Monday, February 27, 2012

Juice Plus - Fraud Or Legit? - Juice Plus tell

Health is today's big craze. It seems like every day a new condition food product is advent out onto the market. condition food stores have popped up around the whole nation selling all things a man needs to help them look and feel their best. Some of these fellowships have structured themselves as multi level marketing companies. So instead of having a store where population can go and physically buy items they have distributors that sell their products and make a commission from their sells. One of the new fellowships that emerged as of late, 1993 to be exact, is called Juice Plus.

Juice Plus specializes in dietary supplements containing concentrated fruit and vegetable juice extracts ready with added vitamins and nutrients. The supplements are advertised as "the next best thing to fruits and vegetables."

Bank Orchard

The idea behind the product is that population will be able to use these fruit and vegetable supplements in place of eating fruits and vegetables. Now there is no substitute for real fruits and vegetables, but Juice Plus does furnish some of the nutritional value that you get from these foods.One of the most difficult things for population when it comes to condition is getting the allowable amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diets, manufacture the product quite appealing.

The company has two traditional products. They are: "Orchard Blend" and "Garden Blend". Orchard Blend is a fruit/vitamin juice and organery Blend is a vegetable juice. Both products are powder based, and they are sold together. Other Juice Plus supplement products consist of "Vineyard Blend" which is a grape/berry powder based juice. Along with their powder based drinks Juice Plus also sells vitamin gummies, chewable tablets, wafers, meal exchange powders, and a vitamin formulation for dogs and cats.

As mentioned above the company uses a multi level marketing structure. Their products are sold by distributors who have to buy into the company for a small price. Distributors earn a commission from each of their sells. Distributors are also encouraged to do a great deal of recruiting; they receive overrides from their recruits sells.

The company occasion within Juice Plus is similar to that of any multi level company today. To originate success within the Mlm commerce you will need to recruit friends and family, attend and promote hotel meetings, attend and promote product parties, attend and promote home presentations and attend company sponsored seminars. Although the company provides good services and products, the actual reality of a normal man manufacture any sort of profit is very small. It would take hundreds of people, a lot of time, and the allowable skill and knowledge to accomplish your financial goals.

I believe Juice Plus to be a good company that produces great products, however, I have chosen not to work for the company due to its multi level marketing structure. I think that it is incredibly difficult for a man to have success within any multi level marketing company.

Juice Plus - Fraud Or Legit? - Juice Plus tell

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Learning Accounting: Debit and Credit Basics

When learning accounting for the first time, the terms 'debit' and 'credit' can be a bit confusing. Why? Because when you go to the bank and deposit money, the teller will tell you, "I am crediting your account X amount of dollars," but if you are taking money our of your account, the teller will tell you, "I am debiting your account X amount of dollars." Also, with debit machines all over the place, and credit cards in everyone's pocket, the two accounting terms take on a whole new meaning.

However, what we've learned about these two words so important in the accounting world, debit and credit, have to be unlearned quickly. Why? Because in accounting, the term debit is used to describe a bank account and that money owed are actually credit accounts - the exact opposite of what we've been taught elsewhere.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

In accounting terms, neither credits nor debits are 'bad', but they need to equal each other in order to balance themselves out in the end. Every itemized transaction, no matter if it's a deposit or a bill to be paid has both a debit and credit posted in the accounting world. This is what is called 'double-entry accounting' - so when you go to the bank, and the teller says, "I am crediting your account X amount of dollars," she is also debiting an entry of a similar amount without telling you this. The same goes for when the teller tells you, "I am debiting your account X amount of dollars," - the accounting will show that a credit of the same amount is being made elsewhere at the same time.

The easiest way to figure out debits and credits in accounting terms is to figure out the following: what did you receive, and where did it come from. The debit is what you received, and the credit is where you received it from, in accounting terms. So for demonstration sake, let's say you bought a CD with your credit card. The CD is what you got, so it will be a debit in the accounting world, and the credit will be applied to the liability you carry on your credit card for the exact same amount.

The bank can easily confuse people learning about credits and debits in the accounting sense of the words, especially when discussing liability. For instance, when you put money in the bank, the bank's liability to you increases, and since liabilities are credits, they are crediting your account (in accounting terms). And when the bank lowers their liability to us (by us taking money out of the bank) the banks are debiting the liability account, from an accounting perspective.

Basically it comes down to being able to figure out what you got and where exactly it came from; if you can figure these out for every transaction, then you've got the accounting terms of credit and debit down pat.

Learning Accounting: Debit and Credit Basics

Friday, February 24, 2012

3 Tips For Writing a Better "About Us" Page

When someone clicks on your about us page they usually have one question in mind: "Who are these guys?" Your potential customers want to get a sense of the people behind your website. And they're looking for signs of trust and credibility.

An about us page gives you a legitimate opportunity to talk about yourself. So don't blow it by filling the page with hype, boring mission statements or meaningless marketing fluff.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

Instead, you should use this page to start building a relationship with the reader. At the same time you can reinforce why you're a better choice than your competitors.

Here are three tips for what to include on your about us page:

1. Company history

A brief company history reassures visitors that you have a solid track record as a reputable and experienced organisation.

Here are three easy ways to structure your company history:

* Write a story about how the company got started
* Focus on the background of the founder, and what led them to launch the business, or
* Present company milestones in a simple chronological time line.

If your company is a start-up, the best tactic is to focus on the previous experience of the principals.

2. Profiles of key personnel

Visitors like to get a feel for the people behind the website. So introduce the movers and shakers on your staff with a brief profile. Include a photo if you can. If the profiles are too long to put all one-page, you can provide links to single-page profiles for each person.

Rather than reciting a dull resume, focus each profile on how that staff member helps satisfy customers' needs. A meaningful quote from the staff member can also help create a connection.

3. Your credentials

Your about us page should include your credentials, accomplishments and recognition. You can break them out into lists and/or sprinkle them throughout the page copy.

You can include details of:

* Your qualifications
* Membership of peak industry organisations
* Awards you've received
* Media recognition

Your about us page is particularly important if you're selling products over the web. People need reassurance that you're a reputable business before they'll enter their credit card details.

3 Tips For Writing a Better "About Us" Page

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Credit Card Company Suing You? How to Respond

In some rare cases, although they are becoming more common as the financial sector continues melting down, a credit card company may not sell a defaulted debt to a collection agency. Instead, it may initiate a lawsuit against a borrower directly and attempt to get a default judgment and begin garnishing wages, attaching liens to property, or collecting on the debt in any other ways that the law allows.

Previously, this was an unheard of tactic for credit card companies to use against debtors. After all, the debt was unsecured and usually only for a few thousand dollars -- less than a drop in the bucket for many banks. Hiring local attorneys to sue borrowers would usually cost more than the company was ever going to collect on the debt, so credit card companies simply wrote off the loan on their taxes and sold it for pennies on the dollars to a collection agency to pursue.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

In recent years, though, state legislatures have made it easier for borrowers to be sued, have their property stolen, and even be put in prison if they are unwilling to cooperate with the civil lawsuit. Debtors who miss a court date may have a "bench warrant" or a "writ of attachment" put out for their arrest. County sheriffs deputies are then able to invade the person's home or place of business and arrest them on site. They will either be held until the next court date or have to pay a cash bond of up to several thousand dollars.

Obviously, in many states, the banks' appointed officials have overpowered the peoples' elected officials. So, it is in the best interests of borrowers to defend against such tactics, legal and fascistic as they may be. Thankfully, this site and others can help prepare borrowers for what to do when they are served with a summons for a credit card lawsuit from an original creditor and how to answer the complaint. And even more promising is the fact that few lawsuits for unsecured debts are paid in full by borrowers, as long as they show up at the hearings.

Responding to the Summons

Responding to a complaint by a credit card company can be remarkable similar to responding to a foreclosure lawsuit. Debtors can immediately request more time by filing a Motion for Extension of Time, which will put the lawsuit on hold by an additional thirty days or so. This gives the borrowers more time to research the issues and prepare their answer.

But if the lender has violated certain laws or failed to follow the correct court procedures, debtors may be able to have the lawsuit dismissed without filing an answer. Especially depending on notice requirements for such a lawsuit and the bank's failure to attach the original contract to the complaint, it may be worth filing a Motion to Dismiss the case based on these procedural failures. Just as when homeowners in foreclosure request the bank to "produce the note," people being sued by credit card agencies can do the same.

Homeowners who have exhausted the possibilities on a Motion to Dismiss, though, will then have to file their answer to the summons and complaint. The best way to do this is to research the federal laws, beginning with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This act dictates how the bank can report negative information to the credit bureaus about accounts, and every violation of the Act can cost the bank ,000. Borrowers have every incentive to research this law and pick out all of the relevant violations. Since these lending laws are almost impossible for creditors to follow, there will always be some violations.

Most of the time, simply by filing a Motion to Dismiss and then filing an answer to the complaint, borrowers can force the bank to accept kind of payment plan or settlement. Especially if there are enough violations of the FCRA or other laws that it would eliminate most of the lender's debt anyway, it is in their best interests to end the lawsuit and settle. It is especially costly for creditors to sue people in court for unsecured debts, because the longer the case goes on, the more it is costing in attorney fees and banks often collect very little from borrowers on such defaulted credit card debts. They can also be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy quite easily.

Debtors can also request the courts offer some sort of negotiation or arbitration between them and the original creditors. A judge can order the parties try and work out a deal to avoid further legal battles, and if the terms are agreeable to both parties, the lawsuit will be put on hold. Borrowers will have an opportunity to pay back a portion of what they owe and creditors will not be able to continue pursuing the lawsuit in court.

Very few cases involving foreclosure, collection agencies, or credit card companies ever go all the way to trial. The banks and borrowers almost always work out an agreement for less than the total amount the bank is requesting in its lawsuit, and debtors are happy to pay off a little bit to get the lawsuit out of the way. But even if the case does go to trial, homeowners can be prepared to defend their side of the story by researching what laws and procedures the bank has violated that voids its claims against the borrowers or at least offsets them severely.

Did the Bank Even Lend Any Money

One defense to a lawsuit brought by the original credit card company is worth mentioning here. It involves the so-called Jerome Daly defense, which argues that, because the bank creates the money for every credit card transaction out of thin air, there is no valid contract. For a contract to be valid, each party much put up some sort of consideration. Banks creating money out of nothing to make borrowers incur a debt does not count. Including this argument in the answer to the complaint may not work, depending on the judge, but it can always be included in a Motion to Dismiss the case.

Credit Card Company Suing You? How to Respond

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What is Win32 Heur and How to Remove Win32 Heur Virus From Your Computer

Computer infected with a virus? People often ask me what is Win32 Heur? Win32 Heur or Win32/Heur is actually a deadly trojan virus that releases a firestorm of malicious activity throughout your computer. If you have come under the attack of this virus then you need to remove Win32 Heur as soon as possible.

A trojan virus is a malicious file or program that gets onto your system by pretending to be benign or desirable. These can be acquired several ways. Among them are:

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

• Through online P2P networks. Be very careful when downloading files from programs like Bearshare and Limewire. Try to avoid any exe files and video codec installers. These are the most frequent methods of infection.

• Installing any free or low cost programs and applications. Very often these programs are free for a reason. They come bundled with spyware, adware, and viruses. Always perform a quick scan of your computer after installing new software off the net.

• Visiting a website that had planted viruses or browser hijackers that force infected your computer. You are probably well aware of this problem as a bunch of pop ups appear and your browser is redirected. Without excellent real time virus and spyware protection, malware like the Win32 Heur virus can sneak onto your system.

Once your computer is infected, viruses can do a couple of dangerous things that can cause a lot of damage. First they use spyware and keyloggers to record private information like passwords, credit card, and bank account numbers. This is why identity fraud is the fastest growing crime on the internet. Don't allow yourself to become the next victim.

The other dangerous side effect is the corruption of your registry and possible collapse of your computer. The virus can inhabit your registry and alters vital system files. This can cause computer crashing, the windows blue screen, and other malfunctions. It could cost hundreds or even thousands to get it repaired or buy a new system.

Remove Win32 Heur

To manually remove the virus manually click "Start" and then "Search". Run a search for either "win32 heur" or just "heur". If the infected file appear then simply delete them. Don't just delete any file that reads win32 because it could be a necessary system file. Make sure you know the file is infected before removing.

For those who cannot remove the infection manually, fortunately I have found a Win32 Heur removal program. It can not only remove Win32 but also provide real time protection to protect you against future threats.

What is Win32 Heur and How to Remove Win32 Heur Virus From Your Computer

Friday, February 17, 2012

Banking Fraud - Prevention and Control

Banking Fraud is posing threat to Indian Economy. Its vibrant effect can be understood be the fact that in the year 2004 number of Cyber Crime were 347 in India which rose to 481 in 2005 showing an increase of 38.5% while I.P.C. category crime stood at 302 in 2005 including 186 cases of cyber fraud and 68 cases cyber forgery. Thus it becomes very important that occurrence of such frauds should be minimized. More upsetting is the fact that such frauds are entering in Banking Sector as well.

In the present day, Global Scenario Banking System has acquired new dimensions. Banking did spread in India. Today, the banking system has entered into competitive markets in areas covering resource mobilization, human resource development, customer services and credit management as well.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

Indian's banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit, the most striking of which is its reach. In fact, Indian banks are now spread out into the remotest areas of our country. Indian banking, which was operating in a highly comfortable and protected environment till the beginning of 1990s, has been pushed into the choppy waters of intense competition.

A sound banking system should possess three basic characteristics to protect depositor's interest and public faith. Theses are (i) a fraud free culture, (ii) a time tested Best Practice Code, and (iii) an in house immediate grievance remedial system. All these conditions are their missing or extremely weak in India. Section 5(b) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 defines banking... "Banking is the accepting for the purpose of lending or investment, deposits of money from the purpose of lending or investment, deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, draft, order or otherwise." But if his money has fraudulently been drawn from the bank the latter is under strict obligation to pay the depositor. The bank therefore has to ensure at all times that the money of the depositors is not drawn fraudulently. Time has come when the security aspects of the banks have to be dealt with on priority basis.

The banking system in our country has been taking care of all segments of our socio-economic set up. The Article contains a discussion on the rise of banking frauds and various methods that can be used to avoid such frauds. A bank fraud is a deliberate act of omission or commission by any person carried out in the course of banking transactions or in the books of accounts, resulting in wrongful gain to any person for a temporary period or otherwise, with or without any monetary loss to the bank. The relevant provisions of Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Contract Act, and Negotiable Instruments Act relating to banking frauds has been cited in the present Article.


Banking system occupies an important place in a nation's economy. A banking institution is indispensable in a modern society. It plays a pivotal role in economic development of a country and forms the core of the money market in an advanced country.

Banking industry in India has traversed a long way to assume its present stature. It has undergone a major structural transformation after the nationalization of 14 major commercial banks in 1969 and 6 more on 15 April 1980. The Indian banking system is unique and perhaps has no parallels in the banking history of any country in the world.


The Reserve Bank of India has an important role to play in the maintenance of the exchange value of the rupee in view of the close interdependence of international trade and national economic growth and well being. This aspect is of the wider responsibly of the central bank for the maintenance of economic and financial stability. For this the bank is entrusted with the custody and the management of country's international reserves; it acts also as the agent of the government in respect of India's membership of the international monetary fund. With economic development the bank also performs a variety of developmental and promotional functions which in the past were registered being outside the normal purview of central banking. It also acts an important regulator.


Banks are the engines that drive the operations in the financial sector, which is vital for the economy. With the nationalization of banks in 1969, they also have emerged as engines for social change. After Independence, the banks have passed through three stages. They have moved from the character based lending to ideology based lending to today competitiveness based lending in the context of India's economic liberalization policies and the process of linking with the global economy.

While the operations of the bank have become increasingly significant banking frauds in banks are also increasing and fraudsters are becoming more and more sophisticated and ingenious. In a bid to keep pace with the changing times, the banking sector has diversified it business manifold. And the old philosophy of class banking has been replaced by mass banking. The challenge in management of social responsibility with economic viability has increased.


Fraud is defined as "any behavior by which one person intends to gain a dishonest advantage over another". In other words , fraud is an act or omission which is intended to cause wrongful gain to one person and wrongful loss to the other, either by way of concealment of facts or otherwise.

Fraud is defined u/s 421 of the Indian Penal Code and u/s 17 of the Indian Contract Act. Thus essential elements of frauds are:

1. There must be a representation and assertion;

2. It must relate to a fact;

3. It must be with the knowledge that it is false or without belief in its truth; and

4. It must induce another to act upon the assertion in question or to do or not to do certain act.


Losses sustained by banks as a result of frauds exceed the losses due to robbery, dacoity, burglary and theft-all put together. Unauthorized credit facilities are extended for illegal gratification such as case credit allowed against pledge of goods, hypothecation of goods against bills or against book debts. Common modus operandi are, pledging of spurious goods, inletting the value of goods, hypothecating goods to more than one bank, fraudulent removal of goods with the knowledge and connivance of in negligence of bank staff, pledging of goods belonging to a third party. Goods hypothecated to a bank are found to contain obsolete stocks packed in between goods stocks and case of shortage in weight is not uncommon.

An analysis made of cases brings out broadly the under mentioned four major elements responsible for the commission of frauds in banks.

1. Active involvement of the staff-both supervisor and clerical either independent of external elements or in connivance with outsiders.

2. Failure on the part of the bank staff to follow meticulously laid down instructions and guidelines.

3. External elements perpetuating frauds on banks by forgeries or manipulations of cheques, drafts and other instruments.

4. There has been a growing collusion between business, top banks executives, civil servants and politicians in power to defraud the banks, by getting the rules bent, regulations flouted and banking norms thrown to the winds.


A close study of any fraud in bank reveals many common basic features. There may have been negligence or dishonesty at some stage, on part of one or more of the bank employees. One of them may have colluded with the borrower. The bank official may have been putting up with the borrower's sharp practices for a personal gain. The proper care which was expected of the staff, as custodians of banks interest may not have been taken. The bank's rules and procedures laid down in the Manual instructions and the circulars may not have been observed or may have been deliberately ignored.

Bank frauds are the failure of the banker. It does not mean that the external frauds do not defraud banks. But if the banker is upright and knows his job, the task of defrauder will become extremely difficult, if not possible.

Detection of Frauds

Despite all care and vigilance there may still be some frauds, though their number, periodicity and intensity may be considerably reduced. The following procedure would be very helpful if taken into consideration:

1. All relevant data-papers, documents etc. Should be promptly collected. Original vouchers or other papers forming the basis of the investigation should be kept under lock and key.

2. All persons in the bank who may be knowing something about the time, place a modus operandi of the fraud should be examined and their statements should be recorded.

3. The probable order of events should thereafter be reconstructed by the officer, in his own mind.

4. It is advisable to keep the central office informed about the fraud and further developments in regard thereto.

Classification of Frauds and Action Required by Banks

The Reserve Bank of India had set-up a high level committee in 1992 which was headed by Mr. A... Ghosh, the then Dy. Governor Reserve Bank of India to inquire into various aspects relating to frauds malpractice in banks. The committee had noticed/observed three major causes for perpetration of fraud as given hereunder:

1. Laxity in observance of the laid down system and procedures by operational and supervising staff.

2. Over confidence reposed in the clients who indulged in breach of trust.

3. Unscrupulous clients by taking advantages of the laxity in observance of established, time tested safeguards also committed frauds.

In order to have uniformity in reporting cases of frauds, RBI considered the question of classification of bank frauds on the basis of the provisions of the IPC.
Given below are the Provisions and their Remedial measures that can be taken.

1. Cheating (Section 415, IPC)

Remedial Measures.

The preventive measures in respect of the cheating can be concentrated on cross-checking regarding identity, genuineness, verification of particulars, etc. in respect of various instruments as well as persons involved in encashment or dealing with the property of the bank.

2. Criminal misappropriation of property (Section 403 IPC).

Remedial Measure

Criminal misappropriation of property, presuppose the custody or control of funds or property, so subjected, with that of the person committing such frauds. Preventive measures, for this class of fraud should be taken at the level the custody or control of the funds or property of the bank generally vests. Such a measure should be sufficient, it is extended to these persons who are actually handling or having actual custody or control of the fund or movable properties of the bank.

3. Criminal breach of trust (Section 405, IPC)

Remedial Measure

Care should be taken from the initial step when a person comes to the bank. Care needs to be taken at the time of recruitment in bank as well.

4. Forgery (Section 463, IPC)

Remedial Measure

Both the prevention and detection of frauds through forgery are important for a bank. Forgery of signatures is the most frequent fraud in banking business. The bank should take special care when the instrument has been presented either bearer or order; in case a bank pays forged instrument he would be liable for the loss to the genuine costumer.

5. Falsification of accounts (Section 477A)

Remedial Measure

Proper diligence is required while filling of forms and accounts. The accounts should be rechecked on daily basis.

6. Theft (Section 378, IPC)

Remedial Measures

Encashment of stolen' cheque can be prevented if the bank clearly specify the age, sex and two visible identify action marks on the body of the person traveler's cheques on the back of the cheque leaf. This will help the paying bank to easily identify the cheque holder. Theft from lockers and safe deposit vaults are not easy to commit because the master-key remains with the banker and the individual key of the locker is handed over to the costumer with due acknowledgement.

7. Criminal conspiracy (Section 120 A, IPC)

In the case of State of Andhra Pradesh v. IBS Prasad Rao and Other, the accused, who were clerks in a cooperative Central Bank were all convicted of the offences of cheating under Section 420 read along with Section 120 A. all the four accused had conspired together to defraud the bank by making false demand drafts and receipt vouchers.

8. Offences relating to currency notes and banks notes (Section 489 A-489E, IPC)
These sections provide for the protection of currency-notes and bank notes from forgery. The offences under section are:

(a) Counterfeiting currency notes or banks.

(b) Selling, buying or using as genuine, forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank notes. Knowing the same to be forged or counterfeit.

(c) Possession of forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank-notes, knowing or counterfeit and intending to use the same as genuine.

(d) Making or passing instruments or materials for forging or counterfeiting currency notes or banks.

(e) Making or using documents resembling currency-notes or bank notes.

Most of the above provisions are Cognizable Offences under Section 2(c) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.


The following are the potential fraud prone areas in Banking Sector. In addition to those areas I have also given kinds of fraud that are common in these areas.

Savings Bank Accounts

The following are some of the examples being played in respect of savings bank accounts:

(a) Cheques bearing the forged signatures of depositors may be presented and paid.

(b) Specimen signatures of the depositors may be changed, particularly after the death of depositors,

(c) Dormant accounts may be operated by dishonest persons with or without collusion of bank employees, and

(d) Unauthorized withdrawals from customer's accounts by employee of the bank maintaining the savings ledger and later destruction of the recent vouchers by them.

Current Account Fraud

The following types are likely to be committed in case of current accounts.

(a) Opening of frauds in the names of limited companies or firms by unauthorized persons;

(b) Presentation and payment of cheques bearing forged signatures;

(c) Breach of trust by the employees of the companies or firms possessing cheque leaves duly signed by the authorized signatures;

(d) Fraudulent alteration of the amount of the cheques and getting it paid either at the counter or though another bank.

Frauds In Case Of Advances

Following types may be committed in respect of advances:

(a) Spurious gold ornaments may be pledged.

(b) Sub-standard goods may be pledged with the bank or their value may be shown at inflated figures.
(c) Same goods may be hypothecated in favour of different banks.


Frauds constitute white-collar crime, committed by unscrupulous persons deftly advantage of loopholes existing in systems/procedures. The ideal situation is one there is no fraud, but taking ground realities of the nation's environment and human nature's fragility, an institution should always like to keep the overreach of frauds at the minimum occurrence level.

Following are the relevant sections relating to Bank Frauds

Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)

(a) Section 23 "Wrongful gain".-

"Wrongful gain" is gain by unlawful means of property to which the person gaining is not legally entitled.

(b) "Wrongful loss"

"Wrongful loss" is the loss by unlawful means of property to which the person losing it is legally entitled.
(c) Gaining wrongfully.

Losing wrongfully-A person is said to gain wrongfully when such person retains wrongfully, as well as when such person acquires wrongfully. A person is said to lose wrongfully when such person is wrongfully kept out of any property, as well as when such person is wrongfully deprived of property.

(d) Section 24. "Dishonestly"

Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person, is said to do that thing "dishonestly".

(e) Section 28. "Counterfeit"

A person is said to "counterfeit" who causes one thing to resemble another thing, intending by means of that resemblance to practice deception, or knowing it to be likely that deception will thereby be practiced.


1. Section 408- Criminal breach of trust by clerk or servant.

2. Section 409- Criminal breach of trust by public servant, or by banker, merchant or agent.

3. Section 416- Cheating by personating

4. Section 419- Punishment for cheating by personation.


1) Section 463-Forgery

2) Section 464 -Making a false document

3) Section 465- Punishment for forgery.

4) Section 467- Forgery of valuable security, will, etc

5) Section 468- Forgery for purpose of cheating

6) Section 469- Forgery for purpose of harming reputation

7) Section 470- Forged document.

8) Section 471- Using as genuine a forged document

9) Section 477- Fraudulent cancellation, destruction, etc., of will, authority to adopt, or valuable security.

10) Section 477A- Falsification of accounts.


Issue of demand bills and notes Section 31.

Provides that only Bank and except provided by Central Government shall be authorized to draw, accept, make or issue any bill of exchange, hundi, promissory note or engagement for the payment of money payable to bearer on demand, or borrow, owe or take up any sum or sums of money on the bills, hundis or notes payable to bearer on demand of any such person


Holder's right to duplicate of lost bill Section 45A.

1. The finder of lost bill or note acquires no title to it. The title remains with the true owner. He is entitled to recover from the true owner.

2. If the finder obtains payment on a lost bill or note in due course, the payee may be able to get a valid discharge for it. But the true owner can recover the money due on the instrument as damages from the finder.

Section 58

When an Instrument is obtained by unlawful means or for unlawful consideration no possessor or indorse who claims through the person who found or so obtained the instrument is entitled to receive the amount due thereon from such maker, acceptor or holder, or from any party prior to such holder, unless such possessor or indorse is, or some person through whom he claims was, a holder thereof in due course.

Section 85:

Cheque payable to order.

1. By this section, bankers are placed in privileged position. It provides that if an order cheque is indorsed by or on behalf of the payee, and the banker on whom it is drawn pays it in due course, the banker is discharged. He can debit his customer with the amount so paid, though the endorsement of the payee might turn out to be a forgery.

2. The claim protection under this section the banker has to prove that the payment was a payment in due course, in good faith and without negligence.

Section 87. Effect of material alteration

Under this section any alteration made without the consent of party would be void. Alteration would be valid only if is made with common intention of the party.

Section 138. Dishonour of cheque for insufficiency, etc., of funds in the account.

Where any cheque drawn by a person on an account maintained by him with a banker for payment of any amount of money to another person from out of that account for the discharge, in whole or in part, of any debt or other liability, is returned by the bank unpaid. either because of the amount of money standing to the credit of that account is insufficient to honour the cheque or that it exceeds the amount arranged to be paid from that account by an agreement made with that bank, such person shall be deemed to have committed an offence and shall, without prejudice.

Section 141(1) Offences by companies.

If the person committing an offence under Section 138 is a company, every person who, at the time the offence was committed, was in charge of, and was responsible to, the company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.


Security implies sense of safety and of freedom from danger or anxiety. When a banker takes a collateral security, say in the form of gold or a title deed, against the money lent by him, he has a sense of safety and of freedom from anxiety about the possible non-payment of the loan by the borrower. These should be communicated to all strata of the organization through appropriate means. Before staff managers should analyze current practices. Security procedure should be stated explicitly and agreed upon by each user in the specific environment. Such practices ensure information security and enhance availability. Bank security is essentially a defense against unforced attacks by thieves, dacoits and burglars.


A large part of banks security depends on social security measures. Physical security measures can be defined as those specific and special protective or defensive measures adopted to deter, detect, delay, defend and defeat or to perform any one or more of these functions against culpable acts, both covert and covert and acclamations natural events. The protective or defensive, measures adopted involve construction, installation and deployment of structures, equipment and persons respectively.

The following are few guidelines to check malpractices:

1. To rotate the cash work within the staff.

2. One person should not continue on the same seat for more than two months.

3. Daybook should not be written by the Cashier where an other person is available to the job

4. No cash withdrawal should be allowed within passbook in case of withdrawal by pay order.

5. The branch manager should ensure that all staff members have recorder their presence in the attendance registrar, before starting work.

Execution of Documents

1. A bank officer must adopt a strict professional approach in the execution of documents. The ink and the pen used for the execution must be maintained uniformly.

2. Bank documents should not be typed on a typewriter for execution. These should be invariably handwritten for execution.

3. The execution should always be done in the presence of the officer responsible for obtain them,
4. The borrowers should be asked to sign in full signatures in same style throughout the documents.

5. Unless there is a specific requirement in the document, it should not be got attested or witnessed as such attestation may change the character of the instruments and the documents may subject to ad volrem stamp duty.

6. The paper on which the bank documents are made should be pilfer proof. It should be unique and available to the banks only.

7. The printing of the bank documents should have highly artistic intricate and complex graphics.

8. The documents executed between Banker and Borrowers must be kept in safe custody,


1. Section 91 of IPC shall be amended to include electronic documents also.

2. Section 92 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 shall be amended to include commuter based communications

3. Section 93 of Bankers Book Evidence Act, 1891 has been amended to give legal sanctity for books of account maintained in the electronic form by the banks.

4. Section 94 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1939 shall be amended to facilitate electronic fund transfers between the financial institutions and the banks. A new clause (pp) has been inserted in Section 58(2).


In the banking and financial sectors, the introduction of electronic technology for transactions, settlement of accounts, book-keeping and all other related functions is now an imperative. Increasingly, whether we like it or not, all banking transactions are going to be electronic. The thrust is on commercially important centers, which account for 65 percent of banking business in terms of value. There are now a large number of fully computerized branches across the country.

A switchover from cash-based transactions to paper-based transactions is being accelerated. Magnetic Ink character recognition clearing of cheques is now operational in many cities, beside the four metro cities. In India, the design, management and regulation of electronically-based payments system are becoming the focus of policy deliberations. The imperatives of developing an effective, efficient and speedy payment and settlement systems are getting sharper with introduction of new instruments such as credit cards, telebanking, ATMs, retail Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Clearing Services (ECS). We are moving towards smart cards, credit and financial Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for straight through processing.

Financial Fraud (Investigation, Prosecution, Recovery and Restoration of property) Bill, 2001

Further the Financial Fraud (Investigation, Prosecution, Recovery and Restoration of property) Bill, 2001 was introduced in Parliament to curb the menace of Bank Fraud. The Act was to prohibit, control, investigate financial frauds; recover and restore properties subject to such fraud; prosecute for causing financial fraud and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Under the said act the term Financial Fraud has been defined as under:

Section 512 - Financial Fraud

Financial frauds means and includes any of the following acts committed by a person or with his connivance, or by his agent, in his dealings with any bank or financial institution or any other entity holding public funds;

1. The suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does not believe it to be true;

2. The active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of the fact;

3. A promise made with out any intention of performing it;

4. Any other act fitted to deceive;

5. Any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.
Provided that whoever acquires, possesses or transfers any proceeds of financial fraud or enters into any transaction which is related to proceeds of fraud either directly or indirectly or conceals or aids in the concealment of the proceeds of financial fraud, commits financial fraud.

513(a) - Punishment for Financial Fraud

Whoever commits financial fraud shall be: (a) Punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term, which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine.

(b)Whoever commits serious financial fraud shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years but shall not be less than five years and shall also be liable for fine up to double the amount involved in such fraud.

Provided that in both (a) and (b) all funds, bank accounts and properties acquired using such funds subjected to the financial fraud as may reasonably be attributed by the investigating agency shall be recovered and restored to the rightful owner according to the procedure established by law.


The Indian Banking Industry has undergone tremendous growth since nationalization of 14 banks in the year 1969. There has an almost eight times increase in the bank branches from about 8000 during 1969 to mote than 60,000 belonging to 289 commercial banks, of which 66 banks are in private sector.

It was the result of two successive Committees on Computerization (Rangarajan Committee) that set the tone for computerization in India. While the first committee drew the blue print in 1983-84 for the mechanization and computerization in banking industry, the second committee set up in 1989 paved the way for integrated use of telecommunications and computers for applying technogical breakthroughs in banking sector.

However, with the spread of banking and banks, frauds have been on a constant increase. It could be a natural corollary to increase in the number of customers who are using banks these days. In the year 2000 alone we have lost Rs 673 crores in as many as 3,072 number of fraud cases. These are only reported figures. Though, this is 0.075% of Rs 8,96,696 crores of total deposits and 0.15% of Rs 4,44,125 crores of loans & advances, there are any numbers of cases that are not reported. There were nearly 65,800 bank branches of a total of 295 commercial banks in India as on June 30, 2001 reporting a total of nearly 3,072 bank fraud cases. This makes nearly 10.4 frauds per bank and roughly 0.47 frauds per branch.

An Expert Committee on Bank Frauds (Chairman: Dr.N.L.Mitra) submitted its Report to RBI in September 2001. The Committee examined and suggested both the preventive and curative aspects of bank frauds.

The important recommendations of the Committee include:

o A need for including financial fraud as a criminal offence;

o Amendments to the IPC by including a new chapter on financial fraud;

o Amendments to the Evidence Act to shift the burden of proof on the accused person;

o Special provision in the Cr. PC for properties involved in the Financial Fraud.

o Confiscating unlawful gains; and preventive measures including the development of Best Code Procedures by banks and financial institutions.

Thus it can be concluded that following measures should necessarily be adopted by the Ministry of Finance in order to reduce cases of Fraud.

o There must be a Special Court to try financial fraud cases of serious nature.

o The law should provide separate structural and recovery procedure. Every bank must have a domestic enquiry officer to enquire about the civil dimension of fraud.

o A fraud involving an amount of ten crore of rupees and above may be considered serious and be tried in the Special Court.

The Twenty-ninth Report of the Law Commission had dealt some categories of crimes one of which is "offences calculated to prevent and obstruct the economic development of the country and endanger its economic health." Offences relating to Banking Fraud will fall under this category. The most important feature of such offences is that ordinarily they do not involve an individual direct victim. They are punishable because they harm the whole society. It is clear that money involved in Bank belongs to public. They deposit there whole life' security in Banks and in case of Dacoity or Robbery in banks the public will be al lost. Thus it is important that sufficient efforts should be taken in this regard.

There exists a new kind of threat in cyber world. Writers are referring it as "Salami Attack" under this a special software is used for transferring the amount from the account of the individual. Hence the culprits of such crimes should be found quickly and should be given strict punishment. Moreover there is requirement of more number of IT professionals who will help in finding a solution against all these security threats.

Banking Fraud - Prevention and Control

Friday, February 10, 2012

Free Business Cards and Free Shipping - Does it Exist?

Each and every day, thousands of people flock to the internet to order business cards.

It wasn't always this way of course. In the "old days" people used to walk into their local print shop, look at some templates and card options, give the printer their contact details, and they'd walk out with a stack of new cards.

Orchard Credit Card Sign In

The possibility of getting them for free couldn't really exist under those circumstances.

It certainly can today. With printing becoming more affordable with volume, and many of the top websites being able to print volumes FAR exceeding (as in tens of thousands of times) the print volume of a local printer, online print houses began offering free or almost free business cards to lure customers in.

Part of the reason they are able to do this, is quite simply, repeat business.

After all, if you get one thing printed with them, chances are you'll return when you need postcards, or letterhead, or any of dozens of other personal or business products these online printhouses are able to provide.

And chances are you'll re-order cards in near future as well.

You might even tell a few friends about the great deal you just got, and then they'll go and order.

In essence, the complimentary business cards offer is really just a clever "loss leader" to help companies get their foot in the door. Once they do, they've earned a customer that may return to them for years and years and for more and more print services.

Another reason many companies are able to offer free business cards is the ability to charge shipping and handling on these orders, which in many cases helps them recoup the cost of the printing. In some cases, they may even make money on the transaction! Imagine that... make money by giving something away!

Other companies -- either unable or unwilling to give away cards for free -- decided instead to offer free shipping to win over customers. In order to compete, they may offer more in the way of quality, service, or option.

So... if some companies offer the cards for free, and other companies offer free shipping... the question that naturally follows is, "can I get free business cards AND free shipping?"

Actually, you can!

Offering free business cards with free shipping has proven to be a great way for companies to get publicity, often in the form of press releases that circulate around the web through news sites, social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, and others.

The problem is that these offers go fast. To limit their financial exposure, the companies only offer the deal to a limited number of customers. Get there first... and they're yours. There's an element of luck and timing in getting to these deals.

A few companies, however, have found that giving away the cards and shipping them free is a powerful way to earn customer loyalty. On the plus side, they leave these offers on the table for longer periods of time. On the negative side, the quantity of cards they'll give away to each customer is generally pretty small.

Deciding between free business cards with a nominal shipping charge, and one of these smaller, or rarer deals that offer both for free, all depends on what you need.

The bottom line is that there sure are some great offers out there! So take advantage of them!

Free Business Cards and Free Shipping - Does it Exist?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Signs of Infidelity - 21 Categories of Telltale Signs

With infidelity reaching epidemic proportions, every woman should learn how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of your relationship could depend on your ability to spot the telltale signs of an affair in time. In view of the rapidly rising divorce rates, and current statistics showing that 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates, if your husband is cheating, you can't afford to be the "last one to know."

Every woman's personal library should contain a relationship reference book with detailed information on how to recognize the warning signs of infidelity. "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs" is a comprehensive guide which documents practically every known cheating sign. The 800+ signs of infidelity in Is He Cheating on You? are divided into 21 categories so you can easily locate the signs that apply to your mate. What's unique about the warning signs listed here is that once you know what to look for, all the signs can be easily found using only your eyes and ears, your personal knowledge of your husband, and the information provided in the book. No special skills or equipment are required.

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Each of the 21 categories is explained below along with the number of telltale signs listed under that category. While some women make it a point to check each of the 21 categories, others will only check the particular categories that seem to apply to their marriage or their mate. To insure that no one overlooks an important telltale sign, about a dozen of the signs are listed in more than one category.

For example:

"He always calls a certain female to share the special events in his life."

This sign is listed under Telephone Tip-Offs and again under His Behavior Around Other Women.

"He starts showering you with gifts or buying you flowers for no special reason"

This sign is listed under How He Relates to You and also under Gifts.

"You find deposit slips in his possession for someone else's bank account."

This sign is listed under Financial Affairs as well as under Physical Evidence.

Despite the title, "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs" actually contains 950 telltale signs. Additional signs were added before the final version was printed. Readers continue to send in signs they have personally discovered which did not appear in the book. These signs have been added to the e-book version of Is He Cheating on You? which is sold by Details on the 21 major categories of telltale signs appear below. For additional information on signs of infidelity visit Remember: you can't afford to be the last one to know. Find out before it's too late.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - 76 telltale signs

A man having an affair (or even thinking about having one) will want to make himself more attractive. He will begin to enhance his appearance in some way. Be alert for changes in his wardrobe, his grooming, his body, and his personal hygiene. These are usually the most visible signs of infidelity. If he embarks on a drastic self-induced makeover, it's probably not for you. More than likely he's trying to attract or impress someone else.

HOW HE RELATES TO YOU - 70 telltale signs

The way your husband relates to you can provide many telltale signs. His involvement with another woman will cause him to treat you differently -- even on a subconscious level. This is one of those areas where a wife can pick up signs of infidelity that a private investigator might otherwise overlook.

CONVERSATIONAL CLUES - 70 telltale signs

What your husband chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you to his involvement in an extramarital affair. He may mention new people, places and things, while the people, places and things he normally talks about are no longer a part of his conversation. Even his tone of voice can be an important telltale sign.

WORK HABITS - 39 telltale signs

Work is commonly used as an excuse to account for large blocks of time away from home. Men often use their jobs as a cover for their extramarital affairs. Your husband's work habits will undoubtedly change as his affair unfolds. Be on the lookout work-related telltale signs.

DAY-TO-DAY BEHAVIOR - 92 telltale signs

We are all creatures of habit. We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A man who is cheating will display changes of some kind in his normal patterns of behavior. Pay close attention to any deviations in your husband's daily routine. These deviations are telltale signs.

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - 52 telltale signs

Affairs cost money. If your husband has a lover, he'll want to wine her, dine her, entertain her and buy her occasional gifts. No matter how carefully he tries to cover his tracks, sooner or later this will be reflected in the family finances. Stay alert for financial signs of infidelity.

TRAVEL - 27 telltale signs

Your husband may not always be traveling for legitimate reasons. Even if he is, he may decide to combine business with a little pleasure. Travel affords a cheating unfaithful husband a unique opportunity to cheat away from prying eyes.


Be alert for changes in your husband's attitude, personality or behavior. Whether they are drastic or subtle, changes of this type are often an indication of infidelity.

ABSENCES - 39 telltale signs

Affairs generally require a considerable amount of time. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, your husband's absences will become increasingly more frequent as he tries to steal time from other activities so he can be with his lover.

TELEPHONE TIP-OFFS - 76 telltale signs

Illicit affairs depend on repeated contact; many of which take place by phone. These telltale signs of infidelity are relatively easy to find. Many men take the risk of calling their lovers from home or having their lovers call them at home. Many wives (like me) discover their husband's infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.

CAR CLUES - 40 telltale signs

Your husband's (or the family) car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the tire well, the underside of the visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information.

SEX - 37 telltale signs

Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your husband of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk for HIV/AIDS, herpes or e other sexually transmitted diseases.

EATING HABITS - 31 telltale signs

This is an area that wives usually overlook when checking for telltale signs. But your husband's eating habits can be influenced or affected by his lover. Without even realizing it, he may develop a preference for the type of food she eats, the way she likes her food prepared or the kind of restaurants in which she likes to eat. These are the types of telltale signs it would never occur to him to conceal.

SMELLS AND TASTES - 21 telltale signs

Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. You may be oblivious to it until it becomes replaced with something else. Pay close attention if your husband smells or tastes "different," or if something in your home or car just doesn't smell "right." It may warrant closer investigation.

INVASION OF YOUR HOME - 22 telltale signs

It's not uncommon for a man who's cheating to invite his lover to his home. When this happens, it's not unheard of for lovers to leave personal items behind--sometimes deliberately, for an unsuspecting wife to find. You will usually find evidence in your bedroom or bathroom if another woman has been in your home while you were away. But telltale signs of infidelity may turn up in other areas of your home, as well.

GIFTS - 19 telltale signs

Be especially vigilant around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged. During the holidays and various other times throughout the year, you may find gifts or cards hidden around your home or in the car. Receipts or credit card bills for gifts may turn up shortly before or after Christmas and Valentine's Day.

COMPUTER USE - 30 telltale signs

It's common these days for a cheating husband to use e-mail to communicate with his lover. Some of the telltale signs in this category may also be an indication of his involvement in an online or cyber affair. Don't take this lightly. These affairs can be as harmful to your marriage as the real thing. Though they may not involve sexual contact, the emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and can quickly progress from cyberspace to physical reality.


Today's technological advances make it easier for a husband to cheat on his wife. But it's also easier for a husband to get caught while trying to make contact or stay in touch with his lover.

PHYSICAL EVIDENCE - 32 telltale signs

Many times there's physical evidence just waiting to be found. Check your husband's wallet, his pants or jacket pockets, his desk or dresser drawers, the wastepaper basket, his closet shelves, the floor in the back of his closet, the garage, his study, filing cabinets, his workshop, his toolbox or any place else you can think of. Keep your eyes open. You'll be surprised at the kinds of physical evidence of infidelity you can find.


Studies show that a man is most likely to have an affair with someone he already knows--someone he comes in contact with on a regular basis - a neighbor, a coworker, a family friend or business associate. If you're observant, you may be able to determine the identity of your husband's lover by the way he behaves in her presence, or by how she behaves around him.


Sometimes you get lucky and find out what your husband has been up to by accident, or through some strange quirk of fate. An accidental slip-up on his part or on the part of someone else can clue you in to what's been happening behind your back.

Excerpts taken from "Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs." © 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.

Signs of Infidelity - 21 Categories of Telltale Signs

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Capricorn Horoscope in 2012

Capricorn 2012 Career and Work Horoscope

You excel when it comes to work and career in 2012. Your ambition and hard work are bound to pay off. Many of you will be offered a raise or a promotion.

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Some of you have been waiting to start a business and you will finally have the resources to start it this year. If you are employed, project that was on the back burner at work could also finally move full speed ahead. Unemployed Goats have an excellent chance of finding exactly the job they want in January.

One of the drawbacks of being successful is envy and jealousy from colleagues. Do not let resentful types interfere with your success.

It is also a good idea to keep your best concepts to yourself and work quietly behind the scenes to make things happens. Others are too eager to steal your ideas and take credit for them. Reign in your own tendency to be gossip and undermine your rivals on the job as well. Work on your own when possible.

Capricorns working in the areas of education, science or doing any kind of research will do especially well in 2012.

Capricorn 2012 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

If you can reign in your emotions your relationships will go well. Keep your relationships honest, sincere and simple. Do not bring negative people or gossips into your life just because you find them interesting. You should also avoid badmouthing someone who you think is your competition. The last six months of the year allow you to rebuild broken relationships and strengthen the ones you have if you can learn to forgive and forget.

Pluto in your sign has caused you emotional problems over the past few years. Envy, low-self-esteem and rivalry are affecting an important relationship. You have chances in 2011 to discuss these problems with a partner so take advantage of them.

If you are married the two of you should share your love with the community by doing good deeds and having friends over to celebrate. If single, comfort yourself when lonely by cooking dinner for friends.

Capricorn 2012 Finance and Money Horoscope

You will have no problem getting rich this year but you need to watch out for unexpected expenses in mid-June. You will find solutions to any financial emergencies that arise. Attempts to improve your credit rating will also be very successful as will any attempts to renegotiate the terms of a mortgage or loan.

Investing and buying property is also favored for Goats in 2012. Many of you will become landlords for the first time. You will also be lucky when you play the lottery.

Capricorn 2012 Health Horoscope

The first eight months of the year bring good health news for the Goat but the Fall could bring issues to do with the lungs and the stomach. Deal with any ailments quickly so that they do not become chronic and be sure to reduce stress levels in your life at the first sign of illness. Be sure to set aside money to take care of your teeth as this could become an issue as well in 2012.

More detailed horoscope: Capricorn Horoscope 2012

Capricorn Horoscope in 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Experian Dispute

Experian is a credit card information company that is British. In the mid 1990's they entered the U. S. market when they bought TRW Information Systems. Here is some additional information about them and how to file an Experian dispute if you need to do so.

To explain exactly what Experian is, it is easier to explain what they do. When you apply for a loan, whether it is a credit card, car loan or mortgage, the place where you are applying will request a report on your past credit history. Experian, along with TranUnion and Equifax are the three biggest companies that collect information for these reports. Some lending institutions only use one of them while others will use two or all three. These three companies charge a fee to the financial institutions for these reports. This is quite different than it was even 20 or 30 years ago when you went to get a loan. It used to be that local banks kept records on their customers but didn't have access to any other information. Now any financial instution around the world can access your credit history.

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The information contained in these reports will help determine if you are eligible for a loan and the interest rate you will have to pay on the loan. You may have seen advertisements for free credit reports or free credit scores. These are the companies that provide those reports also. Understand that most of these offers only give you a free report after you sign up for some type of paid service.

You can get a copy of your credit report directly from Experian by contacting them. Their fee is currently for this report and it will be mailed to you. It is not a bad idea to get a copy of your credit report every year or two so you can see if there is anything on it that doesn't belong. If you do see something that isn't correct, you can file a dispute. It is a good idea to file a dispute on any item that is even slightly questionable on your credit report. Remember that having poor credit will cost you more in interest when you do get a loan or even in some cases keep you from getting approved for a loan. Filing an Experian dispute is pretty easy and straightforward. Go to their web site and find the link for disputes. Then just follow the instructions.

Experian Dispute

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Necessary Items To Bring To An NFL Football Game

There is arguably nothing better than attending an NFL football game and experiencing all of the excitement surrounding this sporting event in person. For those who are unsure as to what to bring to the game, there are a few necessary items which all fans and spectators should not be without.

Proper Attire

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First and foremost, one who attends an NFL football game should wear the appropriate attire to ensure that their experience is a pleasurable one. Fans should wear comfortable clothing that is in keeping with the climate and weather. For example, if one is going to an NFL football game in the North, they should wear warm clothing and make it waterproof if snow or rain is a factor and the stadium is outdoors. On the other hand, one who goes to a Miami Dolphins game should dress comfortably in clothing which they will stay cool wearing.

Tailgating Items

Tailgating is a great pastime to take advantage of when going to an NFL game. This entails gathering in the stadium parking lot, chatting with other fans and eating some great tailgating food. One who is going to tailgate prior to the game should bring a cooler, food, beverages and any items necessary to cook their food. Many stadiums allow individuals to use portable grills in the parking lots which makes tailgating that much better.

Cash for Souvenirs and Food Inside the Stadium

Lastly, an individual who is going to an NFL game should make sure that they have enough cash on hand to buy certain items during the game. Items such as food, drinks and souvenirs are available for purchase inside football stadiums and fans should be sure to have cash handy to buy these items as many concessions do not take credit cards.

Necessary Items To Bring To An NFL Football Game