secured reputation cards.

The Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard, which is issued through Hsbc Bank Nevada, N.A., has an yearly fee of . Although this may seem like a lot, it is assuredly average for this type of card. The card's changeable Apr of 15.90% is quite reasonable, but can be costly for anything carrying a balance from month to month. The changeable Apr on cash advances, however, jumps significantly to 24.40%! There are, of course, finance charges for any purchases that are not paid for within the first 25 days, and there are charges for other services like cash advances. Fees are also charged when you go over your reputation limit. There is no minimum or maximum reputation limits on the Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard.

Bank Orchard

Another fee that is connected with this card is an application fee of . That means anything who applies and receives the Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard can expect to pay in various fees in the first 12 months.

There are some nice benefits connected with this MasterCard, too. There are no charges if you'd like to add an further card to your account. You will get many base cardholder benefits like urgency card and cash replacement, lost and stolen card reporting, and the cardholder is not liable for unauthorized transactions on the card. This card also reports to the reputation bureaus, so you can build a great reputation history if you use your Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard wisely and make your payments on time.

So, the Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard has a inexpensive Apr and gives many with average reputation an chance to build a solid reputation history. Although it does fee a hefty yearly fee, it may be a good card to look into.

Details Of The Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard Application

Friday, July 22, 2011

Charge Cards vs. Credit Cards

While most people tend to use the terms charge card and credit card to mean the same thing, this is not the case. Both allow the user to do different things with their finances; offering flexibility as well as convenience for larger purchases. However, before you sign up for either, you'll want to consider these differences.

Charge card

Orchard Card Sign In

A charge card is a credit card that allows you to make purchases at a variety of locations. You will charge the amount to the charge card and then receive a bill at the end of the billing cycle. While most people believe that this acts in the same way as a credit card, when the bill comes, the user must pay it off in full. A charge card does not allow the user to carry balances from month to month. There is also no limit to the charges that can be made.

Of course, this also means that the charge card does not have interest charges, but this can be difficult for a cardholder that needs to extend the payments of their purchase.

Credit card

Most everyone has a credit card in their wallet or purse. A credit card allows the user to make purchases without cash at a variety of locations. The cardholder will accrue a balance throughout the billing cycle and then receive a bill at the end of the month. Charges can carry over from month to month and will accrue interest until the full amount is paid off.

The interest rates vary from card to card. And while the entire balance does not have to be paid off each month, there is a minimum payment that cardholders are expected to make.

In both cases

The use of a charge or credit card allows the cardholder to increase their credit rating and get better interest rates on future loans. But if you're prone to being behind with payments, a charge card might be a better way to limit your spending. Since you'll have to pay it all back each month, you won't have to worry about having a balance that continues to accrue interest, even when you're not spending.

But if you like the flexibility of not having to pay off balances each month, then a credit card is the better option. In terms of keeping your credit rating high, you'll want to make timely payments as well as keep the balance to less than half of the limit that you are given.

Charge Cards vs. Credit Cards

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit

Is your credit less than perfect, below average, or sub par? Would you be interested in obtaining a credit card that could help you rebuild credit while improving your score? Are you tired of not having a credit card to take your date or family out, shop online, or even get a rental car?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you have come to the right place. Below I will give you easy steps and simple directions that will allow you to get a credit card even if you currently have bad credit. First, you need to find out what is on your credit report. In order to do this you will need to obtain a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus. You need all three of them to make sure you get an accurate evaluation since each bureau can report different information.

Orchard Card Sign In

The good news is there are many ways to receive your credit report. However, if you sign up for one of these services make sure you cancel your membership after you obtain the report. This will prevent any unwanted reoccurring charges.

In addition, here a few of the companies that you could also use: annual credit report, free credit score, Experian, Trans Union, Equifax, and Credit Keeper. These companies do charge a upfront fee to order your credit report. If after obtaining your credit report you realize that your credit score is lower than average and you aren't able to qualify for regular credit cards, then you probably need to find a credit card that specializes in rebuilding your credit. Some of the most popular banks that are willing to do this are First Premier Bank Card, Orchard Bank, Capital One Finance, and Account Now. Before we move on lets talk about Account Now. This is a new company that allows you to use their card like a debit card. You put money on to the card and then are able to use it just like cash. The reason this company can help you is they report to all three major credit bureau's just like a regular credit card.

All of these cards can be applied for online. The best way to find them is to use Google's search engine and search for "bad credit credit cards". Another great thing to do is search online forums and see what other consumers like yourself are saying about certain card issuers. This will ensue that you are up to date with any negative or positive things that the banks might be doing.

Also, you can use websites like Finance Globe and My Fico that can point you in the right direction for a credit card that is perfect for you.

Another great thing is that a lot of these banks will pre-qualify you without actually pulling your credit. This means that usually are already approved before you even give them your info. One important thing to remember is to always read over the terms and conditions before you agree to any credit card offer. There will most likely be a setup fee, activation fee, or annual fee. You also need to prepared to pay a very high interest rate somewhere along the lines of 24%. In addition, find out what your grace period is if any, late fees, and over the credit limit fees.

In my opinion the best credit card you can go with would be a secured one. The reason for this is because you are using your own money. In more cases than not you probably have bad credit because you borrowed or owed money that you were unable to pay. Getting a secured credit card will keep you from getting in to this same kind of trouble as before.

Typically you can get a secured credit card from any major bank. Usually, the best option would be to use a bank you already do business with or just a local bank in your city.

Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Use And Abuse Of Online Banking

Nowadays everything can be done online. You need to keep your eyes open as to the resources available on the internet regarding the various financial options. It is very easy to do. Simply log in to your online banking account and look for the online interest checking options. The online account is kept secure and private from internet theft which is a common feature. Online interest checking helps save the time it takes to go to the bank and manually check the interest earned as opposed to waiting for quarterly savings account statement.

The internet introduces speed to our day to day activities and it is necessary to use the different internet options available for banking. You will need to do research on the internet to discover whether everything in your account is in order and problem free. Then you can investigate the various options available to you. The online checking of accounts is also a feature that is available and helps you a lot if you are in a hurry and do not have time to rush to the bank before you issue a check. Using these safe and updated options will help you to run your finances and business smoothly without difficulty.

Orchard Card Sign In

The first thing you have to do before you can go for an online interest checking is sign up for the internet options for safe online banking. Be sure not to share the password with anyone. Nowadays there is a lot of internet theft and identity theft, so you must perform these actions safely. The bank options are all SSL secured so that they offer a 100 per cent security to keep private your online transactions. Online interest checking should always be a hassle free option to manage your finances.

The Use And Abuse Of Online Banking

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Orchard Bank

If you are seeking to build or rebuild your credit, you may want to apply for an Orchard Bank prestige card. Orchard offers dissimilar prestige cards such as cash back credit, premium low interest, secured, gold, classic, and platinum that can fit the financial needs of their clients. Applying for a Cc at Orchard Bank is very simple, and hassle-free.

History of Orchard Bank

Bank Orchard

Hsbc (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) was established in 1865 in an era when trade was getting progressive in Europe, India, and China. In 2003, Hsbc acquired Household International Inc., the mom enterprise of beneficial Finance enterprise and Household Finance Co. - both of which provided loans and deposits to over 53 million customers. Ultimately, the acquisition made Hsbc as one of the globe's biggest issuers of prestige cards through Orchard Bank.

Orchard Financial Bank approves customers with good credit. If you have poor or, only applying for one for the first time, Orchard Secured MasterCard can be given to settle on customers as a step for a good financial start. This requires for a deposit that matches the prestige limit so the charged interest rate is fairly small. You can also go for a Household Bank Low Apr MasterCard that charges less than nine percent for purchases.

Orchard Bank offers 3 assorted prestige cards to choose from:

The Orchard Low Apr Card has a default Apr variable 29.49% and a variable 8.90 Apr on purchase. If people are seeking cards to rebuild their credit, this type of prestige card might suit them. every year costs range from up to . You get to pay to for the processing fee, and you can passage them online 24/7. This prestige card is accepted in millions of locations worldwide.

The Orchard Bank first-rate Card has a 9.90% Apr buy variable, with every year fees fluctuating from $o to , to for the processing fee. This card is a best option for customers who wants to build a best credit. The benefits are the same with the Low Apr Card, as well.

The Orchard Bank Secured MasterCard has a low 7.90 percent variable on buy and it offers procure purchases and reservations. The every year fee for its first year is free, and you'll only pay on the next year onwards. To open an account, a minimum deposit of 0 is required.

On the other hand, Orchard Bank can fee their customers high interest rates in their prestige cards for them to avoid poor prestige that may happen in the future. The account's paid interest rate (as agreed) is about 2.19%, however, it can go as high to approximately 30%. Unless you have non-existing or poor credit, be distinct that the prestige card you applied for at Orchard Bank fits your financial situation.

How to apply for an Orchard Bank prestige Card:

Visit Champion prestige Cards. Hsbc Bank in Nevada, N.S. Issues prestige cards with and by registering to their site, you can apply and have the card delivered to you by mail.

Orchard Bank

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Top Credit Cards For Bad Credit

Consumers from all backgrounds struggle with money issues at some time in their life. One of the best ways to rebuild a score is to get positive reports to the bureau. There top credit cards for bad credit can help a consumer do that.

Consumers have the choice of three types of cards; unsecured, secured and prepaid. The least helpful of the three is the prepaid cards. Prepaid accounts do not turn information into the bureaus which means no positive marks will appear on the report. An unsecured account is when a bank extends a card to a consumer without any deposit. The final type is the secured account. A secured account requires a deposit from the consumer that equals or is slightly lower than the card balance.

Orchard Card Sign In

The account that offers the best interest rate out there for those with damaged history is from Orchard Bank. An APR of 7.9% is well below the standard 14.9%. But they do have a high annual fee of up to which is not charged for the first year. Consumers will also have to deposit a minimum of 0 to open it.

The Capital One Secured Mastercard offers the best maintenance fee in the industry, . This card is unique because it gives consumers a low deposit of for a 0 limit. Because this is a partially unsecured card the APR is a huge 22.9%. This makes a great emergency card but not an every day use card.

The Citi Secured Card is a very unique card, instead of placing the consumer's deposit in a non interest account it buys CDs with it. Other perks of this card are no monthly fees and a low annual fee. Consumers face a huge 18.24 APR on balances.

Open Sky Secured Visa gives consumers a low 9.75% APR, but it does need a 0 deposit. This card charges a high, , annual fee. There are also hidden fees when consumers make changes to their account.

Mango Prepaid Mastercard is ideal for some one not interested in building their report. Unlike other prepaid accounts they do not have an activation fee. This card also gives consumers a sign up bonus and does not charge to place more money on the card. Watch out for hidden fees with this company.

Your history will not change overnight. Positive reports are earned with timely payments, not using the entire balance and careful use. These top credit cards for bad credit can help consumers get there.

The Top Credit Cards For Bad Credit

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Get better credit With Orchard Bank credit Card

Credit cards are not that easy to get nowadays. It can be especially difficult if you have prestige that is not that great. If your prestige score needs some help you may need to apply for the Hsbc Orchard Bank MasterCard. Their cards are great if you want to raise your score. They offer cards that will help you to get better prestige and also will teach you to manage your money better. Read the following benefits and you will decided that you want the card, too. The Orchard Bank prestige card is in effect there to help you.

The Apr for most of the cards is under 10%. This is the ration rate that most population end up with.

Orchard Card Bank

Orchard Bank will help to fix your credit. When you fill out the paperwork you will be issued a card that will meet your prestige desires.

If you have itsybitsy prestige or have poor prestige than need a good prestige card. The Orchard Bank prestige card can help your prestige score be raised if you take care to make payments on time. You will be expensed an application fee. This will depend on your credit.

Orchard Bank offers four distinct prestige cards. There is a secured card, first-rate card, unsecured card and a Platinum card. You will be given the card that meets your prestige needs. The each year fee, processing fee and the Apr will be dependent on the card you get.

o The secured specialist card is great for population with in effect bad credit. There is an each year fee of and an application fee. You deposit as much money as you want onto the card and your prestige limit will be the estimate that you deposit.

The first-rate card is like the secured card and the each year fee is . You will also be expensed a fee for processing of the same amount.

The Orchard Bank Gold specialist Card is an unsecured prestige card as is the Platinum specialist card.

So if you determine that you want to apply for an Orchard prestige Card than you will find that your prestige will enhance if you make regular payments on time. This card is more uncostly in their fees than other prestige cards that offer similar cards for population with poor credit. It is prominent to rebuild your credit. Rebuild your prestige with a prestige card from a well known enterprise that has a great reputation. If you have bad credit, filed bankruptcy or have no prestige history then you can rebuild with Orchard Bank prestige card.

Get better credit With Orchard Bank credit Card

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Credit Cards for People with Bad Credit Ratings

In the United States, there are more than 34 million people with bad or damaged credit. There are a number of options available for those with bad credit who want credit cards. Secured credit cards and prepaid debit cards are good options.

There are many credit card lenders who are willing to give you credit cards. But you have to pay higher interest rates. At times the interest rate could be as high as 40 percent. Many lenders charge an extra fee of for each late payment. Always pay your minimum payments on time and never break your credit limit. Pay your balance each month if possible.

Orchard Card Sign In

For getting credit cards, apply at smaller retail stores. If your application is accepted, make a small purchase and pay a minimum amount every month, on time. Then approach your bank, credit union or savings institution.

If all these attempts fail, you can apply for a secured credit card. For this, you will have to open and maintain a savings account as security. Your credit line will be a percentage of your deposit. Ask a friend or family member who has good credit to co-sign for a credit card.

Before submitting any application for credit card, certify that you have read, understood, and agree to the rates, account fees, limitations, costs, available credit, and other terms. You will qualify for a lower interest rate and a higher credit limit in the future, if you show your lender you are able to meet all the terms.

First PREMIER Bank Gold MasterCard, Orchard Bank Platinum MasterCard, Aventium Gold MasterCard, Centennial Visa or MasterCard, Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard, First PREMIER Bank Credit Card, Orchard Bank Secured MasterCard, and Orchard Bank Silver MasterCard are some of the credit card companies in the market for people with bad credit.

Credit Cards for People with Bad Credit Ratings

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rebuild Your credit With Orchard Bank credit Cards

Orchard Bank reputation cards are the top reputation card choice among individuals with poor or bad credit. Orchard Bank offers several dissimilar choices for people to pick to from, together with secured and unsecured reputation cards. This allows the individual to find the reputation card offer that best meets their needs. To help simplify the application process, Orchard Bank provides a unique tool that allows applicant's to first enter their personal information. The tool then makes a specific reputation card advice based on the applicant's information. Applicants can then pick exactly which card or cards best fits their needs and apply for each.

Applying for an Orchard Bank reputation card has several benefits. Most importantly is that all of the reputation cards offered will narrative to the major reputation bureaus. With a good repayment history, responsible use and reputation limit increases; this could raise your reputation score. Orchard Bank reports to the major reputation bureaus on their secured and unsecured reputation card offers. All reputation cards feature the MasterCard® logo which gives cardholders the convenience of being acceptable at millions of locations worldwide. Plus, cardholders have 24-hour online list passage and free bill pay. And you'll never have to pay for fraudulent charges made on your card.

Orchard Card Bank

Cardholders receive interest rates on their reputation cards from as low as 8.9% up to 18.9%. The interest rate a cardholder receives is dependent on the Orchard Bank reputation card they receive and its applicable interest rate range. every year fees range from

So if your reputation needs some help, then do what millions of others have done and apply for a reputation card from Orchard Bank that fits your needs. With several reputation card offers and tools to help you find the right card, you're sure to start on the right path to rebuild your credit.

About Orchard Bank

All Orchard Bank reputation cards are issued by Hsbc Bank Nevada, N.A. Since its founding in 1865, Hsbc has grown into one of the world's largest financial institutions with 9,500 offices in 79 countries and territories. Hsbc have been located among the elite fellowships of the Forbes Global 2000 and is one of the top ten financial service fellowships in the United States.

to with no monthly maintenance fees. Some cards do fee an list set-up fee or processing fee that ranges from to . When applying, be sure to view each reputation card's terms and conditions to confirm the interest rate and fees related with each card.

Rebuild Your credit With Orchard Bank credit Cards

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Orchard Bank prestige Cards Reviewed

Getting a reputation card these days is much more difficult than it was just a few years ago. The lousy cheaper and high unemployment rate has made it very difficult for banks and financial institutions to freely extend reputation the way they have in years past. Orchard Bank reputation cards, on the other hand, are not as difficult to get as some of the other issuers.

Orchard Bank offers MasterCard reputation cards and our owned and issued by Hsbc. Hsbc is one of the top 10 financial fellowships in the United States. They also assert a large proximity in Canada. As of March 31, 2009, they had assets totaling 7 billion.

Bank Orchard

So as you can see it is an established and viable financial convention in North America. The company's businesses also comprise personal financial services, industrial banking, specialty insurance products and corporate investment banking.

Orchard Bank cards are acceptable in any place MasterCard is acceptable throughout the world. They can be used for online purchases, catalog purchases over the phone, reservations, and of course at any brick-and-mortar retail store that accepts plastic.

Customer's accounts are updated 24 hours a day seven days a week and can be accessed at any time through the get website. Customer aid representatives are available to serve cardholders with any questions or issues they may have.

Orchard bank offers allow population to design or rebuild their reputation rating on some go for cards. They also have unsecured offers for population with excellent reputation and good reputation as well as business cards.

There are many features to select from together with cash back, rewards, low interest rates and no annual fee. Be sure that you inform yourself with the terms and conditions of the personel offer that you are curious in.

No two offers are the same either they are from the same issuer or not and Orchard Bank reputation cards are no exception so be sure that you do your homework before you apply it to find the right offer to suit your financial needs.

Orchard Bank prestige Cards Reviewed

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The conference for Orchard Bank prestige Cards

Orchard Bank and its credit cards are a subsidiary of Hsbc finance, so right off the bat, you know you're in good hands. Orchard Bank credit cards offer the best in interest rates and personal finance control, so that it's difficult to fantasize a higher capability card for the starting credit consumer, the experienced vet, or the indecisive on-the-fencer. Whether you're looking for a good interest rate, a flexible cost plan, or a customized card design, you'll find it with Orchard Bank credit cards.

Low Fees

Bank Orchard

One of the former reasons many consumers are attracted to Orchard Bank are their lack of mountainous fees. Some credit card companies will drain your list with fees before you even get off the ground. Not so with Orchard Bank. Depending on your personal credit report, you could qualify for a card with no fees attached whatsoever. That means free transactions, free credit limit checks, and free equilibrium transfers. Even if your credit article is spotty, if approved, you can be sure that you won't be bled dry by consistent and neverending fees.

Competitive Interest Rates

Orchard Bank has all the time been known for their low, competing interest rates. If you are arrival to Orchard Bank with a decent credit profile, you can probably get a credit card with an interest rate much lower than what you may have been paying in the past. Rewards such as frequent flier miles are few, but the lack of these gifts is made up for with consistent and fair rates.

No Liability For Unauthorized Charges

One of the biggest threats to the buyer today in credit card fraud and identity theft. Orchard Bank has a zero liability policy, meaning that if man gets your credit card and goes on a shopping spree, you will not be held responsible for the money. This aid and procedure is invaluable. credit cards can become lost or stolen, and the consumer, in less useful situations, can wind up owing the credit card company for the whole of the fraudulent charges. Not so with Orchard Bank which puts them one step ahead in the fight against buyer fraud.

Customer aid That Cares

In today's busy working world, it can be difficult to find a financial practice that gives you the personal, 24 hour care you can find with Orchard Bank credit cards. If you lose your credit card in the middle of the night, they have a help line you can call and get everything squared away. The significance of this round the clock aid cannot be overstated, as anyone who has been told to call back duri9ng company hours knows. Sometimes, company cannot wait until 9:00 in the morning. Orchard Bank seems to understand this, and for that presuppose you will never be left in the dark.

The conference for Orchard Bank prestige Cards

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Green assistance Projects - 20 assistance project Ideas That Help the Planet

Here are any ideas for Green assistance Projects:

1. Vigor Audit. Use of electricity and gas is a large driver of greenhouse gas and cost. There are many good Vigor audit forms available on the internet. Download some, modify for your needs and audit the school and other large businesses. Make exact recommendations to cut usage with sensors, timers, ballst, light bulbs, insulation and other methods. consider volunteering to do audits for older folks in your community and try to get funds from the community or sponsors to help them cut their Vigor usage.

Bank Orchard

2. Compost. Large portions of landfill garbage can be composted. Start one at home and then work with institutional and bistro kitchens to invent compost processes and recipients. consider selling compost to gardeners. portion the amount of compost generated in a week and extrapolate to show the every year impact per house or per school/institution.

3. Plastic Bottle Recycling. Many millions of soda bottles are landfilled each year. Many schools still sell drinks in plastic bottles. consider building or obtaining plastics-only recycling packaging and contacting your community recycling town to dispose for pickup. Don't forget the concession stands and other outdoor areas. portion and chronicle the amount of bottles saved and show some items made from the bottles.

4. Compact Flourescent Drive. Work with a local hardware or branch store to offer extra sales on Compact flourescent bulbs and sell them as a fund-raiser. The recipients get a deal on the bulbs and sustain a good cause, and they will save Vigor for them. Make some conservative calculations of the dollar and electricity savings from each kit sold, and show it as a graph or thermometer.

5. Metals recycling in the kitchen. Many cafeterias use large cans for food. Put a bin to gain rinsed cans and whether recycle them or use them for planting in other projects. The metal has good recycle value.

6. Plant Trees. You can whether sprout your own seedlings or touch a nursery to see if they can gain and donate them. touch landowners for permission to replant, and reckon and show the carbon offset you will originate in the next 1,10,20 years from your planted trees. Get lots of others to participate in an event, perhaps on Earth Day or Arbor Day.

7. Urban Recovery. If there are areas in your town or city that are abandoned and unused, do some study to find the owners and decree if it can whether be cleaned up, torn down or made into a park or green space. Do some community organizing and make a large scheme to originate a playground or other space that the community will appreciate.

8. School Carpool Club. Many teens drive to school. Try to invent them into groups so that they can share rides with each other and save some gas and emissions. Do the math on the mean car, miles to school, mileage and the monthly pocket impact to each learner that drives if they carpool 1 day/week.

9. Computer Recycling Drive. Make touch with a firm that recycles old computer equipment, study that their routine is environmentally gain and protects the old user's data, and invent a drive to gain old machines. You may also be able to cobble together a few machines that you can reformat and load Linux and free, open-source programs to donate to neighborhood clubs, churches, homeless shelters and similar areas.

10. Environmental Awareness Education. Put together a slide show and some fun experiments for elementary-age kids and do a road show in your school district. Keep the ideas clear and get the kids excited about what they can do to save the earth.

11. Green Rooftop. A flat roof covered with plants will lower heating and cooling losses and will good use rainwater. study "Green Roof" and invent and pronounce one at a school, nursing home or other similar operation.

12. cut Garbage Toxicity. study and understand which items are risky in household and institutional/industrial waste streams. yield guides, hold informative sessions, and contribute means for population to detach and gain these toxic items instead of discarding in their garbage.

13. Cell Phone and Battery Collection. A subset of the tip above, cell phones can be collected and repurposed to accident shelters and other uses with no impact to the former owner. Batteries can be collected and returned to a town that can recycle the components.

14. Make A Wild Space. Take a portion of the school or other grassy area that is currently mowed and treated, and make a wildflower or other planted space that requires less water, chemicals and care, and is beneficial to local or migratory animals. Add a bench and walkway and you have created a garden sanctuary! A local garden town may donate or sponsor the park in exchange for some signage or other observation or recognition.

15. yield Some Produce. Build a community garden, perhaps at a nursing home or community building. Involve others and set up a community buildings that will care for the garden when your scheme is completed. participate in the care and harvest of the bounty. consider donating some of the yield to the food bank or shelters, where fresh food is rare and always appreciated. consider planting and maintaining an orchard where peaches, apples, pears and other fruits will grow for years to come. Large cans (see #5) and buckets can be used to grow plants in urban settings.

16. originate or pronounce a Hiking Trail. If you have green space nearby, consider trying to invent a collective trail. Landowners may be willing to sustain this action if there is also financial and/or sustain from the local government. You may have to do more political and financial organizing than actual hoe and shovel work up front, but the resulting peaceful trail will be a great testimony to your dedication and effort.

17. Plastic-Free Dining. Take a contemplate of the garbage created in your school cafeteria. Try to find ways to cut the environmental impact (carbon cost, weight, decomposability, etc.) See if you can transform plastic items to paper or metal that can be whether reused or renewed without fossil fuels. Work with the procurement group to gain the new items at lower cost, and decree if the total "life cycle cost" of dishes and silverware is lower than plastic.

18. Mileage Audits. invent an audit tool to help population maximize their auto mileage. From tire pressure to weight reduction and driving habit changes, you can make a good guide for population to use. Set up an event, perhaps in concert with a car show or car wash, to perform mileage audits for people, pump their tires and give them a guide to keep in their car. Do a before/after road test on a few cars to gain some hard data.

19. Solar Rooftop. gain funding and/or supplies to install a pilot solar cell on a rooftop. connect it to a unique object inside the school such as a provocative sculpture, fountain or light display, or light a hallway. reckon the cost of execution vs the Vigor cost saved and make a advice to the school for larger scale implementation.

20. Green Careers Research. Do some jobs study on the top 20-30 careers that impact Green. invent a list of degrees and skills which would be needed for these jobs, along with projections of the increase and the economic and geographic locations of the jobs. Work with the guidance conselor to release this and make available to students as they make decisions about careers. consider building a slide show or video composite of provocative jobs in Renewable Vigor and other areas.

Hopefully this has given you some ideas on good assistance projects that will have a distinct impact on our environment. Have fun and stay green!

Green assistance Projects - 20 assistance project Ideas That Help the Planet

Monday, July 11, 2011

Orchard Credit Card

Orchard Bank (Orchard credit card) was one of the biggest banks in Asia and the Pacific; that was until its parent company, Household Finance Company, was acquired by HSBC. Orchard Bank was one of the biggest card issuers in Asia and in the world. Its total acquisition allowed HSBC to enter the card services space for credit. Thanks to Orchard Bank, HSBC is now one of the biggest card issuers in the world. Orchard Bank now releases all HSBC-issued credit cards. It offers primarily Visa and MasterCard brands of cards. Orchard Bank is known for approving or offering cards to those with poor or no credit track record. Orchard offers to issue a card to these people; in return, all they have to do is open a deposit account with the bank.

An Orchard credit card is very good indeed. As mentioned above, Orchard functions under HSBC currently. If there is one thing HSBC is known for, it is its customer service. You can expect the best credit card customer service from Orchard Bank. Of course, the better you credit rating is, the better the service you will get. Make sure to always check on your card schedules to stay in Orchard's good graces. Of course, no card company is perfect. The downside with Orchard cards is that they offer higher-than-normal interest rates for their cards. If you want an Orchard card, always pay on time. Never delay your payments. Pay ahead of time. Do not wait until you due date before you pay. Also, try and avoid paying for things in installments. For Orchard cards, this is not ideal as you'll end up paying a lot more than you should be.

Orchard Card Sign In

If you feel like you can handle your finances well, go ahead and try out an Orchard credit card. It's very easy to get approved for one. Just make sure to use it wisely and avoid deferring payments. Always pay on time and, if you can, in full. Don't spend beyond your means when using your Orchard card.

Orchard Credit Card

Sunday, July 10, 2011

SquareUp Allows Anyone With an iPhone to Accept Credit Cards

Accepting credit cards is a great way to ensure that your business has ample opportunity to make decent revenue on a consistent basis, but sometimes being approved to be able to accept credit cards is a whole other story; enter was born out of the need of one of its founders to be able to accept credit cards as there was no other way for his small business to do so. Now anyone with an iPad can accept credit cards and the application is coming soon to the iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, and even laptops.

With typical credit card merchant accounts there are costly fees associated with accepting them and just to be approved you have to fill out a stack of paperwork. Even if everything is in order you may still not be allowed to use the service and any application fee you paid to the merchant account is gone for good.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

With all you need is to plug in their special swiping jack and you then can accept credit cards anywhere you go. Additionally, you can integrate your business and organize inventory and set prices all in an effort to help you streamline your efforts. No need for paper receipts as will automatically send you your receipt via e-mail. They even have an application that allows for your customers to leave you a tip if they so desire. Talk about easy.

When comparing the prices of to the traditional credit card merchants you can see right away why this program is rapidly gaining popularity. With most merchant accounts you have to not only fill out a mound of paperwork and pay an application fee, but you may also have to pay many other fees along the way. There will of course be the percentage that the company takes just for you to do a transaction, which is usually around three percent or more plus about 30 cents per transaction. This can really add up over time, but the fees don't stop there.

You usually have to also do a minimum amount of monthly business and pay a monthly fee just to have the service. Add that to the fact that you have to sign a contract and it is no wonder why many small business owners don't accept credit cards. is changing all of this.

With there are no hidden fees, no application fees, no monthly fees, no contracts, and no monthly minimums. All they take is 2.75 percent if the card is swiped and 3.5 percent if the card is keyed in plus 15 cents per charge. That's it, no more, no less. Now it is possible for any business owner to accept credit cards. may still be relatively young, but they are giving the big boys much to worry about. As for the small business owner, there is no longer anything restricting you from accepting credit cards. The only thing stopping you now is the time it will take to get things rolling with

SquareUp Allows Anyone With an iPhone to Accept Credit Cards

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to Take Care of an Orchid

One of the very first things you must make sure with orchids is to let them go completely dry. Too much dryness cannot only stunt growth in its own way. Nevertheless, it is a sure way to kill the plant in addition. However, the use of too much water can pretty much have the same effect. The presence of too much water remaining in a pot containing an orchid for a period of seven to ten days can prove to be deadly. Not only will it serve to kill the orchid. However, the roots of the orchid will be rotted out as well. So you must make sure to apply just enough water to these very special plants and not overdo it. This is just one of the many rules of thumb that are a part of taking care proper care of the orchid properly.

One way of dealing with plants best is if you are an amateur is to ask someone who knows more about orchids and are horticulture in general. Just because the pseudo-bulbs may shrivel and the leaves begin to droop on an orchid does not specifically mean that it is lacking the presence of water. Many amateurs regard as meaning the plant is dry and requires water immediately this common mistake. Therefore, they over drench the plant and not only rot out the roots. Also, kill the plant unknowingly in the process as well.

Orchard Card Sign In

A plant that experiences any signs of shriveling may be obviously suffering from a lack of roots and will often respond favorably to being administered a gentle form of overhead spray. This especially applies to Laelias and other plants that do have certain light, heat, and air requirements that are similar to the Cattleyas that need the same sort of watering treatment.

Another valuable tip on watering orchids is to do it early on the in day. This will help the orchids from drying out when nightfall happens. However, do take into consideration that the amount of watering and the frequency that you do it also depends on another factor and that is the specific kind of climate that your orchids are a part of on a daily basis. It is advisable to water them only once a week in the winter season and in the summer and other warm/ dry times at least two times a week at most.

Something else that strongly determines how much water you will actually use for watering is also the size of the container that your orchids are setting in as a rule. The size of the particular pot will tell you just about how many times per week to water or not to water your orchids per se.

There are other factors that need to be taken into consideration where watering is concerned as well. The temperature of the water itself for one and the quality of said water being used too. Laelias like a little more water slightly after they have reached complete growth and before they do flower. After they do flower, they do not require that much water as they do before flowering and so forth. Since Vandas do not possess pseudo bulbs, they must have water all the time. However, if they do not get the sufficient water they need, their aerial roots can take of any deficiency of water by taking moisture from the air around them.

Tap water should not be administered to orchids because of the chemicals that are in it. It is more advisable to water orchids with rainwater if possible. Also, make sure that the water you do use to water orchids is of the correct temperature that equals the surrounding air temperature. If the water is, too cold it can be deadly or cause long-term damage to your orchids.

Another important thing to consider when watering orchids is to be very careful not to wet any of the leaves. The reason being that over watering can damage the leaves and turn them yellow in appearance. If any water does happen to get between the leaves, you can use a cotton ball or cotton swab to remove the water.

How to take care of the orchid properly does begin and end with you per se. Watering orchids correctly is a very important part of the caring process.

How to Take Care of an Orchid

Friday, July 8, 2011

Credit Card Collection Cases in Pennsylvania

Credit Card collection lawsuits are rapidly increasing in Pennsylvania. The volume of phone calls and emails that I receive on this topic is astounding. What I have discovered is that many people do not know their rights or how to handle these situations. I can say with certainty that contacting a Consumer Attorney is a very good move.

Credit card lawsuits are instituted on the basis that you have failed to pay (defaulted) on a credit account. There are a number of issues that the credit card company has to prove in order to prevail in a collection lawsuit against you. The following is a brief summary of some of those issues.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

The credit card company first and foremost has to prove that you have established an account with them. This typically requires an agreement that is signed by you indicating that you requested an extension of credit or an account with the credit card company. As some credit applications are taken orally, the company must be able to prove that you requested an account by another means, perhaps by a recording of your phone application.

The next issue that they have to prove is that you agreed to certain terms and conditions, including rate of repayment and interest rate. This can again be done by means of a signed application or a recording of an oral application. The evidence must include proof that you agreed to those terms and that you agreed to pay a certain interest rate on the credit account.

Next, the credit card company must prove that you have made charges on the account. This may be accomplished by means of producing the monthly statements on your account.

Finally, the company must prove that you have failed to pay on the account as per your agreement (again, they must prove that you have defaulted). The date of the default is especially important, as they must bring the lawsuit against you within four (4) years of the date of the last default. This is what is referred to as the Statute of Limitations.

The credit card company can prevail on a collection case against you in Pennsylvania only if they can prove all of the foregoing. It is imperative that you respond in writing, preferably with the assistance of a good consumer attorney, when a credit card collection lawsuit is filed against you in Pennsylvania.

Credit Card Collection Cases in Pennsylvania

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Buying Country Acreage and Rural Properties, To Buy or Not To Buy

Almost anyone can become a rural property owner; if you are willing to set goals, establish what your purposes are, plan ahead and set targets that are all aligned toward the same result. And, if you can be patient instead of requiring instant gratification.

There is no more -an-acre land; unless you count some of the inaccessible and unusable properties that are sometimes available in blocks of 10,000 acres or more; and even these properties are rare. But you can get rural properties more reasonably now than in the past IF you are willing to be creative in your expectations and in the ways you use and modify the property.

Orchard Card Sign In

If you are in a big hurry to find rural property, you will likely not be able to find what you are looking for. Rural properties have fewer buyers who want to purchase them, but there are plenty of dreamers who have not considered the realities. There are seldom bargains available because most folks who own rural properties know exactly who to call first when they want to sell. If the property really is a bargain it is gone with one of the first ten phone calls the seller makes. However, if you are willing to "think outside the box" of convention you may end up with what is a bargain property for you.

Twenty and thirty years ago thousands of folks bought into the "live on a farm and make a fortune" dream of owning a chicken house, home and acreage in Sussex County Delaware -- the chicken capital of the world -- where there are several million chickens for every person who lives here. For a short while it was possible to take the "contract" from a chicken plant to the bank and with only that as collateral, get a loan for about 10 acres, a home and at least one chicken house. Many folks soon discovered that the so called contract had fine print and clauses that were all in favor of the chicken plant and none in favor of the chicken grower. Soon most chicken growers were working full time to help support the chicken business they had bought, along with it's mortgage of 0,000 or more, sometimes much more.

Now when I appraise a chicken farm with house and acreage I appraise the working chicken farm at zero -- and that is really too high a value in some cases. There are lots of easier, better smelling and cleaner jobs you can purchase with 0,000 or so. If you want to make a living growing chickens you should prepare to spend at least a million dollars, you can finance it of course, and get several chicken houses built around your home on 15 to 20 acres, if you don't mind the smell, and then the best bet is to lease the business to someone who is running 20 or thirty chicken houses at least.

There are some sensible things you can do in contemplation of moving to and living in the country. First among those is to start by renting a small home in the area you want to live -- and either move there or at least visit there often enough to get to know the area. If you already live close enough to drive to your dream area daily, start doing that and start frequenting the shops, churches and restaurants there. Stop at yard sales and to check into cars, trucks and equipment that is for sale in people's front yards. Be honest, tell them you are planning to move into the area and want to learn about your neighbors and only stop to shop if you are really interested in what they have for sale and are willing to purchase it at your price. Rural folk have a built in truth-detector and it is usually accurate. Don't try to BS them or your reputation will precede any other data about you.

I suggest that you can subscribe to a good magazine on rural living, or two or three. One of the best to begin with is Backwoods Home Magazine; Start by visiting and reading EVERYTHING on line, then get a subscription, then purchase ALL of the back issues which are bound into soft cover books.

If you yearn for the simple life of old fashioned living, in a log home for instance, and away from the downward pull of civilization, check out:

If you are able to take your income with you, to maintain your current income, and don't need a job where you are going. Then I recommend you just rent a place first and start spending more and more time in a good area as you begin to test your transition resources. While renting get to know the people and see if you fit in with them. They are not planning to change to meet your parameters, I assure you. MOST of the folks who come from the city to the country start by trying to change the area they have moved to and the new neighbors, to be more like where they left. They should not have left or they should get on back there -- and most of the neighbors will tell you so.

If you move to an area as a renter and find the people to your liking and they find you to their liking, you have probably found the right area. However, in rural areas ten miles can make a huge difference in lifestyle and area ethnicity. Please don't move to a resort town, like Rehoboth Beach where I work, and then without checking try to move into a place like Oak Orchard (the little rural waterfront town where I live) or you will experience some near terminal culture shock. I love where I live and the people who live here but hopefully not one of them thinks that I have some intention of changing the way they live here!

Once you have zeroed in on an area and visited it many dozen times or better yet rented a place there and started living there for short stays; I suggest that you start joining various groups and organizations as a part-time member and let them know that you are not full time yet, but hope to be. They help. Don't try to instruct them or help them do what they are already doing better; just try to help them on their own terms. You need to learn the rules of this new game, it's their game and their community. At most you will be a welcome member of the community. You will never be the equal to those who have four or ten or thirty generations of family buried and established there. For instance in our area those who have only been here for sixty years are still not considered "from here" by those who have been here since the 1500s or soon after.

Once you have looked at several dozen properties that interest you, and that may take a year or two or more; you will begin to appreciate different micro-cultures in the area. You will begin to notice differences in soils, roads, well water, septic system functionality and road access; not to mention the differences in governmental rules and enforcement of same. Each time you find the perfect property; put a contract on it "pending research and discovery" and during that time check the neighbors and professionals about the property. You should check the neighbors first, lots of them, they already know everything the professionals are going to charge you to tell you.

Hopefully by the second or third property you put a contract and deposit on; you will have the one that is right for you. Remember, if the property is a bargain price, you have missed something in almost every case. What you need to do is figure out how it is a bargain for you; because you have an unusual use, ability, or way to change the property easily to suit your needs.

Buy through a Realtor if at all possible. Sign a buyers agent agreement with your agent so that his allegiance is to you -- otherwise, by law his allegiance is ONLY to the seller and by law, you are in an adversarial position to the seller and the Realtor. With a buyer's agent agreement signed, your agent is now on your side, by law, and is an opponent of the seller and the seller's agent. Ask your agent then to provide you with all the comparable sales data from the multi-listing service if there is one. If not hire an appraiser, once you have the property under contract, (make the contract contingent upon a satisfactory appraisal) and pay to have the price evaluated. If you have contracted for too high a price, renegotiate the contract; if you find you have a real bargain; you of course double check with your agent and the appraiser to find out why. It may be that the reason for it's "reasonable" price the reason that keeps it from selling is not that important to you -- and you do have a bargain.

Possibly your employer or the consulting work or your self employment activities may allow you to telecommute. But if you can't telecommute to maintain your current income; before buying in an area, find out if you have a marketable skill, one which is in demand in that particular region. This will give you some assurance that you will not become a financial fatality. Most of the folks who move to rural communities, without checking into how they will make money in the new location, have to sell their property at a loss within 5 years, due to lack of income.

If you are retired, be certain that hospitals, doctors, stores, restaurants, etc. are suitable for you in the new location -- or be very certain that you will be able to comfortably reside in the new area regardless.

Some of us are not be able to save enough money for a cash purchase of our rural dream property before we reach retirement age. It is however likely that we can provide a small sum for a down payment, and we're reasonably certain that we can market our skills locally to meet payments and put bread on the table (but please don't just guess about this, check it out).

Even if you find small acreage (10 to 50 acres) for ,000 or less per acre that has good soil, good water available and a good prospect for an inexpensive, workable septic system -- many banks and mortgage companies are not optimistic about financing raw land. BUT, seller financing is often a alternative and easily structured method of purchasing raw land. In fact it is not unusual to get twenty, thirty or even forty year financing at 10% or less interest -- from the seller. Of course, in order to build on the property, you will normally have to pay off the seller's mortgage with your home financing loan. Any of the money you have paid on the price of the land, down payment as well as principle payments during your ownership period, and any appreciation of the land value will be considered as part of your down payment on your home owners loan.

Be careful to set your payments so that you can afford the land payments along with your current cost of housing. You can save thousands of dollars in interest by keeping your loan to as short a term as possible. Also, make sure that there is no prepayment penalty on your seller financing note.

You can however often purchase an existing home on acreage for a lot less than the cost of acreage and building a similar home. You can also often rent out the property to cover part of your expense while you arrange your affairs for your eventual relocation to rural bliss. If you are interested in purchasing a 100 acre horse farm complete with buildings, fencing, paddocks, etc. you can often save nearly 50% of the reconstruction cost; but there is little market for renting such a property.

If you find "more than five acres" with a home and buildings that need work but are structurally sound, you may save 30% to even 60% of the reconstruction cost. Be certain in this area, Sussex County Delaware, that you get more than five acres as five acres or less falls into a nonagricultural zoning classification that you may not wish to be involved with as you develop your rural lifestyle.

Most people ask me for 20 to 30 acres, or more. But let's take a look at reality here. A football field is three quarters of one acre. Thus 5.1 acres or more is a very roomy place to live acreage wise. If you want horses however think 15 acres or more. Each horse will need an average of 5 to 9 acres depending on how you decide to raise the horse; that acreage is in addition to the land that your home, driveway, out buildings, garden and other non-fenced areas take in. Many people are thinking of one, two, three or four horses for the family enjoyment; if so they need about 3 or more acres for the home and other human related improvements and should figure an additional average of seven acres for each horse or pony.

If you have a dream of self-sufficiency; living off the power grid, being away from it all... this is virtually impossible in reality yet most prevalent when you are in the dream stage. Coming to terms with what you can realistically afford and what you can realistically live with before you buy can save you a lot of headaches later.

Solar power is far more expensive than buying electricity from the power company, wind power is unreliable, water power is expensive and hard to arrange; now I expect to get a lot of argument on this from those who have read all about it but have no real experience -- but I won't get any valid argument from anyone who has done it (unless they are simultaneously trying to sell the idea to others).

There are many good articles in Backwoods Home Magazine; but most of them leave out the initial expense, maintenance expense and almost always the expense of replacing worn components of these so called money saving off-the-grid systems. You can however design a passive solar home, one with most windows facing south west and few facing other directions. Most older farm houses are already designed like this, not all of them are well insulated however.

Location: is paramount. We Realtors are wont to chant"location -- location -- location" like a mantra. It isimportant, just learn what it means as location hasdifferent parameters for different purposes. Location on a main road is imperative for commercial activity; location near pleasant living and good jobs is imperative for residential property; location regarding rural principles is a matter of sometimes life and death or at least a matter of doable and undoable for a rural home.

I suggest that the proper location for rural living is NOT usually closest to the best beach, ski slope or lake but the more sensible location is near to a rural town where many or most of the locals are living on rural acreage. In our area everyone wants ten to thirty acres near the beach; after finding out the price, they dream about 1 to 5 acres but seldom end up getting it and if they do the difficulty of finding it, using it for rural purposes and enjoying it when your neighbors complain about your rooster, tractor noise or fertilizer odors will often make this semi-rural location less than your dreams.

If you're not rigidly set on purchasing land in some popular or scenic wonderland, some good buys can still be found in the less "romantic" parts of the county, particularly on the edges of small farming communities. In Sussex County, I suggest the south west part of the county, west of Millsboro, nearer to Gumboro, Delmar, etc. for the best rural surroundings and lowest prices. There are few properties available in that area but even fewer buyers who have faced the reality of where rural living is better lived.

If you are independently wealthy, that is a different matter. There are some lovely farms on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific near Carmel California; where the movie stars reside and if you can find a hundred acre farm you may be able to get it for a hundred million dollars or so, plus the value of improvements. That is about what you can expect to pay for acreage near Rehoboth also; and it's a little easier to find. The farther you go away from the "ideal" locations the fewer people are looking to purchase it and the lower the price is. An interesting anecdote here; I had a couple come to me a few years ago looking to purchase a hundred acres or so on the oceanfront near Rehoboth, for horses; they could easily afford the price of a million an acre or so, but they ended up purchasing land twenty minutes inland after they did more reasonable research.

Before you go out looking for property, sit down with paper and pencil and any partners or family that will be involved. You may find numerous surprises when you all start writing down importances, desires, and things not wanted. It is most important that you know what you must have, and what you can do without. Make a list of the features you feel an area MUST have in order for you to consider relocating there. This might include things like climate (and, thus, growing season), being within a certain radius of a population center (or maybe a certain distance AWAY from one), and availability of certain facilities or services. Being within 20 miles of an airport or hospital may not matter to one family, but could be of vital importance to another.

The most important item on this list is consideration of the social and economic climate of the area, and how you will fit into it. Even if you're independently wealthy, the economic circumstances of an area can affect how you will fit into it. Will a well-heeled but bored-with-society person be able to move into an economic Appalachia and truly find contentment? Perhaps, but first consider the "necessities" of the life you'll be leaving. Do you need to regularly attend the symphony or visit a high-quality library? Is high quality clothing shopping or other shopping important to you?


Those of us who aren't independently wealthy need to consider some means of supporting ourselves in our new surroundings. "Living off the land" is certainly NOT all it's cracked up to be, and isn't even legal unless you become a vegetarian; year around hunting for meat is illegal everywhere. Even gardening or collecting wild edibles is not legal either, if you try to do it on public land.

Before moving to the country... One of the important questions to ask (and find out for sure the answer) is; "Does the area have a large enough population base to give a person a good shot at finding a job? Another is; "Does it have a diversified economy? Many communities seem to have good employment opportunities, but on closer inspection they all turn out to be based on the same industry, such as recreation, chickens, fishing camps, skiing, ocean swimming and water sports, timber or mining or farming. If the bottom falls out of a single industry, or suddenly there is no snow or the water becomes polluted and is posted against use... as folks from many towns can attest has happened, the economy of the entire area falls apart -- FAST... to fast to get out with your investment.

If an area's economy is primarily based on tourism, such as ours in the Rehoboth, Lewes, Dewey, Bethany, Fenwick area, there may be many jobs available in the service sector (motels, restaurants, etc.) But most of these jobs pay very low wages, and often these jobs are seasonal. Land prices tend to be inflated in many resort areas, and ours more so than most.

I was surprised a few years ago to find that the most expensive areas of California were not all that expensive compared to Rehoboth and surrounding areas.

Minimum wage income is not likely to enable a person to live comfortably in a resort community, much less enable a person to purchase property! An extreme example is the city of Aspen, Colorado. This beautiful ski resort community is an extremely expensive place to live. The local fast-food restaurants have trouble getting employees because there is no reasonably priced place for them to live. Some of these businesses actually have to provide housing in order to get employees! It is somewhat like that in Rehoboth area. As you may know, Grotto's Pizza, our largest employer in the area, at one time provided space for many of their employees. Now, a lot of our resort help lives communally in "three bedrooms, sleeps twenty) type apartments and homes. Many more of our seasonally employed folks are imported from Ireland and elsewhere -- and come to live in dormitory style, often sleeping in shifts.

If you are a computer professional, you are very fortunate as the "Information Age" has created a class of professionals who can survive in depressed rural areas -- the computer entrepreneur. With reasonably good dial-up ISP service, perhaps a cable modem (in Millsboro and some areas of southern Sussex County) a cell phone, computer, printer, modems and fax, people can now roam across the country and the world by phone and the Internet. Some folks, and this is a fast growing segment of our buyers, can either work at home for a distant company (perhaps commuting once a week or once a month or even in the case of one of my clients twice a week) or create a new business as a consultant, doing the same job for the same company they are currently employed by. With a business card and digital tools one can appear to have a large conventional business, albeit a laptop and other portable digital tools, and it can be quite profitable.

Computer-based businesses are ideally suited for rural living. They are becoming increasingly more important as a means of breaking loose from the grind of commuting to work in big cities that are fast becoming too dangerous to live in. If you're not yet into computers, you'll have to consider whether you have a skill that's marketable in the area you're interested in.

Make sure the place you choose (a) has a use for that skill, and (b) isn't saturated with unemployed people who have the same skill. One of my best friends is a fabulous carpenter, home builder, cabinet maker, and skilled in many other fields such as welding, auto mechanics, gunsmithing to some degree and perhaps a couple of dozen more marketable skills. He moved to a rural area of Virginia to his dream home on over a hundred acres and his income plummeted. He is back here now and I'm glad he is even though I don't see him very often; it's just pleasant to drive by his business and know he's back in the neighborhood.

Please, please, please... before you move to an new rural area; subscribe to the nearest newspaper for the area you are considering and read the economic and community sections as well as the help wanted ads. If there is a skimpy "help wanted" section in the local paper... beware. On the other hand, could this "depressing" state of affairs regarding employment news probably means that real estate is bargain priced in that area?


What about your health and age? Do you now or do you expect to have frequent need for the type of medical services mostly found in large cities?

Although they're necessary, think seriously about staying at least 25 miles away from the nearest freeway system. These "conduits of crime" that cross the country not only carry law-abiding citizens but solitary criminals and gangs as well. The gangs and other thugs tend to use the corridor towns in proximity of the freeways as their "banks" and they excel in "withdrawals on the run." One small town the writers lived in was only a few miles from a freeway exit. One night, two men left the freeway, robbed a motel and got back on the freeway a short time later. They were never caught. Imagine what these corridors may become as our cities and suburbs continue to deteriorate!


Once you've decided generally where you'd like to relocate, visit it several times, preferably at different times of the year. Learn which areas are desirable and which have problems. Check for flood plains, areas with access problems, water problems (not enough, too much or poor quality), noise problems (yes, even rural areas can have noisy spots), or other problems peculiar to a given area. Some rural "neighborhoods" have earned a bad reputation. Find out why before buying there. If the price seems too good to be true, maybe somebody's trying to unload a problem.

If you're looking for undeveloped land on which to build your retreat, find out about the water tables: depth, quality, and reliability. Find out what it costs to drill a well to the necessary depth for that area. Water should be one of the most important considerations in any land purchase. In Sussex County we are fortunate that we have generally good water (no matter what the press and Pseudo-envoronmentalists say) and wells are relatively cheap to drill.

Find out the proximity of utilities and costs to bring them in and hook them up, if they're not already in place. In some areas, costs to hook up to the power lines grid are prohibitive. Some of those same areas may not be conducive to an inexpensive well or septic either. BUT that can be an advantage if you are able to think outside of the norm. For instance our Fowler's Beach property is not conducive to running electric wires, getting good water from a shallow well or building and inexpensive sewer system. As a result you can get waterfront acreage for little money on a private beach and the cost of electric, water and sewer when added to the cost of the property is minuscule!

Once you've narrowed your search to a few areas within your target community, look at several properties! Realtors such as ourselves, can be a big help, not only by showing you individual properties, but by telling you about the area in general. It's not necessary to restrict yourself to one Realtor. But as soon as possible you should choose ONE to work with, get their allegiance and preferably sign a buyer's agent agreement with them so that they are looking out for your best interests!!! If your Realtor is too pushy for you or isn't showing you the type of properties that interest you, find another one; make sure you void the buyer's agent agreement if you have one (in writing) and get a Realtor who will listen to what you want and provide you such.

And don't forget to watch the newspapers and check out properties in your price range and area of interest being offered for sale by owner. Sometimes the best deals can be had by working with owners; and if you have a buyer's agent, the agent can make certain that you are well informed and protected even after you view the property with the seller.

You will also need an attorney in Delaware to assist you with the closing on the property. It is important to know that all attorney's CAN do real estate settlements but only a handful are worth using. Attorneys specialize and only three to five of them specialize in real estate -- for the rest of them, real estate settlements are awkward and no matter what they say... they usually make errors and those errors can be horrid.

When you do find a property you like, don't let it blind you to its drawbacks. Whether or not you're working with a Realtor, do your homework. Remember, unless your Realtor is a buyer's agent, he or she is working for the seller. Most Realtors will be up front with you about all your questions, but they are also bound by contract to get the best possible price for their client, the seller. And, by law -- when they are working for the seller there are numerous things they may NOT divulge to you even when they know about them.

First, ask the seller or Realtor all the questions you can about the property. For an older dwelling, this might include questions about the age of the wiring and plumbing, type of foundation, and in some parts of the country, when it was last checked for insect problems. This is particularly important near the beaches and regarding wooded properties -- where termites are prevalent.

Then talk to the neighbors. In the rural sense, the "neighbors" are folks living within a five-or-so-mile radius of the property; sometimes even more, if the property is down a long road without intersections. Ask them about the area, its people, any problems with the area, and particularly if they know of any drawbacks with the property you are considering purchasing. If they seem reluctant to talk to you, this might be a red flag you shouldn't ignore: maybe they'd like to buy the property but can't afford it, or maybe they don't like outsiders buying property in their area. If you run up against this in several conversations, you might have a hard time getting along with the neighbors. Buying -- and holding onto -- that chunk of land, with or without a home and buildings on it will take creative planning, patience, and caution on your part!


Today's expensive properties will be tomorrow's bargains. Don't be discouraged by short term obstacles. Land prices seldom go down in the long run. Obviously, there are a lot more things to consider when buying rural land as opposed to buying a house in a city. One of them is the possible problems of buying in a "boom town" area when you don't want to be part of the boom.

It is important to consider whether your dream location will become less desirable as more people relocate there. For this reason it is not uncommon for people who move to a rural area to want to "close the gate" after they get there. They realize that if too many people move to the small community they have chosen, that it will eventually lose the qualities that drew them there in the first place. Unfortunately, people WILL find these wonderful places, no matter how hard some people try to keep them a secret. Some communities handle growth well, others don't. Check to see what kind of planning and zoning is present in your chosen area. A community that looks ahead and plans for growth fares much better than communities that keep their heads in the sand, thinking "it can't happen here." Growth not only can happen, it will.

But short of a natural disaster or a devastating man-made calamity, land won't come down in value. Buy it, use it, live on it, improve it, and love it. Land is the best investment you'll ever make, for yourself and posterity.

Good luck in your search!

Copyright © 2001

Buying Country Acreage and Rural Properties, To Buy or Not To Buy